Publications of Stefan Meining

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Anderson, M.; Appourchaux, T.; Auchère, F.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Barbay, J.; Baudin, F.; Beardsley, S.; Bocchialini, K.; Borgo, B.; Bruzzi, D. et al.: The Solar Orbiter SPICE instrument: An extreme UV imaging spectrometer. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A14 (2020)
Journal Article
Rochus, P.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Harra, L.; Schmutz, W.; Schühle, U.; Addison, P.; Appourchaux, T.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Baker, D. et al.: The Solar Orbiter EUI instrument: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager. Astronomy and Astrophysics 642, A8 (2020)
Journal Article
Halain, J.-P.; Mazzoli, A.; Meining, S.; Rochus, P.; Renotte, E.; Auchere, F.; Schühle, U.; Delmotte, F.; Dumesnil, C.; Philippon, A. et al.: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager of Solar Orbiter: Optical Design and Alignment Scheme. Proceedings of the SPIE 9604, 96040H (2015)
Journal Article
Halain, J.‐.; Rochus, P.; Renotte, E.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Harra, L.; Schühle, U.; Schmutz, W.; Zhukov, A.; Aznar Cuadrado, R. et al.: The extreme UV imager of solar orbiter: from detailed design to flight model. Proceedings of the SPIE 9144, 914408 (2014)
Journal Article
Fludra, A.; Griffin, D.; Caldwell, M.; Eccleston, P.; Cornaby, J.; Drummond, D.; Grainger, W.; Greenway, P.; Grundy, T.; Howe, C. et al.: SPICE EUV Spectrometer for the Solar Orbiter Mission. Proceedings of the SPIE 8862, p. 0F1 ‐ 0F15 (2013)
Journal Article
Schühle, U.; Halain, J.-P.; Meining, S.; Teriaca, L.: The Lyman-alpha telescope of the extreme ultraviolet imager on Solar Orbiter. Proceedings of the SPIE 8148, 81480K (2011)

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Bruns, S.; Britze, C.; Vergöhl, M.; Feller, A.; Meining, S.: UV bandpass filters based on Ta2O5 and ZrO2 for solar observation. In: Proceedings International Conference on Space Optics — ICSO 2020, Vol. 11852, 118521P . (2021)
Conference Paper
Mazzoli, A.; Halain, J. -.; Auchère, F.; Barbay, J.; Meining, S.; Philippon, A.; Morinaud, G.; Roose, S.; Hellin, M. -.; Jacques, L. et al.: Optical alignment of the solar orbiter eui flight instrument. In: ICSO 2018 - International Conference on Space Optics, Vol. 11180, 111801O. (2019)
Conference Paper
Halain, J.-P.; Renotte, E.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Delmotte, F.; Harra, L.; Schmutz, W.; Schühle, U.; Aznar Cuadrado, R.; Dumesnil, C. et al.: The EUI flight instrument of Solar Orbiter: from optical alignment to end-to-end calibration. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Vol. 10699, pp. 106990H-1 - 106990H-10 (Eds. den Herder, J.-W.; Nikzad, S.; Nakazawa, K.). SPIE, Austin, Texas, USA (2018)
Conference Paper
Caldwell, M. E.; Morris, N.; Griffin, D. K.; Eccleston, P.; Anderson, M.; Santos, C. P.; Bruzzi, D.; Tustain, S.; Howe, C.; Davenne, J. et al.: The VUV instrument SPICE for Solar Orbiter: ground testing of performance. Proceedings of the SPIE 10397, (2017)

Talk (3)

Mazzoli, A.; Halain, J.-P.; Auchère, F.; Barbay, J.; Meining, S.; Philippon, A.; Morinaud, G.; Roose, S.; Hellin, M.-L.; Jacques, L. et al.: Optical alignment of the Solar Orbiter EUI flight instrument. International Conference on Space Optics - ICSO 2018 , Chania, Greece (2018)
Halain, J.-P.; Mazzoli, A.; Meining, S.; Rochus, P.; Renotte, E.; Auchère, F.; Schühle, U.; Delmotte, F.; Dumesnil, C.; Philippon, A. et al.: The Extreme Ultraviolet Imager of Solar Orbiter: Optical Design and Alignment Scheme. Solar Physics and Space Instrumentation VI, San Diego, USA (2015)
Halain, J.-P.; Rochus, P.; Renotte, E.; Auchère, F.; Berghmans, D.; Harra, L.; Schühle, U.; Schmutz, W.; Zhukov, A.; Cuadrado, R. A. et al.: The extreme UV imager of solar orbiter: from detailed design to flight model. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray, Montreal, Canada (2014)