Publications of Tor Hagfors
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Journal Article (64)
Journal Article
113, E05004 (2008)
Dielectric properties of the Martian south polar layered deposits: MARSIS data inversion using Bayesian inference and genetic algorithm. Journal Geophysical Research 2.
Journal Article
128, pp. 413 - 432 (2007)
The comet nucleus sounding experiment by radiowave transmisssion (CONSERT): A short description of the instrument and of the commissioning stages. Space Science Reviews 3.
Journal Article
40 (3), pp. 365 - 376 (2007)
Artificial optical emissions in the high-latitude thermosphere induced by powerful radio waves: An observational review. Advances in Space Research 4.
Journal Article
316, pp. 92 - 95 (2007)
Subsurface radar sounding of the south polar layered deposits of Mars. Science 5.
Journal Article
111 (A2), A02305 (2006)
Effect of electrojet irregularities on DC current flow. Journal Geophysical Research 6.
Journal Article
24 (11), pp. 2901 - 2909 (2006)
The relationship between small-scale and large-scale ionospheric electron density irregularities generated by powerful HF electromagnetic waves at high latitudes. Annales Geophysicae 7.
Journal Article
24 (7), pp. 1819 - 1827 (2006)
Directional features of the downshifted peak observed in HF-induced stimulated electromagnetic emission spectra obtained using an interferometer. Annales Geophysicae 8.
Journal Article
23 (1), pp. 3 - 11 (2005)
Dynamic rayed aurora and enhanced ion-acoustic radar echoes. Annales Geophysicae 9.
Journal Article
23 (1), pp. 55 - 74 (2005)
An interferometer experiment to explore the aspect angle dependence of stimulated electromagnetic emission spectra. Annales Geophysicae 10.
Journal Article
71 (5), pp. 579 - 587 (2005)
Parametric resonances revisited: comparison with kinetic description. Journal of Plasma Physics 11.
Journal Article
310, pp. 1925 - 1928 (2005)
Radar soundings of the subsurface of Mars. Science 12.
Journal Article
109 (A11), A11307 (2004)
First 100 ms of HF modification at Tromso, Norway. Journal Geophysical Research 13.
Journal Article
22 (4), pp. 1115 - 1132 (2004)
Interferometric radar observations of filamented structures due to plasma instabilities and their relation to dynamic auroral rays. Annales Geophysicae 14.
Journal Article
38 (5), 1090 (2003)
Distortion of radar pulses by the Martian ionosphere. Radio Science 15.
Journal Article
30 (6), 1293 (2003)
Novel Fabry-Perot interferometer measurements of F-region ion temperature. Geophysical Research Letters 16.
Journal Article
30, 1338 (2003)
Interferometric observations of filamentary structures associated with plasma instability in the auroral ionosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 17.
Journal Article
38 (6), 1109 (2003)
Performance comparison of cross correlation and filled aperture imaging riometers. Radio Science 18.
Journal Article
38 (1), 1008 (2003)
Cometary surface layer properties: Possible approach to radio sounding retrieval during the CONSERT experiment - Numerical simulation and discussion. Radio Science 19.
Journal Article
29 (23), 2112 (2002)
High-latitude pump-induced optical emissions for frequencies close to the third electron gyro-harmonic. Geophysical Research Letters 20.
Journal Article
16, pp. 1 - 12 (2002)
The high-latitude artificial aurora of 21 February 1999: An analysis. Adv. Polar Upper Atmos. Res.