Bhatia, T. S.; Panja, M.; Cameron, R. H.; Solanki, S. K.: 3D radiative MHD simulations of starspots: II. Large-scale structure. Astronomy and Astrophysics 693, p. A264 (2025)
Bekki, Y.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: The Sun's differential rotation is controlled by high-latitude baroclinically unstable inertial modes. Science Advances 10, p. eadk5643 (2024)
Bhatia, T. S.; Cameron, R.; Peter, H.; Solanki, S.: Small-scale dynamo in cool stars. III. Changes in the photospheres of F3V to M0V stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 681, p. A32 (2024)
Breu, C. A.; Peter, H.; Solanki, S. K.; Cameron, R.; De Moortel, I.: Non-thermal broadening of coronal lines in a 3D MHD loop model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (2024)
Finley, A. J.; Brun, A. S.; Strugarek, A.; Cameron, R.: How well does surface magnetism represent deep Sun-like star dynamo action? Astronomy and Astrophysics 684, p. A92 (2024)
Bekki, Y.; Cameron, R. H.: Three-dimensional non-kinematic simulation of the post-emergence evolution of bipolar magnetic regions and the Babcock-Leighton dynamo of the Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics 670, p. A101 (2023)
Weisshaar, E.; Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M.: No evidence for synchronization of the solar cycle by a "clock". Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, p. A87 (2023)
Baumgartner, C.; Birch, A. C.; Schunker, H.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Impact of spatially correlated fluctuations in sunspots on metrics related to magnetic twist. Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, p. A183 (2022)
Bekki, Y.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Theory of solar oscillations in the inertial frequency range: Amplitudes of equatorial modes from a nonlinear rotating convection simulation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 666, p. A135 (2022)
Bekki, Y.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Theory of solar oscillations in the inertial frequency range: Linear modes of the convection zone. Astronomy and Astrophysics 662, p. A16 (2022)
Bhatia, T. S.; Cameron, R. H.; Solanki, S. K.; Peter, H.; Przybylski, D.; Witzke, V.; Shapiro, A.: Small-scale dynamo in cool stars. I. Changes in stratification and near-surface convection for main-sequence spectral types. Astronomy and Astrophysics 663, p. A166 (2022)
Biswas, A.; Karak, B. B.; Cameron, R.: Toroidal Flux Loss due to Flux Emergence Explains why Solar Cycles Rise Differently but Decay in a Similar Way. Physical Review Letters 129, p. 241102 (2022)
Gottschling, N.; Schunker, H.; Birch, A.; Cameron, R. H.; Gizon, L.: Testing solar surface flux transport models in the first days after active region emergence. Astronomy and Astrophysics 660, A6 (2022)
The European Space Agency (ESA) has given the green light to build the flight models of the spacecraft and science payload for the PLATO mission to search for extrasolar planets.
In the "Solar and Stellar Interiors" department, Laurent Gizon, Jesper Schou, Aaron Birch, Robert Cameron and others offer PhD projects in solar physics and astrophysics. Helioseismology and asteroseismology are used as important tools to study the oscillating Sun and stars.
The longest-serving solar observatory in space has turned 25 and is still making significant contributions to solar research. Its old age has become an important merit.