Connecting Solar and stellar Variabilities (SOLVe)

Publications of Patrick Bambach

Journal Article (4)

Journal Article
Sorsa, L.-I.; Takala, M.; Bambach, P.; Deller, J.; Vilenius, E.; Agarwal, J.; Carroll, K. A.; Karatekin, Ö.; Pursiainena, S.: Tomographic inversion of gravity gradient field for a synthetic Itokawa model. Icarus 336, 113425 (2020)
Journal Article
Sorsa, L.-I.; Takala, M.; Bambach, P.; Deller, J.; Vilenius, E.; Pursiainen, S.: Bistatic Full-wave Radar Tomography Detects Deep Interior Voids, Cracks, and Boulders in a Rubble-pile Asteroid Model. The Astrophysical Journal 872 (1), A44 (2019)
Journal Article
Takala, M.; Bambach, P.; Deller, J.; Vilenius, E.; Wittig, M.; Lentz, H.; Braun, H. M.; Kaasalainen, M.; Pursiainen, S.: Far-Field Inversion for the Deep Interior Scanning CubeSat. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 55 (4), pp. 1683 - 1697 (2019)
Journal Article
Bambach, P.; Deller, J.; Vilenius, E.; Pursiainen, S.; Takala, M.; Braun, H. M.; Lentz, H.; Wittig, M.: DISCUS – The Deep Interior Scanning CubeSat mission to a rubble pile near-Earth asteroid. Advances in Space Research 62 (12), pp. 3357 - 3368 (2018)

Conference Paper (4)

Conference Paper
Bambach, P.; Deller, J.; Martel, J.; Vilenius, E.; Goldberg, H.; Sorsa, L. I.; Pursiainen, S.; Takala, M.; Wurster, A.; Braun, H. M. et al.; Lentz, H.; Jutzi, M.; Wittig, M.; Chitu , C. C.; Ritter, B.; Karatekin, A.: What's inside a rubble pile asteroid? DiSCUS - A tomographic twin radar Cubesat to find out. In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, Vol. 2018-October. (2018)
Conference Paper
Bambach, P.; Krupp, N.; Fränz, M.; Szemerey, I.; Fischer, H.; Heumüller, P.; Herdrich, G.: A ground calibration facility for ion and electron spectrometers on the bepicolombo and juice missions. In: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, Vol. 2018-October. (2018)
Conference Paper
Fernandez-Rico, G.; Alvarez-Copano, M.; Deutsch, W.; Gandorfer, A. M.; Ramanath, S.; Staub, J.; Bambach, P.; Torralbo, I.: Thermal vacuum and balance test of the ESA Solar Orbiter Instrument PHI. In: International Conference on Environmental Systems. (2018)
Conference Paper
Takala, M.; Bambach, P.; Deller, J.; Vilenius, E.; Wittig, M.; Lentz, H.; Braun, H. M.; Pursiainen, S.: CubeSat Based Radio Tomography for a Rubble Pile Asteroid: DISCUS Mission Concept. In: 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (AT-RASC). 2nd URSI AT-RASC, Gran Canaria, Spain, May 28, 2018 - June 01, 2018. (2018)

Talk (6)

Bambach, P.; Huret, T.; Krupp, N.; Fränz, M.; Heumüller, P.; Fischer, H.; Szemerey, I.; Herdrich, G.; Roussos, E.; the PEP/JEI Team: Calibration of Electrostatic Analyzers to Study Planetary Magnetospheres and Icy Moons. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, Geneva, Switzerland (2019)
Bambach, P.; Krupp, N.; Fränz, M.; Heumüller,, P.; Fischer, H.; Szemerey, I.; Roussos, E.: Calibration of Electrostatic Analysers to Study Planetary Magnetospheres and Icy Moons. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, Geneva, Switzerland (2019)
Deller, J.; Vilenius, E.; Roders, O.; Karatekin, Ö.; Pursiainen, S.; Wada, K.; Tortora, P.; Kohout, T.; Bambach, P.: Asteroid In-situ Interior Investigation - 3way: Understanding the formation processes and evolution of small solar system bodies. EPSC-DPS Joint Meeting 2019, Geneva, Switzerland (2019)
Takala, M.; Bickel, V. T.; Bambach, P.; Braun, H. M.; Pursiainen, S.: The Stepped Frequency GPR: A Proposal to investigate the Lunar Subsurface. EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria (2019)
Vilenius, E.; Herbon, C.; Bambach, P.; Deller, J.; Pursiainen, S.; Takala, M.; Sorsa, L.-I.; Braun, H. M.; Lentz, H.; Wittig, M.: Preparing for the DISCUS mission: Target selection and radiation environment. Asteroids and Comets - Inside Out Workshop (ACIO2018), Tampere, Finland (2018)
Bambach, P.; Deller, J.; Vilenius, E.: What is a rubble pile asteroid? DISCUS The Deep Interior Scanning CubeSat mission to a near-Earth rubble pile asteroid will find out. Rocks \& Stars II, Göttingen, Germany (2017)

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