Useful links
Living in Göttingen
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research International Office
University of Göttingen "Guide to Göttingen"
FIZ - University of Göttingen fitness centre
Joining the 'Solar and Stellar Interiors' department
Lecture notes & Manuals
Lecture Notes on Stellar Oscillations (Christensen-Dalsgaard)
Local helioseismology, Living Reviews of Solar Physics (Gizon & Birch)
Essential Magnetohydrodynamics for Astrophysics (Spruit)
IMPRS Solar System Science Lecture notes
Handbook of Mathematical Functions
General Theory of Elastic Wave Scattering (Snieder)
How to write a clear and engaging paper (Sage); How to write an Abstract (Landes); Scrutiny of the Introduction(Claerbout); Betteridges Law of Headlines
Kepler, CoRot, SONG, Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), German Data Centre for SDO , SDO/HMI, SOHO/MDI, GONG
Publication databases
SolarNews(Newsletter of the Solar Physics Division of the AAS), NASA-ADS, > astro-ph , Göttingen University Catalogue, SOHO community meetings, Edmond (the Open Research Data Repository of the Max Planck Society).
GWDG , Cryptshare , Ganglia (password required), Software carpentry, Apache sub-version
MESA - open source stellar evolution code
Funding programmes in Germany, DFG (German Research Foundation)
For Students
International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen
Upcoming PhD defenses of the Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS) Göttingen