Connecting Solar and stellar Variabilities (SOLVe)

Publications of Stefan Schröder

Journal Article (16)

Journal Article
Hicks, M. D.; Buratti, B. J.; Lawrence, K. J.; Hillier, J.; Li, J.-Y.; Reddy, V.; Schröder, S.; Nathues, A.; Hoffmann, M.; Le Corre, L. et al.; Duffard, R.; Zhao, H.-B.; Raymond, C.; Russell, C.; Roatsch, T.; Jaumann, R.; Rhoades, H.; Mayes, D.; Barajas, T.; Truong, T.-T.; Foster, J.; McAuley, A.: Spectral diversity and photometric behavior of main-belt and near-Earth vestoids and (4) Vesta: A study in preparation for the Dawn encounter. Icarus 235, pp. 60 - 74 (2014)
Journal Article
Schröder, S. E.; Maue, T.; Gutierrez-Marques, P.; Mottola, S.; Aye, K. M.; Sierks, H.; Keller, H. U.; Nathues, A.: In-flight calibration of the Dawn Framing Camera. Icarus 226 (2), pp. 1304 - 1317 (2013)
Journal Article
Karkoschka, E.; Schröder, S. E.; Tomasko, M. G.; Keller, H. U.: The reflectivity spectrum and opposition effect of Titan's surface observed by Huygens' DISR spectrometers. Planetary and Space Science 60, pp. 342 - 355 (2012)
Journal Article
McCord, T. B.; Li, J.-Y.; Combe, J.-P.; McSween, H. Y.; Jaumann, R.; Reddy, V.; Tosi, F.; Williams, D. A.; Blewett, D. T.; Turrini, D. et al.; Palomba, E.; Pieters, C. M.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Ammannito, E.; Capria, M. T.; Le Corre, L.; Longobardo, A.; Nathues, A.; Mittlefehldt, D. W.; Schroeder, S. E.; Hiesinger, H.; Beck, A. W.; Capaccioni, F.; Carsenty, U.; Keller, H. U.; Denevi, B. W.; Sunshine, J. M.; Raymond, C. A.; Russell, C. T.: Dark material on Vesta from the infall of carbonaceous volatile-rich material. Nature 491, pp. 83 - 86 (2012)
Journal Article
Mittlefehldt, D. W.; Beck, A. W.; Ammannito, E.; Carsenty, U.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Le Corre, L.; McCoy, T. J.; Reddy, V.; Schröder, S. E.: Geologic structures in crater walls on Vesta. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 47, p. A275 - A275 (2012)
Journal Article
Reddy, V.; Nathues, A.; Le Corre, L.; Sierks, H.; Li, J.-Y.; Gaskell, R.; McCoy, T.; Beck, A. W.; Schröder, S. E.; Pieters, C. M. et al.; Becker, K. J.; Buratti, B. J.; Denevi, B.; Blewett, D. T.; Christensen, U.; Gaffey, M. J.; Gutierrez-Marques, P.; Hicks, M.; Keller, H. U.; Maue, T.; Mottola, S.; McFadden, L. A.; McSween, H. Y.; Mittlefehldt, D.; O'Brien, D. P.; Raymond, C.; Russell, C.: Color and Albedo Heterogeneity of Vesta from Dawn. Science 336, pp. 700 - 704 (2012)
Journal Article
Schroeder, S. E.; Karkoschka, E.; Lorenz, R. D.: Bouncing on Titan: Motion of the Huygens probe in the seconds after landing. Planetary and Space Science 73 (1), pp. 327 - 340 (2012)
Journal Article
McFadden, L. A.; Sykes, M.; Joy, S.; Tricarico, P.; O'Brien, D.; Li, J. Y.; Mutchler, M.; Memarsadeghi, N.; Safavi, H.; Gutierrez-Marques, P. et al.; Nathues, A.; Mottola, S.; Sierks, H.; Schroder, S.; Polansky, C.; Jacobson, R.; Russell, C. T.; Raymond, C. A.; Rayman, M.; Weinstein-Weiss, S.; Palmer, E.: Does Vesta Have Moons? Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 46, p. A154 - A154 (2011)
Journal Article
Nathues, A.; Russell, C. T.; Raymond, C.; Christensen, U.; Sierks, H.; Jaumann, R.; Keller, H. U.; Mottola, S.; Neukum, G.; Hoffmann, M. et al.; Le Corre, L.; Reddy, V.; Schroeder, S. E.; Li, J.-Y.; Buratti, B. J.; Gutierrez-Marques, P.; Buettner, I.; Hall, I.; Maue, T.; Richards, M.; The Dawn Sci Team: Dawn at Vesta: First Results from the Framing Cameras. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 46, p. A176 - A176 (2011)
Journal Article
Sierks, H.; Keller, H. U.; Jaumann, R.; Michalik, H.; Behnke, T.; Bubenhangen, F.; Büttner, I.; Carsentry, U.; Christensen, U.; Enge, R. et al.; Fiethe, B.; Gutiérrez Marqués, P.; Hartwig, H.; Krüger, H.; Kühne, W.; Maue, T.; Mottola, S.; Nathues, A.; Reiche, K.-U.; Richards, M. L.; Roatsch, T.; Schröder, S. E.; Szemerey, I.; Tschentscher, M.: The Dawn Framing Camera. Space Science Reviews 163, pp. 263 - 327 (2011)
Journal Article
Keller, H. U.; Barbieri, C.; Koschny, D.; Lamy, P.; Rickman, H.; Rodrigo, R.; Sierks, H.; A'Hearn, M. F.; Angrilli, F.; Barucci, M. A. et al.; Bertaux, J.-L.; Cremonese, G.; Da Deppo, V.; Davidsson, B.; De Cecco, M.; Debei, S.; Fornasier, S.; Fulle, M.; Groussin, O.; Gutierrez, P. J.; Hviid, S. F.; Ip, W.-H.; Jorda, L.; Knollenberg, J.; Kramm, J. R.; Kührt, E.; Küppers, M.; Lara, L.-M.; Lazzarin, M.; Moreno, J. L.; Marzari, F.; Michalik, H.; Naletto, G.; Sabau, L.; Thomas, N.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Bertini, I.; Besse, S.; Ferri, F.; Kaasalainen, M.; Lowry, S.; Marchi, S.; Mottola, S.; Sabolo, W.; Schröder, S. E.; Spjuth, S.; Vernazza, P.: E-type Asteroid (2867) Steins as Imaged by OSIRIS on Board Rosetta. Science 327, pp. 190 - 193 (2010)
Journal Article
Schröder, S. E.; Keller, H. U.; Gutierrez, P.; Hviid, S. F.; Kramm, R.; Sabolo, W.; Sierks, H.: Evidence for surface variegation in Rosetta OSIRIS images of asteroid 2867 Steins. Planetary and Space Science 58, pp. 1107 - 1115 (2010)
Journal Article
Schröder, S. E.; Keller, H. U.: The unusual phase curve of Titan's surface observed by Huygens Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer. Planetary and Space Science 57, pp. 1963 - 1974 (2009)
Journal Article
Keller, H. U.; Grieger, B.; Küppers, M.; Schröder, S. E.; Skorov, Y. V.; Tomasko, M. G.: The properties of Titan's surface at the Huygens landing site from DISR observations. Planetary and Space Science 56, pp. 728 - 752 (2008)
Journal Article
Schröder, S. E.; Keller, H.-U.: The reflectance spectrum of Titan's surface at the Huygens landing site determined by the Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer. Planetary and Space Science 56, pp. 753 - 769 (2008)
Journal Article
Karkoschka, E.; Tomasko, M. G.; Doose, L. R.; See, C.; McFarlane, E. A.; Schröder, S. E.; Rizk, B.: DISR imaging and the geometry of the descent of the Huygens probe within Titan's atmosphere. Planetary and Space Science 55 (13), pp. 1896 - 1935 (2007)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Schröder, S. E.: Investigating the surface of titan with the descent imager/spectral radiometer onboard huygens. Dissertation, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen (2007)

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