Publications of Francisco Andres Iglesias
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
619, A179 (2018)
Detection of spatially structured scattering polarization of Sr I 4607.3 Å with the Fast Solar Polarimeter. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2.
Journal Article
590, A89 (2016)
High-resolution, high-sensitivity, ground-based solar spectropolarimetry with a new fast imaging polarimeter. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
Journal Article
54, pp. 5970 - 5975 (2015)
Smear correction of highly variable, frame-transfer CCD images with application to polarimetry. Applied Optics Conference Paper (2)
Conference Paper
504, pp. 325 - 326 (2016)
Fast Solar Polarimeter: Prototype Characterization and First Results. ASP Conference Series 5.
Conference Paper
489, pp. 271 - 277 (Eds. Nagendra, K. N.; Stenflo, J. O.; Qu, Z. Q.; Sampoorna, M.). Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Utah, USA (2014)
Fast Solar Polarimeter: Description and First Results. In: Solar Polarization 7, Vol. Talk (3)
GRISPlus am GREGOR: was ist das, und wozu braucht man das? Observatorio del Teide Technical Meeting 17, Staufen (2018)
Image restoration with a grating spectro-polarimeter at the SST and plans for GREGOR/GRIS. 2nd GREGOR/SOLARNET science meeting, Göttingen, Germany (2016)
Fast Solar Polarimeter. IAU Symposium 305 - From the Sun to Stars and Stellar Environments, Punta Leona, Costa Rica (2014)
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Development of a high-cadence, high-precision solar imaging polarimeter with application to the FSP prototype. Dissertation, Techn. Univ. Carolo-Wilhelmina, Braunschweig, Braunschweig (2016)