Publications of Kinga Albert

Conference Paper (5)

Conference Paper
Albert, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Busse, D.; Lange, T.; Kolleck, M.; Fiethe, B.; Suárez, D. O.; Woch, J.; Schou, J.; Rodriguez, J. B. et al.; Gandorfer, A. M.; Guan, Y.; Carrascosa, J. P. C.; Expósito, D. H.; Iniesta, J. C. d. T.; Solanki, S. K.; Michalik, H.: Autonomous on-board data processing and instrument calibration software for the SO/PHI. In: Proceedings Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy V, Vol. 10707, 107070O. SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2018, Austin, Texas, USA. (2018)
Conference Paper
Lange, T.; Fiethe, B.; Michel, H.; Michalik, H.; Albert, K.; Hirzberger, J.: On-board processing using reconfigurable hardware on the solar orbiter PHI instrument. In: NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems, pp. 186 - 191. 2017 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS) , July 24, 2017 - July 26, 2017. (2017)

Talk (4)

Albert, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Kolleck, M.; Jorge, N. A.; Busse, D.; Rodriguez, J. B.; Carrascosa, J. P. C.; Fiethe, B.; Gandorfer, A. M.; Germerott, D. et al.; Guan, Y.; Guerrero, L.; Gutierrez-Marques, P.; Expósito, D. H.; Lange, T.; Michalik, H.; Suárez, D. O.; Schou, J.; Solanki, S. K.; Woch, J.: First results from SO/PHI’s on-board data reduction. AGU Fall Meeting, Online (2020)
Albert, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Gandorfer, A.; Woch, J.; Solanki, S. K.; Michalik, H.: Autonomous data reduction for the space-borne spectropolarimeter PHI. Annual meeting of the German Astrophysical Society 2017 - The many Scales of the Universe: Galaxies, their Suns, and their Planets, Göttingen, Germany (2017)
Albert, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Gandorfer, A.; Woch, J.; Solanki, S. K.; Michalik, H.: Autonomous flat field acquisition and correction techniques for the space-borne spectropolarimeter PHI. Rocks and Stars II, Göttingen, Germany (2017)
Albert, K.; Hizberger, J.; Woch, J.; Michalik, H.: On-board calibration of the PHI instrument on-board the Solar Orbiter: Autonomous flat fielding of the HRT. Ground and space-based instruments for future research in Solar Terrestrial physics, L'Aquila, Italy (2016)

Poster (1)

Albert, K.; Hirzberger, J.; Busse, D.; Rodrguez, J. B.; Castellanos Durán, J. S.; Carrascosa, J. P. C.; Fiethe, B.; Gandorfer, A. M.; Guan, Y.; Kolleck, M. et al.; Lange, T.; Michalik, H.; Solanki, S. K.; Iniesta, J. C. d. T.; Woch, J.: Performance analysis of the SO/PHI software framework for on-board data reduction. 28th annual international Astronomical Data Analysis Software & Systems (ADASS) conference, College Park, Maryland, USA (2019)
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