Tian, H.; Marsch, E.; Tu, C.; Curdt, W.; He, J.: New views on the emission and structure of the solar transition region. New Astron. Rev. 54, pp. 13 - 30 (2010)
Tian, H.; Tu, C.-Y.; Xia, L.-D.; He, J.-S.: Radiance and Doppler shift distributions across the network of the quiet Sun. Astronomy and Astrophysics 489 (3), pp. 1297 - 1306 (2008)
Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.: Anisotropy regulation and plateau formation through pitch-angle diffusion of solar wind protons in resonance with cyclotron waves. Journal Geophysical Research 107 (A9), 1249 (2002)
Tu, C.-Y.; Wang, L.-H.; Marsch, E.: Formation of the proton beam distribution in high-speed solar wind. Journal Geophysical Research 107 (A10), 1291 (2002)
Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.: Heating and acceleration of coronal ions interacting with plasma waves through cyclotron and Landau resonance. Journal Geophysical Research 106, pp. 227 - 238 (2001)
Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.: Evidence for pitch angle diffusion of solar wind protons in resonance with cyclotron waves. Journal Geophysical Research 106, pp. 8357 - 8361 (2001)
Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.: On cyclotron wave heating and acceleration of solar wind ions in the outer corona. Journal Geophysical Research 106, pp. 8233 - 8252 (2001)
Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.; Wilhelm, K.: Hydrogen temperature gradient in the transition region of a solar coronal hole. Astronomy and Astrophysics 359, pp. 381 - 385 (2000)
Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.; Heinzel, P.; Wilhelm, K.; Curdt, W.: Proton and hydrogen temperatures at the base of the solar polar corona. Astronomy and Astrophysics 347, pp. 676 - 683 (1999)
Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.; Wilhelm, K.; Curdt, W.: Ion temperatures in a solar coronal hole observed by SUMER on SOHO. Astrophysical Journal 503, pp. 475 - 482 (1998)
Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.: The effects of high-frequency Alfvén waves on coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 319, pp. L17 - L20 (1997)
Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.: Intermittency, non-Gaussian statistics and fractal scaling of MHD fluctuations in the solar wind. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 4, pp. 101 - 124 (1997)
Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.: Two-fluid model for heating of the solar corona and acceleration of the solar wind by high-frequency Alfvén waves. Solar Physics 171, pp. 363 - 391 (1997)
Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.; Ivory, K.; Schwenn, R.: Pressure enhancement associated with meridional flow in high-speed solar wind: Possible evidence for an interplanetary magnetic flux rope. Annales Geophysicae 15 (2), pp. 137 - 142 (1997)
Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.: Spatial evolution of the magnetic field spectral exponent in the solar wind: Helios and Ulysses comparison. Journal Geophysical Research 101, pp. 11149 - 11152 (1996)
Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.; Rosenbauer, H.: Multifractal scaling of the kinetic energy flux in solar wind turbulence. Annales Geophysicae 14 (3), pp. 259 - 269 (1996)
Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.; Rosenbauer, H.: An extended structure-function model and its application to the analysis of solar wind intermittency properties. Annales Geophysicae 14 (3), pp. 270 - 285 (1996)
The European Space Agency (ESA) has given the green light to build the flight models of the spacecraft and science payload for the PLATO mission to search for extrasolar planets.
In the "Solar and Stellar Interiors" department, Laurent Gizon, Jesper Schou, Aaron Birch, Robert Cameron and others offer PhD projects in solar physics and astrophysics. Helioseismology and asteroseismology are used as important tools to study the oscillating Sun and stars.
The longest-serving solar observatory in space has turned 25 and is still making significant contributions to solar research. Its old age has become an important merit.