Publications of A. Czechowski
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
34, pp. 104 - 108 (2004)
Anomalous helium ions as the source of energetic helium atoms in the outer heliosphere. Advances in Space Research 2.
Journal Article
379, p. 601 (2001)
Pick-up ions upstream and downstream of the termination shock. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
Journal Article
368, p. 622 (2001)
Anomalous cosmic rays and the generation of energetic neutrals in the region beyond the termination shock. Astronomy and Astrophysics 4.
Journal Article
106 (A11), p. 24907 (2001)
Viewing corotating interaction regions globally using energetic neutral atoms. Journal Geophysical Research 5.
Journal Article
87, pp. 25 - 41 (1999)
Acceleration of the high speed solar wind in coronal holes. Space Science Reviews 6.
Journal Article
335, pp. 303 - 308 (1998)
Heating and acceleration of minor ions in the solar wind. Astronomy and Astrophysics 7.
Journal Article
20, pp. 43 - 46 (1997)
Generalized sonic points and acceleration of multi-ion solar wind. Advances in Space Research Book Chapter (1)
Book Chapter
Scherer, K.; Fichtner, H.; Marsch, E.). Copernicus Gesellschaft e.V., Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany (2000)
10 - Energetic neutral atoms. In: The Outer Heliosphere: Beyond the Planets, pp. 235 - 250 (Eds. Conference Paper (12)
Conference Paper
Studying the heliosphere in energetic neutral H and He atoms above 30 keV/amu. Physics of the Outer Heliosphere, AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 64 - 69 (2004)
Conference Paper
Scherer, K.; Fichtner, H.; Fahr, H.-J.; Marsch, E.). Pergamon (2001)
Anomalous cosmic rays outside of the termination shock. In: Cospar Colloquia Series Vol 11 The outer heliosphere: The next frontiers, Proceedings of COSPAR Colloquium held in Potsdam, Germany 24-28 July 2000, p. 199 (Eds. 11.
Conference Paper
Deriving ACR shock spectrum from observations of the energetic neutral atoms. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Cosmic Ray Conference, Hamburg 2001, p. 4227. (2001)
Conference Paper
Scherer, K.; Fichtner, H.; Fahr, H.-J.; Marsch, E.). Pergamon (2001)
Doppler shifted photon emission expected due to reactions of energetic protons with the LISM atoms in the heliosphere. In: Cospar Colloquia Series Vol 11 The outer heliosphere: The next frontiers, Proceedings of COSPAR Colloquium held in Potsdam, Germany 24-28 July 2000, p. 281 (Eds. 13.
Conference Paper
Scherer, K.; Fichtner, H.; Fahr, H.-J.; Marsch, E.). Pergamon (2001)
Energetic neutral hydrogen of heliospheric origin observed with SOHO/CELIAS at 1 AU. In: Cospar Colloquia Series Vol 11 The outer heliosphere: The next frontiers, Proceedings of COSPAR Colloquium held in Potsdam, Germany 24-28 July 2000, p. 219 (Eds. 14.
Conference Paper
Scherer, K.; Fichtner, H.; Fahr, H.-J.; Marsch, E.). Pergamon (2001)
Energetic neutral helium of heliospheric origin at 1 AU. In: Cospar Colloquia Series Vol 11 The outer heliosphere: The next frontiers, Proceedings of COSPAR Colloquium held in Potsdam, Germany 24-28 July 2000, p. 219 (Eds. 15.
Conference Paper
Imaging the global distribution of anomalous cosmic rays. In: Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in the Heliosphere (Eds. Mewaldt, R. A.; Jokipii, J. R.; Lee, M. A.; Möbius, E.; Zurbuchen, T. H.). American Institute of Physics (2000)
Conference Paper
Low Energy ACR Beyond the Termination Shock as a Source of Energetic Neutrals: Models and Observations. In: 26th Int. Cosmic Ray Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, August 17-25, 1999, pp. 589 - 592 (Eds. Kieda, D.; Salamon, M.; Dingus, B.). The University of Utah (1999)
Conference Paper
Minor ions and acceleration of the fast solar wind. In: Plasma Astrophysics and Space Physics, Proc. VIIth Int. Conf. held in Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, May 4-8, 1998, pp. 593 - 598 (Eds.
Conference Paper
Heliospheric energetic Hydrogen Atoms as a Source of Interplanetary Energetic Protons. In: Proc. 9th Int. Solar Wind Conf. ``Solar Wind Nine'', Nantucket MA, USA, 5-9 October 1998, pp. 779 - 782 (Eds. Habbal, S. R.; Esser, R.; Hollweg, J. V.; Isenberg, P. A.). The American Institute of Physics, Woodbury, NY, USA (1999)
Conference Paper
Estimating the Fluxes of Energetic Neutral Atoms Produced from Ions Accelerated in Co-rotating Interaction Regions. In: 26th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, August 17-25, 1999, pp. 492 - 495 (Eds. Kieda, D.; Salamon, M.; Dingus, B.). The Universit y of Utah (1999)
Conference Paper
The fast solar wind and its source region. In: Proc. 31st ESLAB Symposium on Correlated Phenomena at the Sun, in the Heliosphere and in Geospace, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 22-25 September 1997, pp. 17 - 21 (Ed. Wilson, A.). ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk (1997)