Publications of Pedro Lacerda

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Chen, Y.-T.; Lin, H. W.; Holman, M. J.; Payne, M. J.; Fraser, W. C.; Lacerda, P.; Ip, W.-H.; Chen, W.-P.; Kudritzki, R.-P.; Jedicke, R. et al.: Discovery of a New Retrograde Trans-Neptunian Object: Hint of a Common Orbital Plane for Low Semimajor Axis, High-Inclination TNOs and Centaurs. Astrophysical Journal 827 (2), L24 (2016)
Journal Article
Gourgeot, F.; Carry, B.; Dumas, C.; Vachier, F.; Merlin, F.; Lacerda, P.; Barucci, M. A.; Berthier, J.: Near-infrared spatially resolved spectroscopy of (136108) Haumea's multiple system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 593, A19 (2016)
Journal Article
Lorek, S.; Gundlach, B.; Lacerda, P.; Blum, J.: Comet formation in collapsing pebble clouds. What cometary bulk density implies for the cloud mass and dust-to-ice ratio. Astronomy and Astrophysics 587, A128 (2016)
Journal Article
Muntean, E. A.; Lacerda, P.; Field, T. A.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Fraser, W. C.; Hunniford, A. C.; McCullough, R. W.: A laboratory study of water ice erosion by low-energy ions. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 462 (3), pp. 3361 - 3367 (2016)
Journal Article
Skorov, Y.; Reshetnyk, V.; Lacerda, P.; Hartogh, P.; Blum, J.: Acceleration of cometary dust near the nucleus: application to 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 461 (4), pp. 3410 - 3420 (2016)
Journal Article
Hsieh, H. H.; Hainaut, O.; Novakovic, B.; Bolin, B.; Denneau, L.; Fitzsimmons, A.; Haghighipour, N.; Kleyna, J.; Kokotanekova, R.; Lacerda, P. et al.: Sublimation-Driven Activity in Main-Belt Comet 313P/Gibbs. Astrophysical Journal 800 (1), L16 (2015)
Journal Article
Pfalzner, S.; Davies, M. B.; Gounelle, M.; Johansen, A.; Muenker, C.; Lacerda, P.; Zwart, S. P.; Testi, L.; Trieloff, M.; Veras, D.: The formation of the solar system. Physica Scripta 90 (6), 068001 (2015)
Journal Article
Hsieh, H. H.; Denneau, L.; Fitzimmons, A.; Hainaut, O. R.; Ishiguro, M.; Jedicke, R.; Kaluna, H. M.; Keane, J. V.; Kleyna, J.; Lacerda, P. et al.: Search for the Return of Activity in Active Asteroid 176P/Linear. Astronomical Journal 147 (4), 89 (2014)
Journal Article
Lacerda, P.; Fornasier, S.; Lellouch, E.; Kiss, C.; Vilenius, E.; Santos-Sanz, P.; Rengel, M.; Mueller, T.; Stansberry, J.; Duffard, R. et al.: The Albedo-Color Diversity of Transneptunian Objects. Astrophysical Journal 793 (1), L2 (2014)

Talk (4)

Lorek, S.; Lacerda, P.; Gundlach, B.; Blum, J.: Compression of pebbles in collapsing pebble clouds. Planet Formation and Evolution, Duisburg, Germany (2016)
Bardyn, A.; Hilchenbach, M.; Briois, C.; Kissel, J.; Koch, A.; Langevin, Y.; Schulz, R.; Silen, J.; Altwegg, K.; Colangeli, L. et al.: COSIMA - In-situ dust particles measurements in the inner coma of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #47, Washington DC, USA (2015)
Hilchenbach, M.; Langevin, Y.; Engrand, C.; Merouane, S.; Stenzel, O.; Kissel, J.; Briois, C.; Koch, A.; Schulz, R.; Silen, J. et al.: In-Situ Cometary Particle Measurements in the Inner Coma of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, Texas, USA (2015)
Lorek, S.; Lacerda, P.; Gundlach, B.; Blum, J.: Compaction of ice pebbles in collapsing pebble clouds and the dust-to-ice ratio of comets. European Planetary Science Congress 2015, Nantes, France (2015)

Poster (4)

Lorek, S.; Lacerda, P.; Blum, J.: Comet formation in collapsing pebble clouds: pebble formation. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #48, Pasadena, USA (2016)
Lorek, S.; Lacerda, P.; Gundlach, B.; Blum, J.: Size matters? Monomer radius and the transition from fractal to compact ice aggregates. 615. WE-Heraeus-Seminar "How primitive are comets?", Bad Honnef, Germany (2016)
Paquette, J.; Altobelli, N.; Altwegg, K.; Briois, C.; Colangeli, L.; Cottin, H.; Baklouti, D.; Bardyn, A.; Engrand, C.; Fischer, H. et al.: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2015)
Paquette, J.; Altobelli, N.; Altwegg, K.; Briois, C.; Colangeli, L.; Cottin, H.; Baklouti, D.; Bardyn, A.; Engrand, C.; Fischer, H. et al.: COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyimov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2015)