Schunker, H.; Gizon, L.; Cameron, R. H.; Birch, A. C.: Helioseismology of sunspots: how sensitive are travel times to the Wilson depression and to the subsurface magnetic field? Astronomy and Astrophysics 558, A130 (2013)
Woodard, M.; Schou, J.; Birch, A. C.; Larson, T. P.: Global-oscillation eigenfunction measurements of solar meridional flow. Solar Physics 287 (1-2), pp. 129 - 147 (2013)
Felipe, T.; Braun, D.; Crouch, A.; Birch, A.: Scattering of the f-mode by small magnetic flux elements from observations and numerical simulations. Astrophysical Journal 757, 148 (2012)
Birch, A.; Gizon, L.; Hanasoge, S.; Langfellner, J.: Ist die Konvektion im Sonneninneren langsamer als gedacht? In: Jahrbuch 2013, n/a. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, München (2013)
Gottschling, N.; Schunker, H.; Birch, A.; Gizon, L.: Evolution of Flows around Emerging Active Regions. Astronomical Institute at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany (2019)
Gottschling, N.; Schunker, H.; Birch, A.; Gizon, L.: Evolution of Flows around Emerging Active Regions. 234th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society , St. Louis, Missouri, USA (2019)
Proxauf, B.; Gizon, L.; Löptien, B.; Birch, A.; Schou, J.; Bogart, R. S.: On the latitude dependence of Rossby waves in the Sun. 234th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, St. Louis, USA (2019)
Proxauf, B.; Gizon, L.; Löptien, B.; Birch, A.; Schou, J.; Bogart, R. S.: Exploring the latitude and depth dependence of solar Rossby waves. 2nd Max Planck Partner Group Workshop on Solar Physics, Mumbai, India (2019)
Ferret, R. Z.; Gizon, L.; Birch, A.; Cameron, R.: New insights on the depth of an average supergranule through forward modeling in time-distance helioseismology. Rocks \& Stars II, Göttingen, Germany (2017)
Langfellner, J.; Birch, A. C.; Gizon, L.: The wave-like nature of solar supergranulation - revisited. Rocks and Stars II Conference, Goettingen, Germany (2017)
Liang, Z.-C.; Birch, A. C.; Duvall Jr., T. L.; Gizon, L.; Schou, J.: Helioseismic travel-time measurements of solar meridional from SDO/HMI and SOHO/MDI. 15th European Solar Physics Meeting, Budapest, Hungary (2017)
Langfellner, J.; Gizon, L.; Birch, A. C.: Evolution of solar intermediate-scale convection. Seismology of the Sun and Distant Stars (HELAS8/SPACEINN/TASC2/KASC9), Angra do Heroismo, Portugal (2016)
Löptien, B.; Birch, A. C.; Duvall{} Jr., T. L.; Gizon, L.; Schou, J.: Measuring active region inflows with local correlation tracking. Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields - a conference in honor of Manfred Schuessler, Goslar, Germany (2016)
Schunker, H.; Birch, A. C.; Braun, D. C.: Constraining the common properties of active region formation using the SDO/HEAR dataset. SDO 2016: Unraveling the Sun's Complexity, Burlington, Vermont, USA (2016)
A star’s chemical composition strongly influences the ultraviolet radiation it emits into space and thus the conditions for the emergence of life in its neighbourhood.
A single star has provided information about the collision of the Milky Way with the dwarf galaxy Gaia-Enceladus. The event likely took place approximately 11.5 billion years ago.