Publications of R. Gafeira
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
666, p. A21 (2022)
The European Solar Telescope. Astronomy and Astrophysics 2.
Journal Article
229, 7 (2017)
Oscillations on Width and Intensity of Slender Ca ii H Fibrils from Sunrise/SuFI. Astrophysical Journal, Suppl. Ser. 3.
Journal Article
229, 6 (2017)
Morphological Properties of Slender Ca II H Fibrils Observed by Sunrise II. Astrophysical Journal, Suppl. Ser. 4.
Journal Article
230 (1), 11 (2017)
Erratum: Morphological Properties of Slender Ca II H Fibrils Observed by SUNRISE II (vol 229, 6, 2017). Astrophysical Journal, Suppl. Ser. 5.
Journal Article
229 (1), 9 (2017)
Transverse Oscillations in Slender Ca II H Fibrils Observed with SUNRISE/SuFI. Astrophysical Journal, Suppl. Ser. Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
504 (Eds. Dorotovic, I.; Fischer, C. E.; Temmer, M.). Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco (2016)
Ground-based Observations of Sunspots from the Observatory of Coimbra: Evaluation of Different Automated Approaches to Analyse its Datasets. In: Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting: Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era Proceedings of a Meeting held at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal In 5-9 October 2015, Vol.