Publications of Nicolas Thomas
All genres
Journal Article (70)
Journal Article
516, pp. 6009 - 6040 (2022)
CO2-driven surface changes in the Hapi region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 2.
Journal Article
195, pp. 243 - 250 (2022)
A numerical model of dust particle impacts during a cometary encounter with application to ESA's Comet Interceptor mission. Acta Astronautica 3.
Journal Article
52 (36), pp. 8732 - 8746 (2013)
Space-qualified laser system for the BepiColombo Laser Altimeter. Applied Optics 4.
Journal Article
167 (1), pp. 129 - 135 (2004)
9969 Braille: Deep Space 1 infrared spectroscopy, geometric albedo, and classification. Icarus 5.
Journal Article
52 (9), pp. 853 - 866 (2004)
The microscope for Beagle 2. Planetary and Space Science 6.
Journal Article
51 (6), pp. 435 - 442 (2003)
Scientific rationale for the D-CIXS X-ray spectrometer on board ESA's SMART-1 mission to the Moon. Planetary and Space Science 7.
Journal Article
51 (6), pp. 427 - 433 (2003)
The D-CIXS X-ray mapping spectrometer on SMART-1. Planetary and Space Science 8.
Journal Article
31 (12), pp. 2583 - 2589 (2003)
Comparative study of the dust emission of 19P/Borrelly (Deep Space 1) and 1P/Halley. Advances in Space Research 9.
Journal Article
397, pp. 1109 - 1122 (2003)
Long-term optical spectrophotometric monitoring of comet C/1995 OI (Hale-Bopp). Astronomy and Astrophysics 10.
Journal Article
392, pp. 335 - 339 (2002)
Visible and near-infrared spectroscopy of the Centaur 32532 (2001 PT13). ESO Large Programm on TNOs and Centaurs: First spectroscopy results. Astronomy and Astrophysics 11.
Journal Article
395 (1), pp. 297 - 303 (2002)
ESO large program on physical studies of Transneptunian Objects and Centaurs: Visible photometry - First results. Astronomy and Astrophysics 12.
Journal Article
89 (1-4), pp. 301 - 324 (2002)
The Deep Space 1 encounter with comet 19P/Borrelly. Earth, Moon and Planets 13.
Journal Article
30 (8), pp. 1901 - 1907 (2002)
The D-CIXS X-ray spectrometer, and its capabilities for lunar science. Advances in Space Research 14.
Journal Article
29 (2), pp. 175 - 181 (2002)
Optical properties of the Martian aerosols in the visible spectral range. Advances in Space Research 15.
Journal Article
50 (9), pp. 865 - 870 (2002)
The effect of surface texture on the mineralogical analysis of chondritic meteorites using Raman spectroscopy. Planetary and Space Science 16.
Journal Article
296, pp. 1087 - 1091 (2002)
Observations of Comet 19P/Borrelly by the Miniature Integrated Camera and Spectrometer Aboard Deep Space 1. Science 17.
Journal Article
29 (8), p. 1137 (2002)
Preface. Advances in Space Research 18.
Journal Article
106 (Issue E8), pp. 17609 - 17622 (2001)
The MVACS Robotic Arm Camera. Journal Geophysical Research 19.
Journal Article
106, pp. 29899 - 29910 (2001)
Detection of [SIV] 10.5 /mu emission from the Io plasma torus. Journal Geophysical Research 20.
Journal Article
375, pp. 651 - 660 (2001)
Gravity Field Determination of a Comet Nucleus: Rosetta at P/Wirtanen. Astronomy and Astrophysics