Publications of B. Heber

Journal Article (7)

Journal Article
Dalla, S.; Balogh, A.; Heber, B.; Lopate, C.: Further indications of a ∼ 140 day recurrence in energetic particle fluxes at 1 and 5 AU from the Sun. Journal Geophysical Research 106, p. 5721 (2001)
Journal Article
Heber, B.; Keppler, E.; Marsden, R.; Tranquille, C.; Blake, B. J.; Fränz, M.: The Evolution of the anomalous cosmic ray oxygen spectra during U}lysses slow descent in 1995 to 1998: {COSPIN/LET} and {EPAC observations. Space Science Reviews 97, pp. 363 - 366 (2001)
Journal Article
Heber, B.; Keppler, E.; Marsden, R.-G.; Tranquille, C.; Blake, B.; Fränz, M.: The evolution of the anomalous cosmic ray oxygen spectra from 1995 to 1998: Ulysses observations. Space Science Reviews 97, pp. 363 - 366 (2001)
Journal Article
Burger, R. A.; Potgieter, M. S.; Heber, B.: Rigidity dependent of cosmic-ray proton latitudinal gradients measured by the Ulysses spacecraft: Implications for the diffusion tensor. Journal Geophysical Research 105 (A12) (2000)
Journal Article
Burger, R. A.; Potgieter, M. S.; Heber, B.: Rigidity dependence of cosmic ray proton latitudinal gradients measured by the Ulysses spacecraft: Implications for the diffusion tensor. Journal Geophysical Research 105, p. 27447 (2000)
Journal Article
Ferreira, S. E. S.; Potgieter, M. S.; Burger, R. A.; Heber, B.: Modulation effects of anisotropic perpendicular diffusion on cosmic ray electron intensities in the heliosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 105, pp. 18305 - 18314 (2000)
Journal Article
Heber, B.; Potgieter, M. S.: Galactic cosmic ray observations at different heliospheric latitudes. Advances in Space Research 26 (5), pp. 839 - 852 (2000)

Book Chapter (3)

Book Chapter
Heber, B.; Blake, J. B.; Fränz, M.; Keppler, E.: Evolution of cosmic ray fluxes during the rising phase of solar cycle 23: ULYSSES EPAC and COSPIN/KET observations. In: Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in the Heliosphere (Eds. Mewaldt, R. A.; Jocipii, J. R.; Lee, M. A.; Moebius, E.; Zurbuchen, T.). American Institute of Physics (2000)
Book Chapter
Heber, B.; Blake, J. B.; Paizis, C.; Bothmer, V.; Kunow, H.; Müller-Mellin, R.; Wibberenz, G.; Burger, R. A.; Potgieter, M. S.: Recurrent modulation of galactic cosmic ray electrons and protons: Ulysses COSPIN/KET observations. In: Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in the Heliosphere (Eds. Mewaldt, R. A.; Jocipii, J. R.; Lee, M. A.; Moebius, E.; Zurbuchen, T.). American Institute of Physics (2000)
Book Chapter
Heber, B.; Keppler, E.; Blake, J. B.; Fraenz, M.; Kunow, H.: Evolution of cosmic ray fluxes. In: Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in the Heliosphere, p. 349 (Eds. Mewaldt; Jokipii; Lee; Moebius; Zurbuchen). Melville, N. Y. (2000)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Heber, B.; Blake, J. B.; Fränz, M.; Keppler, E.: Evolution of cosmic ray fluxes during the rising phase of solar cycle 23: ULYSSES EPAC and COSPIN/KET observations. In: Acceleration and transport of energetic particles observed in the heliosphere, AIP Conf. Proc. 528, pp. 349 - 352 (Eds. Mewaldt, R. A.; Jocipii, J. R.; Lee, M. A.; Moebius, E.; Zurbuchen, T.). American Institue of Physics (2000)