Publications of A. K. Richter
All genres
Journal Article (19)
Journal Article
102, pp. 2147 - 2155 (1997)
Quantitative model of the Martian magnetopause shape and its variation with the solar wind ram pressure based on Phobos 2 observations. Journal Geophysical Research 2.
Journal Article
98 (A2), pp. 1303 - 1309 (1993)
The dependence of the Martian magnetopause and bow shock on the solar wind ram pressure according to PHOBOS 2/TAUS spectrometer measurements. Journal Geophysical Research 3.
Journal Article
38 (1/2) (1991)
Low energy charged particles in near Martian space from the SLED and LET experiments aboard the PHOBOS-2 spacecraft. Planetary and Space Science 4.
Journal Article
39, pp. 153 - 166 (1991)
Low energy charged particles in near Martian space from the SLED and LET experiments aboard the PHOBOS-2 spacecraft. Planetary and Space Science 5.
Journal Article
39, pp. 57 - 66 (1991)
Energetic particle composition measurements from PHOBOS 2: Results of the LET experiment. Planetary and Space Science 6.
Journal Article
39, pp. 47 - 56 (1991)
Interplanetary variability recorded by the SLED instrument aboard the PHOBOS spacecraft during that period of solar cycle 22 characterized by a transition from solar minimum - to solar maximum dominated conditions. Planetary and Space Science 7.
Journal Article
9, pp. 348 - 356 (1991)
Interplanetary variability in particle fluxes recorded by the low enrgy charged particle detector SLED (∼30 keV-30 MeV) during the cruise phase of the PHOBOS mission to Mars and its moons. Annales Geophysicae 8.
Journal Article
38 (1/2) (1991)
Interplanetary variability recorded by the SLED instrument aboard the PHOBOS spacecraft during that period of solar cycle 22 characterized by a transient from solar minimum - to solar maximum dominated conditions. Planetary and Space Science 9.
Journal Article
96, pp. 19315 - 19320 (1991)
On the problem of the Martian atmosphere dissipation: PhOBOS 2 TAUS spectrometer results. Journal Geophysical Research 10.
Journal Article
39, pp. 131 - 137 (1991)
Ions of planetary origin in the Martian magnetosphere (Phobos 2/Taus experiment). Planetary and Space Science 11.
Journal Article
A290, pp. 211 - 216 (1990)
The Phobos low energy telescope charged particle experiment. Nucl. Instr. Metho in Phys. Res. 12.
Journal Article
A290, pp. 217 - 222 (1990)
The low energy particle detector SLED (∼30 keV-3.2 MeV) and its performance on the PHOBOS Mission and its moons. Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research 13.
Journal Article
6, pp. 319 - 324 (1988)
Helios observational constraints on the development of interplanetary slow shocks. Annales Geophysicae 14.
Journal Article
5A, pp. 71 - 82 (1987)
On the equation of state and collision time for a multicomponent, anisotropic solar wind. Annales Geophysicae 15.
Journal Article
14, pp. 987 - 990 (1987)
Acceleration of cometary plasma in the vicinity of comet Halley associated with an interplanetary magnetic field polarity change. Geophysical Research Letters 16.
Journal Article
91, pp. 13694 - 13698 (1986)
Tangential Discontinuities in the Solar Wind: Correlated Field and Velocity Changes and the Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability. Journal Geophysical Research 17.
Journal Article
89, pp. 6599 - 6612 (1984)
Helios observational constraints on solar wind expansion. Journal Geophysical Research 18.
Journal Article
89, pp. 5386 - 5394 (1984)
Distribution of solar wind angular momentum between particles and magnetic field: Inferences about the Alfvén critical point from Helios observations. Journal Geophysical Research 19.
Journal Article
84, pp. 1453 - 1463 (1979)
Dynamics of low-energy electrons (gt; 17 keV) and ions (gt; 80 keV) in the vicinity of the low-latitude, duskside magnetopause: Helios 1 and 2 observations. Journal Geophysical Research Book (1)
Understanding Physics. Copernicus Gesellschaft e. V., Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany (1998)