SUNRISE III: a balloon-borne Solar Observatory

Publications of Davina Innes

Journal Article (81)

Journal Article
Zouganelis, I.; Groof, A. D.; Walsh, A. P.; Williams, D. R.; Müller, D.; St Cyr, O. C.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Fludra, A.; Horbury, T. S. et al.: The Solar Orbiter Science Activity Plan: translating solar and heliospheric physics questions into action. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A3 (2020)
Journal Article
Bučík, R.; Fludra, A.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Innes, D.; Kellett, B.; Kumar, R.; Mackovjak, Š.: Spectroscopic EUV observations of impulsive solar energetic particle event sources. Astronomy and Astrophysics 617, A40 (2018)
Journal Article
Bučík, R.; Innes, D.; Mason, G. M.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.; Gómez-Herrero, R.; Nitta, N. V.: 3He-rich Solar Energetic Particles in Helical Jets on the Sun. The Astrophysical Journal 852, 76 (2018)
Journal Article
Gheibi, A.; Safari, H.; Innes, D.: Magnetoacoustic and Alfvénic black holes. The European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields 78, 662 (2018)
Journal Article
Attie, R.; Innes, D. E.; Solanki, S. K.; Glassmeier, K.-H.: Relationship between supergranulation flows, magnetic cancellation and network flares. Astronomy and Astrophysics 596, A15 (2016)
Journal Article
Bučík, R.; Innes, D. E.; Mason, G. M.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.: Energy spectra of 3He-rich solar energetic particles associated with coronal waves. J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 767, 012002 (2016)
Journal Article
Bučík, R.; Innes, D. E.; Mason, G. M.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.: Association of 3He-rich solar energetic particles with large-scale coronal waves. Astrophysical Journal 833, 63 (2016)
Journal Article
Chen, N.-H.; Innes, D. E.: Undercover EUV Solar Jets Observed by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph. Astrophysical Journal 833 (1), 22 (2016)
Journal Article
Innes, D. E.; Bučík, R.; Guo, L.-J.; Nitta, N.: Observations of solar X-ray and EUV jets and their related phenomena. Astron. Nachrichten 337, pp. 1024 - 1032 (2016)
Journal Article
Innes, D. E.; Heinrich, P.; Inhester, B.; Guo, L.-J.: Analysis of UV and EUV emission from impacts on the Sun after 2011 June 7 eruptive flare. Astronomy and Astrophysics 592, A17 (2016)
Journal Article
Kumar, P.; Innes, D. E.; Cho, K.-S.: Flare-Generated Shock Wave Propagation Through Solar Coronal Arcade Loops and an Associated Type II Radio Burst. Astrophysical Journal 828 (1), 28 (2016)
Journal Article
Li, D.; Innes, D. E.; Ning, Z. J.: Observations of solar flares with IRIS and SDO. Astronomy and Astrophysics 587, A11 (2016)
Journal Article
Mason, G. M.; Nitta, N. V.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.; Innes, D. E.: Evidence for a Common Acceleration Mechanism for Enrichments of He-3 And Heavy Ions in Impulsive SEP Events. Astrophysical Journal 823 (2), 138 (2016)
Journal Article
Attie, R.; Innes, D.: Magnetic balltracking: Tracking the photospheric magnetic flux. Astronomy and Astrophysics 574, A106 (2015)
Journal Article
Bučík, R.; Innes, D. E.; Chen, N.-H.; Mason, G. M.; Gomez-Herrero, R.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.: Long-lived energetic particle source regions on the Sun. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 642, 012002 (2015)
Journal Article
Bučík, R.; Innes, D. E.; Guo, L.; Mason, G. M.; Wiedenbeck, M. E.: Observations of EUV waves in 3He-rich solar energetic particle events. Astrophysical Journal 812 (1), 53 (2015)
Journal Article
Chen, N.-H.; Bučík, R.; Innes, D. E.; Mason, G. M.: Case studies of multi-day 3He-rich solar energetic particle periods. Astronomy and Astrophysics 580, A16 (2015)
Journal Article
Innes, D.; Guo, L.; Huang, Y.-M.; Bhattacharjee, A.: IRIS Si IV Line Profiles: An Indication for the Plasmoid Instability During Small-scale Magnetic Reconnection on the Sun. Astrophysical Journal 813, pp. 86 - 96 (2015)
Journal Article
Kumar, P.; Innes, D.: Partial Reflection and Trapping of a Fast-mode Wave in Solar Coronal Arcade Loops. Astrophysical Journal 803, pp. L23 - L29 (2015)
Journal Article
Panesar, N.; Sterling, A.; Innes, D.; Moore, R.: Destabilization of a Solar Prominence/Filament Field System by a Series of Eight Homologous Eruptive Flares Leading to a CME. Astrophysical Journal 811, pp. 5 - 15 (2015)

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