Department: Solar and Stellar Interiors

Publications of J.-P. Kuska

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.: Sausage mode instability of thin current sheet as a cause of magnetospheric substorms. Annales Geophysicae 17 (5), pp. 604 - 612 (1999)
Journal Article
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J. P.: Consequences of strong ion acceleration in current sheets and due to reconnection. Advances in Space Research 21 (4), pp. 567 - 572 (1998)
Journal Article
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.: Numerical simulation of three-dimensional reconnection due to the instability of collisionless current sheets. Advances in Space Research 19, pp. 1817 - 1822 (1997)
Journal Article
Kuska, J.-P.: Schreiben und Rechnen. Magazin für Computertechnik 2, p. 70 (1997)
Journal Article
Kuska, J.-P.: Frei im Raum. Magazin für Computertechnik 9, pp. 292 - 298 (1997)
Journal Article
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.: Formation of cup-like ion beam distributions in the plasma sheet bounary layer. J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 48, pp. 781 - 797 (1996)

Book (1)

Kuska, J.-P.: Mathematica und C in der modernen Theoretischen Physik. Springer, Berlin (1997), 365 pp.

Book Chapter (7)

Book Chapter
Kuska, J.-P.; Büchner, J.: Numerical Techniques - Vizualisation of three-dimensional plasma dynamics. In: Space Plasma Simulation, pp. 177 - 179 (Eds. Büchner, J.; Dum, C.; Scholer, M.). Copernicus Gesellschaft 2001 (2001)
Book Chapter
Kuska, J.-P.; Büchner, J.: The three-dimensional fully kinetic electromagnetic PIC simulation code GISMO. In: Plasma Astrophysics and Space Physics, Proc. VIIth Int. Conf. held in Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, May 4-8, 1998, pp. 645 - 652 (Eds. Büchner, J.; Axford, I.; Marsch, E.; Vasyliūnas, V.). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (1999)
Book Chapter
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.: Computer simulation of the three-dimensional decay of thin collisionless current sheets. In: Magnetospheric Research with Advanced Techniques, Proceedings of the 9th COSPAR Colloquium, pp. 179 - 187 (Eds. Xu, R. L.; Lui, A. T. Y.). Elsevier Science, Amsterdam (1998)
Book Chapter
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.; Nikutowski, B.; Wiechen, H.; Rustenbach, J.; Auster, U.; Fornacon, K. H.; Klimov, S.; Petrukovich, A.; Savin, S.: Three-dimensional reconnection in the Earth's magnetotail: simulations and observations. In: Geospace Mass an Energy Flow: Results from the International Solar-Terrestrial Physics Program, pp. 313 - 326 (Eds. Horwitz, J. L.; Galagher, D. L.; Peterson, W. K.). American Geophysical Union, Washington D. C. (1998)
Book Chapter
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.; Wiechen, H.: 18 - Numerical Modelling and Simulation for Multi-Spacecraft Data Analysis: Approaches and Examples. In: Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data, (SR-001), pp. 442 - 477 (Eds. Paschmann, G.; Daly, P. W.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk, Netherlands (1998)
Book Chapter
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.; Wilken, B.; Zong, Q.-G.: Heavy Ion Acceleration by Reconnection in the Magnetotail: Theory and Geotail Observations. In: Physics of the Magnetotail, pp. 181 - 192 (Eds. Nishida, A.; Cowley, S. W. H.; Baker, D.). American Geophysical Union, Washington D. C. (1998)
Book Chapter
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.: 3D collisionless reconnection through thin current sheets - Theory and self-consistent simulations. In: Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Substorms (ICS-3), Versailles, France 1996, (ESA SP-389). ESA Publ. Div.,, Noordwijk (1996)

Conference Paper (2)

Conference Paper
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.: Newly developed 3D PIC code and its application to reconnection. In: Proc. Fifth Int. School/Symp. for Space Simulations (ISSS-5), pp. 186 - 189. Kyoto University, Kyoto (1997)
Conference Paper
Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.: New results about the cause of sudden magnetic detachments by three-dimensional spontaneous magnetic reconnection. In: Proc. 31st ESLAB Symp. ``Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace'', ESTEC, pp. 131 - 138 (Ed. Wilson, A.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1997)

Report (1)

Büchner, J.; Kuska, J.-P.; Nikutowski, B.; Wiechen, H.: Datenauswertung INTERBALL - Schlußbericht. Forschungsberichte bei der Technischen Universitätsbibliothek Hannover (1998)

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