Publications of Peter Strub
All genres
Journal Article (12)
Journal Article
3, p. 69 (2022)
Student Dust Counter Status Report: The First 50 au. The Planetary Science Journal 2.
Journal Article
73, 93 (2021)
Modelling cometary meteoroid stream traverses of the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) spacecraft en route to Phobos. Earth, Planets and Space 3.
Journal Article
2 (5), 185 (2021)
Collisional Evolution of the Inner Zodiacal Cloud. The Planetary Science Journal 4.
Journal Article
216, 144 (2020)
Mercury Dust Monitor (MDM) Onboard the Mio Orbiter of the BepiColombo Mission. Space Science Reviews 5.
Journal Article
643, A96 (2020)
Helios spacecraft data revisited: detection of cometary meteoroid trails by following in situ dust impacts. Astronomy and Astrophysics 6.
Journal Article
626, A37 (2019)
Interstellar dust in the solar system: model versus in situ spacecraft data. Astronomy and Astrophysics 7.
Journal Article
172, pp. 22 - 42 (2019)
Modelling DESTINY+ interplanetary and interstellar dust measurements en route to the active asteroid (3200) Phaethon. Planetary and Space Science 8.
Journal Article
621, A54 (2019)
Heliospheric modulation of the interstellar dust flow on to Earth. Astronomy and Astrophysics 9.
Journal Article
812, pp. 139 - 154 (2015)
Sixteen Years of Ulysses Interstellar Dust Measurements in the Solar System. I. Mass Distribution and Gas-To-Dust Mass Ratio. Astrophysical Journal 10.
Journal Article
812, pp. 141 - 165 (2015)
Sixteen Years of Ulysses Interstellar Dust Measurements in the Solar System. III. Simulations and Data Unveil New Insights into Local Interstellar Dust. Astrophysical Journal 11.
Journal Article
812, pp. 140 - 154 (2015)
Sixteen Years of Ulysses Interstellar Dust Measurements in the Solar System. II. Fluctuations in the Dust Flow from the Data. Astrophysical Journal 12.
Journal Article
552, A130 (2013)
The filtering of interstellar dust in the solar system. Astronomy and Astrophysics Conference Paper (1)
Conference Paper
Interstellar Dust Flow through the Solar System. In: Dusty/Complex Plasmas: Basic and Interdisciplinary Research, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas (Eds. Nosenko, V. Y.; Shukla, P. K.; Thoma, M. H.; Thomas, H. M.). (2011)
Talk (9)
Cometary meteoroid trail simulations for the DESTINY+ mission to the active asteroid (3200) Phaethon. Meteoroids 2022, online (2022)
The interstellar dust size distribution. Meteoroids 2022, online (2022)
Micrometeoroid predictions for MMX and Destiny+ using the IMEM2 dust model. Meteoroids 2022, online (2022)
Ulysses Spacecraft in situ detections of Cometary Dust Trails. International Symposium on Dust & Parent Bodies 2022 (IDP2022)
, Online (2022)
Predictions of Cometary Meteoroid Stream Traverses for the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX) Mission. 1st European Hypervelocity Impact Risk Assessment Forum, Online (2021)
Ulysses spacecraft data revisited: Detection of cometary meteoroid streams by following in situ dust impacts. European Planetary Science Congress 2021, Online (2021)
Dust Modelling for the Destiny+ Cruise Phase to (3200) Phaethon. ESA Topical Team Meeting for the Deep Space Gateway
, Canterbury, U.K. (2019)