Davidsson, B.; Stern, S. A.; Kofman, W.; Hilchenbach, M.; Rotundi, A.; Bentley, M.; Hofstadter, M.; Sierks, H.; Altwegg, K.; Nilsson, H.et al.; Burch, J. L.; Eriksson, A. I.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Henri, P.; Carr, C. M.; Pätzold, M.; Capaccioni, F.; Boehnhardt, H.; Bibring, J.-P.; Fulle, M.; Fulchignoni, M.; Gruen, E.; Weissman, P. R.; Taylor, M.; Buratti, B. J.; Choukroun, M.; Altobelli, N.; Snodgrass, C.: The Rosetta mission: Clues on the origin of comet nuclei. DPS meeting #48, Pasadena, USA (2016)
Huybrighs, H.; Futaana, Y.; Barabash, S.; Wieser, M.; Wurz, P.; Krupp, N.; Roussos, E.; Fränz, M.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Vermeersen, B.: Feasibility study of the in-situ detectability of Europa's neutral and plasma plumes from a flyby mission. Europa-Enceladus Plumes Workshop, Pasadene, Caltech, USA (2016)
Huybrighs, H.; Futaana, Y.; Barabash, S.; Wieser, M.; Wurz, P.; Krupp, N.; Glassmeier, K.-H.; Vermeersen, B.: Feasibility study of in-situ measurements of Europas neutral and plasma plumes with JUICE/PEP. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2016)
Auster, H.-U.; Heinisch, P.; Apathy, I.; Berghofer, G.; Fornacon, K.-H.; Hilchenbach, M.; Koenders, C.; Remizov, A.; Richter, I.; Glassmeier, K.-H.: ROMAP Magnetic Field Measurements in the Surface Boundary Layer of the Nucleus of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2015)
Huybrighs, H.; Roussos, E.; Krupp, N.; Fränz, M.; Futaana, Y.; Barabash, S.; Glassmeier, K.-H.: The search for Europa plume signatures in Galileo plasma particle data. Magnetospheres of the Outer planets conference (MOP), Uppsala, Sweden (2017)
A star’s chemical composition strongly influences the ultraviolet radiation it emits into space and thus the conditions for the emergence of life in its neighbourhood.
A single star has provided information about the collision of the Milky Way with the dwarf galaxy Gaia-Enceladus. The event likely took place approximately 11.5 billion years ago.