Research Departments
At a Glance
Tiny plasma jets on the Sun drive both the fast and the slow solar wind, as can be seen from data collected by ESA’s Solar Orbiter spacecraft. An international team of researchers led by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in ...
The organic material found in a few areas on the surface of dwarf planet Ceres is probably of exogenic origin. Impacting asteroids from the outer asteroid belt may have brought it with them. In the journal AGU Advances, a group of researchers led by ...
How do planets form from the disks of gas and dust that orbit around young stars? At the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in Germany, Joanna Drążkowska is investigating this question within the framework of a Lise Meitner Group of ...
A few hundred million years after its formation, the Moon may have been the scene of such immense volcanic activity that its entire crust melted several times and was completely churned through. At that time, the Moon orbited significantly closer to ...