Publications of M. de Val-Borro
All genres
Journal Article (21)
Journal Article
40, pp. 329 - 391 (2015)
The EChO science case. Experimental Astronomy 2.
Journal Article
564, A124 (2014)
Herschel observations of gas and dust in comet C/2006 W3 (Christensen) at 5 AU from the Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics 3.
Journal Article
553, A21 (2013)
Spatial distribution of water in the stratosphere of Jupiter from Herschel HIFI and PACS observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 4.
Journal Article
559, A48 (2013)
A survey of volatile species in Oort cloud comets C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) at millimeter wavelengths. Astronomy and Astrophysics 5.
Journal Article
774, L3 (2013)
A Herschel Study of D/H in Water in the Jupiter-family comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Pajdušáková and Prospects for D/H Measurements with CCAT. Astrophysical Journal 6.
Journal Article
774, L13 (2013)
Determination of an upper limit for the water outgassing rate of main-belt comet P/2012 T1 (Panstarrs). Astrophysical Journal 7.
Journal Article
539, A68 (2012)
Ammonia and other parent molecules in comet 10P/Tempel 2 from Herschel/HIFI and ground-based radio observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 8.
Journal Article
544, L15 (2012)
Herschel measurements of the D/H and 16O/18O ratios in water in the Oort-cloud comet C/2009 P1 (Garradd). Astronomy and Astrophysics 9.
Journal Article
545, A2 (2012)
Submillimetric spectroscopic observations of volatiles in comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz). Astronomy and Astrophysics 10.
Journal Article
546, L4 (2012)
An upper limit for the water outgassing rate of the main-belt comet 176P/LINEAR observed with Herschel/HIFI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 11.
Journal Article
413 (4), pp. 2679 - 2688 (2011)
Modelling circumbinary gas flows in close T Tauri binaries. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 12.
Journal Article
25, pp. 149 - 160 (2011)
Constraining Volatile Abundances in Comet C/2004 Q2 (Machholz). Advances in Geosciences 13.
Journal Article
478, pp. 218 - 220 (2011)
Ocean-like water in the Jupiter-family comet 103P/Hartley 2. Nature 14.
Journal Article
734, L1 (2011)
EPOXI: Comet 103P/Hartley 2 observations from a worldwide campaign. Astrophysical Journal 15.
Journal Article
518, L149 (2010)
A study of the distant activity of comet C/2006 W3 (Christensen) with Herschel and ground-based radio telescopes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 16.
Journal Article
521, L50 (2010)
Water production in comet 81P/Wild 2 as determined by Herschel/HIFI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 17.
Journal Article
521, L48 (2010)
First results on Martian carbon monoxide from Herschel/HIFI observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 18.
Journal Article
518, L150 (2010)
HIFI observations of water in the atmosphere of comet C/2008 Q3 (Garradd). Astronomy and Astrophysics 19.
Journal Article
521, L49 (2010)
Herschel/HIFI observations of Mars: First detection of O2 at submillimetre wavelengths and upper limits on HCl and H2O2. Astronomy and Astrophysics 20.
Journal Article
518, L152 (2010)
First results of Herschel-PACS observations of Neptune. Astronomy and Astrophysics