Publikationen von Reinald Kallenbach
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Zeitschriftenartikel (30)
217, 25 (2021)
The BepiColombo Laser Altimeter. Space Science Reviews 2.
599, A13 (2017)
Suprathermal helium in corotating interaction regions: combined observations from SOHO/CELIAS/STOF and ACE/SWICS. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
40 (6), S. 571 - 572 (2010)
ILMA Ion Laser Mass Analyser In-Situ Characterization of a Near Earth Object (NEO) for the MARCO POLO mission. Orig. Life Evol. Biosph. 4.
58, S. 2022 - 2030 (2010)
Mercurys global topography and tidal signal from laser altimetry by using a rectangular grid. Planetary and Space Science 5.
135 (3/2010), S. 173 - 178 (2010)
Bestimmung der Topographie und Lovezahl von Merkur aus simulierten Daten des BepiColombo-Laseraltimeters. Zeitschrift für Geodäsie, Geoinformation und Landmanagement 6.
6, S. 1 - 12 (2009)
Acceleration of the anomalous component of cosmic rays revisited. Astrophysics and Space Science Transactions 7.
23, S. 809 - 847 (2009)
Triple F-a comet nucleus sample return mission. Experimental Astronomy 8.
23 (3), S. 809 - 847 (2009)
Triple F—a comet nucleus sample return mission. Experimental Astronomy 9.
703, S. 325 - 329 (2009)
A Measurement of the Adiabatic Cooling Index for Interstellar Helium Pickup Ions in the Inner Heliosphere. Astrophysical Journal 10.
675, S. L45 - L48 (2008)
Evidence for Iroshnikov-Kraichnan-Type Turbulence in the Solar Wind Upstream of Interplanetary Traveling Shocks. Astrophysical Journal 11.
56, S. 1226 - 1237 (2008)
Simultaneous Determination of global Topography, tidal Love number and libration amplitude of Mercury by Laser altimetry. Planetary and Space Science 12.
130, S. 173 - 182 (2007)
Isotopic Composition of the Solar Wind Inferred from In-Situ Spacecraft Measurements. Space Science Reviews 13.
647, S. L69 - L72 (2006)
Estimating the thickness of the heliosheath from CELIAS/HSTOF and Voyager 1 data. Astrophysical Journal 14.
107 (A7), 1130 (2002)
Origin of the May 1998 suprathermal particles: Solar and Heliospheric Observatory/Charge, Element, and Isotope Analysis System Suprathermal Time of Flight results. Journal Geophysical Research 15.
89, S. 141 - 178 (1999)
The solar origin of corotating interaction regions and their formation in the inner heliosphere, Report of Working Group 1. Space Science Reviews 16.
24C (4), S. 415 - 419 (1999)
Solar wind isotopic abundance ratios of Ne, Mg, and Si measured by SOHO/CELIAS/MTOF as diagnostic tool for the inner corona. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 17.
89 (1-2), S. 351 - 359 (1999)
Origin, Injection and Acceleration of CIR Particles: Observations - Composition: Averages, Time Variations; Radial and Latitude Variations. Space Science Reviews 18.
89, S. 327 - 367 (1999)
Origin, injection, and acceleration of CIR particles: Observations. Space Science Reviews 19.
103, S. 17215 - 17222 (1998)
Iron freeze-in temperatures measured by SOHO/CELIAS/CTOF. Journal Geophysical Research 20.
103, S. 29697 - 29702 (1998)
Kinetic properties of solar wind minor ions and protons measured with SOHO/CELIAS. Journal Geophysical Research