Publications of N. Krishnappa
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
: The European Solar Telescope. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, p. A21 (2022)
Journal Article
590, A89 (2016)
High-resolution, high-sensitivity, ground-based solar spectropolarimetry with a new fast imaging polarimeter. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
Journal Article
51 (33), pp. 7953 - 7961 (2012)
Precision in ground-based solar polarimetry: simulating the role of adaptive optics. Applied Optics 4.
Journal Article
8148, 81480S (2011)
Atmospheric turbulence and high-precision ground-based solar polarimetry. Proceedings of the SPIE 5.
Journal Article
270 (1), pp. 213 - 233 (2011)
Spectroscopic Observation of Oscillations in the Corona During the Total Solar Eclipse of 22 July 2009. Solar Physics Conference Paper (3)
Conference Paper
504, pp. 325 - 326 (2016)
Fast Solar Polarimeter: Prototype Characterization and First Results. ASP Conference Series 7.
Conference Paper
489, pp. 271 - 277 (Eds. Nagendra, K. N.; Stenflo, J. O.; Qu, Z. Q.; Sampoorna, M.). Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Utah, USA (2014)
Fast Solar Polarimeter: Description and First Results. In: Solar Polarization 7, Vol. 8.
Conference Paper
Reflectivity, polarization properties, and durability of metallic mirror coatings for the European Solar Telescope. Proceedings of the SPIE, p. 84503U-84503U-11 (2012)
Talk (1)
Fast Solar Polarimeter. IAU Symposium 305 - From the Sun to Stars and Stellar Environments, Punta Leona, Costa Rica (2014)