Publications of P. Czechowsky
All genres
Journal Article (69)
Journal Article
70, 129 (2018)
VHF radar measurements of momentum flux using summer polar mesopause echoes. Earth, Planets, and Space 2.
Journal Article
12/2006, p. B99118 (2006)
Raumfahrtmedaillen - Zwei Medaillen eines Max-Planck-Instituts. Münzen und Papiergeld 3.
Journal Article
28, pp. 1471 - 1474 (2001)
Observations of Mesospheric Summer Echoes at VHF in the Polar Cap Region. Geophysical Research Letters 4.
Journal Article
102, pp. 23819 - 23828 (1997)
An investigation of measured temperature and VHF mesosphere summer echoes at midlatitudes. Journal Geophysical Research 5.
Journal Article
15 (8), pp. 1028 - 1036 (1997)
VHF radar observations of turbulent structures in the polar mesopause region. Annales Geophysicae 6.
Journal Article
23, pp. 2745 - 2748 (1996)
A Comparison of ambipolar diffusion coefficients in meteor trains using VHF radar and UV lidar. Geophysical Research Letters 7.
Journal Article
14 (11), pp. 1186 - 1191 (1996)
Gravity signatures at mesopause heights. Annales Geophysicae 8.
Journal Article
56, pp. 1969 - 1984 (1994)
Intercomparison of density and temperature profiles obtained by lidar, ionization gauges, falling spheres, datasondes and radiosondes during the DYANA campaign. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 9.
Journal Article
12 (8), pp. 746 - 764 (1994)
Field campaign for the comparison of SOUSY radar wind measurements with rawinsonde and model data. Annales Geophysicae 10.
Journal Article
12 (8), pp. 733 - 745 (1994)
Spatial variability of the aspect sensitivity of VHF radar echoes in the troposphere and lower stratosphere during jet stream passages. Annales Geophysicae 11.
Journal Article
12, pp. 733 - 745 (1993)
Temporal and Spatial Variability of Aspect Sensitivity of VHF Radar Echoes in the Lower Atmosphere. Annales Geophysicae 12.
Journal Article
Ground-Based Wind Observations in Northern Mid-Latitudes during the UARS Comparative Measurements Program. Advances in Space Research (1992)
Journal Article
21, pp. 50 - 55 (1991)
VHF-Radarmessungen in der Atmosphäre. PROMET 14.
Journal Article
42, pp. 136 - 142 (1990)
Design and Optimization of Large Phased Antenna Arrays. Meteorol. Rundschau 15.
Journal Article
52, pp. 907 - 926 (1990)
Multiple-frequency studies of the high-latitude summer mesosphere: Implication for scattering processes. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 16.
Journal Article
28, pp. 459 - 466 (1989)
Recent progress with the SOUSY VHF Radars. Handbook for MAP 17.
Journal Article
94, pp. 5199 - 5217 (1989)
VHF Radar Echoes Observed in the Summer and Winter Polar Mesosphere over Andoya, Norway. Journal Geophysical Research 18.
Journal Article
27, pp. 365 - 369 (1989)
VHF Radar Measurements over Andoya (Northern Norway). Handbook for MAP 19.
Journal Article
16, pp. 135 - 138 (1989)
First VHF Radar Measurements of Mesopause Summer Echoes at Mid-Latitudes. Geophysical Research Letters 20.
Journal Article
27, pp. 359 - 364 (1989)
VHF Radar Measurements in the Summer Polar Mesosphere. Handbook for MAP