Publications of S. Haaland
All genres
Journal Article (96)
Journal Article
Geomagnetic Response to Rapid Increases in Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure: Event Detection and Large Scale Response. FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES (2022)
Journal Article
126 (5), e2021JA029205 (2021)
The Relationship Between Large Scale Thermospheric Density Enhancements and the Spatial Distribution of Poynting Flux. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 3.
Journal Article
126 (11), e2021JA029538 (2021)
Curlometer Technique and Applications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 4.
Journal Article
126 (1), 2020JA028722 (2021)
High‐Density Magnetospheric He+ at the Dayside Magnetopause and Its Effect on Magnetic Reconnection. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 5.
Journal Article
126 (3), e2020JA028852 (2021)
Heavy Metal and Rock in Space: Cluster RAPID Observations of Fe and Si. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 6.
Journal Article
126 (8), e2021JA029362 (2021)
20 Years of Cluster Observations: The Magnetopause. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 7.
Journal Article
921 (1), 76 (2021)
Prediction of Soft Proton Intensities in the Near-Earth Space Using Machine Learning. The Astrophysical Journal 8.
Journal Article
126 (2), e2020JA028409 (2021)
A New Concept to Measure the Ambipolar Electric Field Driving Ionospheric Outflow. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 9.
Journal Article
8, 745264 (2021)
Quantification of Cold-Ion Beams in a Magnetic Reconnection Jet. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 10.
Journal Article
28 (12), 122901 (2021)
Spatial evolution of magnetic reconnection diffusion region structures with distance from the X-line. Physics of Plasmas 11.
Journal Article
126 (6), e2021JA029313 (2021)
Results of the Electron Drift Instrument on Cluster. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 12.
Journal Article
126 (9), e2021JA029678 (2021)
Anomalous Reconnection Layer at Earth's Dayside Magnetopause. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 13.
Journal Article
126 (11), e2021JA029742 (2021)
Quantifying the Lobe Reconnection Rate During Dominant IMF By Periods and Different Dipole Tilt Orientations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 14.
Journal Article
59 (3), e2020RG000707 (2021)
Impacts of Ionospheric Ions on Magnetic Reconnection and Earth's Magnetosphere Dynamics. Reviews of Geophysics 15.
Journal Article
125 (10), e2019JA027541 (2020)
Convection in the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System: A Multimission Survey of Its Response to IMF By Reversals. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 16.
Journal Article
6, 78 (2020)
Cluster and MMS Simultaneous Observations of Magnetosheath High Speed Jets and Their Impact on the Magnetopause. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 17.
Journal Article
125 (2), e2019JA027596 (2020)
Suprathermal Fe in the Earth's Plasma Environment: Cluster RAPID Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 18.
Journal Article
125 (3), e2019JA027623 (2020)
Characteristics of the Flank Magnetopause: MMS Results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 19.
Journal Article
125 (11), e2020JA028084 (2020)
Seasonal and Hemispheric Asymmetries of F Region Polar Cap Plasma Density: Swarm and CHAMP Observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 20.
Journal Article
38 (2), pp. 491 - 505 (2020)
Estimating the fate of oxygen ion outflow from the high-altitude cusp. Annales Geophysicae