Student opportunities
At MPS we are interested in a wide range of topics related to solar and stellar coronae. We employ spectroscopic, imaging, and stereoscopic techniques to analyse observations, mostly acquired by extreme UV solar telescopes and coronagraphs. On the side of theory and (numerical) simulations we use magnetic modelling to extrapolate magnetic fields and 3D magneto-static and magneto-hydrodynamic models to investigate the complex structure of the upper atmosphere and its dynamics.
PhD students joining our group will have access to highest quality solar observations and advanced numerical model to be run on super-computers and will find a stimulating environment to conduct their research. The applications for a PhD fellowship at MPS should be filed through the web pages of our International Max-Planck-Research School (IMPRS). The IMPRS pages provide more information on the PhD program of MPS.
In general, any topic related to the research of our group members might constitute a PhD project. The following list might provide some ideas on the types of projects that are available. Possible projects are not restricted to these suggestions, and any applicant is most welcome to suggest her or his own project that we then might discuss.
- NEW:
- Deciphering the magnetic origins of the Sun's hot corona
- Studying the upper solar atmosphere with Solar Orbiter
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- Structure & dynamics of the solar corona and its roots on the solar surface: extreme UV observations
- Code development to further improve coronal field extrapolations
- Thermal and magnetic structure of the solar corona: 3D magneto-hydrodynamic modeling
- Coronal activity of stars more active than our Sun in 3D magneto-hydrodynamic modeling
We also offer projects for Bachelor and Master’s theses for students. Possible projects are more limited in scope than the PhD projects, of course, but will deal with similar general topics. Please contact us if you are interested in a Bachelor or Master’s project.