Publications of Erdal Yiğit
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
9, p. 857766 (2022)
Editorial: Coupling Processes in Terrestrial and Planetary Atmospheres. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2.
Journal Article
126 (8), e2021JE006899 (2021)
Gravity Wave Activity in the Martian Atmosphere at Altitudes 20–160 km From ACS/TGO Occultation Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 3.
Journal Article
73, pp. 4895 - 4909 (2016)
Global distribution of gravity wave sources and fields in the Martian atmosphere during equinox and solstice inferred from a high-resolution general circulation model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 4.
Journal Article
43, pp. 3095 - 3104 (2016)
Comparison of the Martian thermospheric density and temperature from IUVS/MAVEN data and general circulation modeling. Geophysical Research Letters 5.
Journal Article
42, pp. 9213 - 9222 (2015)
A global view of gravity waves in the Martian atmosphere inferred from a high-resolution general circulation model. Geophysical Research Letters 6.
Journal Article
42, pp. 8993 - 9000 (2015)
High-altitude gravity waves in the Martian thermosphere observed by MAVEN/NGIMS and modeled by a gravity wave scheme. Geophysical Research Letters 7.
Journal Article
42, pp. 4294 - 4300 (2015)
Gravity waves and high-altitude CO2 ice cloud formation in the Martian atmosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 8.
Journal Article
36, L14807 (2009)
Heating and cooling of the thermosphere by internal gravity waves. Geophysical Research Letters Talk (4)
The role and importance of gravity waves in the mesosphere and thermosphere of Mars. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2015)
Response of the Martian upper atmosphere to lower atmospheric dust storms: GCM study. Fifth international workshop on the Mars Atmosphere: Modelling and observations, Oxford, UK (2014)
Dynamical coupling between the lower Martian atmosphere and thermosphere. 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia (2014)
Influence of global dust storms on the mesosphere and lower thermosphere of Mars. European Planetary Science Congress 2014, Cascais, Portugal (2014)