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Keller, H. U.; Markiewicz, W. J.: KOSI? Geophysical Research Letters 18 (2), pp. 249 - 252 (1991)
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Kirsch, E.; Keppler, E.; Witte, M.; Rosenbauer, H.; Livi, S.; Schwingenschuh, K.; McKenna-Lawlor, S. M. P.; Afonin, V. V.; O'Sullivan, D.; Thompson, A.: Pick-up ions (Eo+ > 55 keV) measured near Mars by Phobos-2 in February/March 1989. Annales Geophysicae 9, pp. 761 - 767 (1991)
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Kirsch, E.; Keppler, E.; Witte, M.; Rosenbauer, H.; Livi, S.; Schwingenshuh, K.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Afonin, V. V.; O'Sullivan, D.; Thompson, A.: Pickup ions ( E O+ > 55 keV) measured near Mars by Phobos-2 in February/March 1989. Annales Geophysicae 9, pp. 761 - 767 (1991)
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Klostermeyer, J.: Two- and three-dimensional parametric instabilites in finite-amplitude internal gravity waves. Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 61, pp. 1 - 25 (1991)
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Kochan, H.; Markiewicz, W. J.; Keller, H. U.: KOSI: Gas drag derived from ice/dust-particle trajectories. Geophysical Research Letters 18 (2), pp. 273 - 276 (1991)
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Kozochkina, A. A.; Leonas, V. B.; Witte, M.: Probabilities of multiple electron emission from thin (∼ 50Å) carbon foils after impact of neutral oxygen at energies between 30 and 200 keV. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B62, pp. 51 - 57 (1991)
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Kunitake, M.; Schlegel, K.: Neutral winds in the lower thermosphere at high latitudes from five years of EISCAT data. Annales Geophysicae 9, pp. 143 - 155 (1991)
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Larsen, M. F.; Röttger, J.: VHF radar measurements of in-beam incidence angles and associated vertical-beam radial velocity corrections. J. Atmos. Ocean. Techn. 8, pp. 477 - 490 (1991)
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Liu, C. H.; Röttger, J.; Dester, G.; Franke, S. J.; Pan, C.-J.: The oblique spaced antenna method for measuring the atmospheric wind field. J. Atmos. Ocean. Techn. 8, pp. 247 - 258 (1991)
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Lundin, R.; Sandahl, I.; Woch, J.; Elphinstone, R.: The contribution of the boundary layer EMF to magnetospheric substorms, in magnetospheric substorms. Geophysical Monograph, p. 355 (1991)
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Markiewicz, W. J.; Mizuno, H.; Völk, H. J.: Turbulende induced relative velocity between two grains. Astronomy and Astrophysics 242, pp. 286 - 289 (1991)
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Marsden, R. G.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Afonin, V. V.; Gringauz, K.; Witte, M.; Richter, A. K.; Erdoes, G.; Somogyi, A. J.; Varga, A.; Varhalmi, L.: Energetic particle composition measurements from PHOBOS 2: Results of the LET experiment. Planetary and Space Science 39, pp. 57 - 66 (1991)
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Marvlag, E.; Scourfield, M. W. J.; Walker, A. D. M.; Sutcliefe, P. R.; Nielsen, E.: Simultaneous observations of omega band related phenomena in both hemispheres. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 53, pp. 309 - 317 (1991)
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McCrea, I. W.; Schlegel, K.; Nygrén, T.; Jones, T. B.: COSCAT, a new auroral radar facility on 930 MHz-system description and first results. Annales Geophysicae 9, pp. 461 - 469 (1991)
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McKenna-Lawlor, S. M. P.; Afonin, V. V.; Gringauz, K. I.; Keppler, E.; Kirsch, E.; Richter, A. K.; Witte, M.; O'Sullivan, D.; Thompson, A.; Kecskemety, K. et al.; Somogyi, A. J.; Szabo, L.; Varga, A.: Interplanetary variability recorded by the SLED instrument aboard the PHOBOS spacecraft during that period of solar cycle 22 characterized by a transition from solar minimum - to solar maximum dominated conditions. Planetary and Space Science 39, pp. 47 - 56 (1991)
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McKenna-Lawlor, S. M. P.; Afonin, V. V.; Gringauz, K. I.; Keppler, E.; Kirsch, E.; Richter, A. K.; Witte, M.; O'Sullivan, D.; Thompson, A.; Kecskemety, K. et al.; Somogyi, A. J.; Szabo, L.; Varga, A.; Marsden, R.: Interplanetary variability in particle fluxes recorded by the low enrgy charged particle detector SLED (∼30 keV-30 MeV) during the cruise phase of the PHOBOS mission to Mars and its moons. Annales Geophysicae 9, pp. 348 - 356 (1991)
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McKenna-Lawlor, S. M. P.; Afonin, V. V.; Gringauz, K. I.; Keppler, E.; Kirsch, E.; Richter, A. K.; Witte, M.; O'Sullivan, D.; Thompson, A.; Kecskemety, K. et al.; Somogyi, A. J.; Szabo, L.; Varga, A.: Interplanetary variability recorded by the SLED instrument aboard the PHOBOS spacecraft during that period of solar cycle 22 characterized by a transient from solar minimum - to solar maximum dominated conditions. Planetary and Space Science 38 (1/2) (1991)
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Motschmann, U.; Sauer, K.; Roatsch, T.: Subcritical multiple-ion shocks. Journal Geophysical Research 96 (A8), pp. 13841 - 13848 (1991)
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Richter, K.; Curdt, W.; Keller, H.-U.: Velocity of individual large dust particles ejected from comet P/Halley. Astronomy and Astrophysics 250, pp. 548 - 555 (1991)
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Röttger, J.: MST radar and incoherent scatter radar contributions to studying the middle atmosphere. J. Geomag. Geoelectr. 43, pp. 563 - 596 (1991)
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Rüster, R.; Klostermeyer, J.; Czechowsky, P.; Schmidt, G.: VHF-Radarmessungen in der Atmosphäre. PROMET 21, pp. 50 - 55 (1991)
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Savenkov, B. V.; Zelenyi, L. M.; Ashour-Abdalla, M.; Büchner, J.: Regular and chaotic aspects of charged particle motion in a magnetotail-like field with a neutral line. Geophysical Research Letters 18 (A28), pp. 1587 - 1590 (1991)
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Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.: A case study of very low cross-helicity fluctuations in the solar wind. Annales Geophysicae 9, pp. 319 - 332 (1991)
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Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.; Rosenbauer, H.: Temperature fluctuation spectra in the inner solar wind. Annales Geophysicae 9, pp. 748 - 753 (1991)
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Verigin, M. I.; Gringauz, K. I.; Kotova, G. A.; Shutte, N. M.; Rosenbauer, H.; Livi, S.; Richter, A. K.; Riedler, W.; Schwingenshuh, K.; Szego, K.: On the problem of the Martian atmosphere dissipation: PhOBOS 2 TAUS spectrometer results. Journal Geophysical Research 96, pp. 19315 - 19320 (1991)
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Verigin, M. I.; Shutte, N. M.; Galeev, A. A.; Gringauz, K. I.; Kotova, G. A.; Remizov, A. P.; Rosenbauer, H.; Hemmerich, P.; Livi, S.; Richter, A. K. et al.; Apathy, I.; Szego, K.; Riedler, W.; Schwingenshuh, K.; Steller, M.; Yeroshenko, Y. G.: Ions of planetary origin in the Martian magnetosphere (Phobos 2/Taus experiment). Planetary and Space Science 39, pp. 131 - 137 (1991)
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Woch, J.; Lundin, R.: Temporal magnetoheath plasma injection observed with Viking: a case study. Annales Geophysicae 9, p. 133 (1991)
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Woo, R.; Schwenn, R.: Comparison of Doppler Scintillation and in Situ Spacecraft Plasma Measurements of Interplanetary Disturbances. Journal Geophysical Research 96, pp. 21227 - 21244 (1991)
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Yi, F.; Klostermeyer, J.; Rüster, R.: VHF radar observation of gravity wave critical layers in the mid-latitude summer mesopause region. Geophysical Research Letters 18, pp. 697 - 700 (1991)
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Yoe, J. G.: The SOUSY VHF Radars and UV Lidar for Atmospheric Research at MPAe. The Radioscientist 2 (4), pp. 75 - 79 (1991)
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Abe, T.; Oyama, K.-I.; Amemiya, H.; Watanabe, S.; Okuzawa, T.; Schlegel, K.: Measurements of temperature and velocity distribution of thermal electrons by the Akebono (EXOS-D) satellite - Experimental setup and preliminary results. Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 42, pp. 537 - 554 (1990)
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Afonin, V. V.; McKenna-Lawlor, S.; Kiraly, P.; Marsden, R.; Richter, A.; Rusznyak, P.; Shutte, N. M.; Szabo, L.; Szalai, S.; Szuecs, I. T. et al.; Varhalmi, L.; Witte, M.: The ESTER particle and plasma analyzer complex for the PHOBOS mission. Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A290, pp. 223 - 227 (1990)
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Ashour-Abdalla, M.; Berchem, J.; Büchner, J.: Chaotic scattering and acceleration of ions in the magnetotail. Geophysical Research Letters 17, p. 2317 (1990)
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Baker, D.; Klimas, A.; McPherron, R.; Büchner, J.: The evolution from weak to strong geomagnetic activity: An interpretation in terms of deterministic chaos. Geophysical Research Letters (1), pp. 41 - 44 (1990)
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Barrow, C. H.: Solar wind effects in Jupiter's radio emission. Advances in Space Research 10, pp. S13 - 16 (1990)
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Büchner, J.; Zelenyi, L. M.: Mechanisms of disruption of the energy storage in magnetotail-like systems. Advances in Space Research 10 (9), pp. 145 - 148 (1990)
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Büchner, J.; Zelenyi, L. M.; Zogin, D. V.: Quasi-adiabatic plasmasheet ion acceleration and the hot boundary layer flows. Advances in Space Research 10 (Suppl.), pp. 43 - 46 (1990)
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Chu, Y. H.; Chao, J. K.; Liu, C. H.; Röttger, J.: Aspect sensitivity at tropospheric heights measured with vertically pointed beam of the Chung-Li VHF radar. Radio Science 25, pp. 539 - 550 (1990)
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Chu, Y. H.; Hsu, T. S.; Chen, L. H.; Chao, J. K.; Liu, C. H.; Röttger, J.: A study of the characteristics of VHF radar echo power in the Taiwan area. Radio Science 25, pp. 527 - 538 (1990)
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Collis, P. N.; Röttger, J.: Mesospheric studies using the EISCAT UHF and VHF radars: A review of principles and experimental results. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52, pp. 569 - 584 (1990)
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Curdt, W.; Keller, H.-U.: Large dust particles along the Giotto trajectory. Icarus 86, pp. 305 - 313 (1990)
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Fu, I. J.; Liu, C. H.; Röttger, J.; Chao, J. K.: Subtropical middle atmosphere dynamics observed by the Chung-Li radar. Advances in Space Research 10, pp. (10)269 - (10)271 (1990)
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Grappin, R.; Mangeney, A.; Marsch, E.: On the origin of solar wind MHD turbulence: Helios data revisited. Journal Geophysical Research 95, pp. 8197 - 8209 (1990)
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Gruntman, M. A.; Kozochkina, A. A.; Leonas, V.; Witte, M.: Statistik der Sekundärelektronenemission dünner Folien bei Beschußmit beschleunigten Atomen (in russischer Sprache). Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Phys. Series 54, pp. 1377 - 1381 (1990)
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Häggström, I.; Opgenoorth, H.; Williams, P. J. S.; Jones, G. O. L.; Schlegel, K.: Application of alternating codes for EISCAT observations during the ERRRIS campaign for E-region plasma irregularities. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52, pp. 431 - 438 (1990)
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Haldoupis, C.; Nielsen, E.; Schlegel, K.: Dependence of radar auroral scattering cross section on the ambient electron density and the destabilizing electric field. Annales Geophysicae 8, pp. 195 - 212 (1990)
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Haldoupis, C.; Schlegel, K.: Direct comparison of 1-m irregularity phase velocities and ion acoustic speeds in the auroral E region ionosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 95, pp. 18989 - 19000 (1990)
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Hoppe, U.-P.; Fritts, D. C.; Reid, I. M.; Czechowsky, P.; Hall, C. M.; Hansen, T. L.: Multiple-frequency studies of the high-latitude summer mesosphere: Implication for scattering processes. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52, pp. 907 - 926 (1990)
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Ip, W.-H.; Balsiger, H.; Geiss, J.; Goldstein, B. E.; Kettmann, G.; Lazarus, A.; Meier, A. J.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.; Shelley, E.: Giotto IMS measurements of the production rate of hydrogen cyanide in the coma of comet Halley. Annales Geophysicae 8 (5), pp. 319 - 326 (1990)
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Isham, B.; Kofman, W.; Hagfors, T.; Nordling, J.; Thidé, B.; La Hoz, C.; Stubbe, P.: New phenomena observed by EISCAT during an RF ionospheric modification experiment. Radio Science 25, pp. 251 - 262 (1990)
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Kelley, M. C.; Ulwick, J. C.; Röttger, J.; Inhester, B.; Hall, T.; Blix, T.: Intense turbulence in the polar mesosphere: rocket and radar measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52, pp. 875 - 891 (1990)
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Kettmann, G.; Ip, W.-H.; Balsiger, H.; Goldstein, B. E.; Meier, A.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.; Shelley, E. G.: Cometary ion flow variations at comet P/Halley as observed by the Giotto IMS experiment. Annales Geophysicae 8, pp. 229 - 238 (1990)
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Kirchner, T.; Büchner, J.: On electron acceleration in extended radiosources by kinetic Alfvén waves. Advances in Space Research 10 (9), pp. 39 - 42 (1990)
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Klostermeyer, J.: On the role of parametric instability of internal gravity waves in atmospheric radar observations. Radio Science 25, pp. 983 - 995 (1990)
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Kofman, W.; Nielsen, E.: STARE and EISCAT measurements: Evidence for the Limitation of the STARE observations by ion-acoustic velocity. Journal Geophysical Research 95, p. 19131 (1990)
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Leyser, T. B.; Thidé, B.; Derblom, H.; Hedberg, Å.; Lundborg, B.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: Dependence of stimulated electromagnetic emission on the ionosphere and pump wave. Journal Geophysical Research 95, pp. 17233 - 17244 (1990)
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Liu, C. H.; Röttger, J.; Pan, C. J.; Franke, S. J.: A model for spaced antenna observational mode for MST radars. Radio Science 25, pp. 551 - 563 (1990)
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Lübken, F. J.; von Zahn, U.; Manson, A.; Rüster, R.; Schmidt, G.; Widdel, H. U.: Mean state densities, temperatures and winds during the MAC/SINE and MAC/EPSILON campaign. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52, pp. 955 - 970 (1990)
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Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.: On the radial evolution of MHD turbulence in the inner heliosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 95, pp. 8211 - 8229 (1990)
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Marsden, R. G.; Afonin, V. V.; Balazs, A.; Erdoes, G.; Henrion, J. P. G.; Richter, A. K.; Rusznyak, P.; Somogyi, A.; Szalai, S.; Varga, A. et al.; Varhalmi, L.; Wenzel, K.-P.; Witte, M.: The Phobos low energy telescope charged particle experiment. Nucl. Instr. Metho in Phys. Res. A290, pp. 211 - 216 (1990)
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Maul, A.-A.; Rietveld, M. T.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: Anregung periodischer Magnetfeldschwankungen durch Einstrahlung von amplitudenmodulierten Hochfrequenzwellen in die polare Ionosphäre. Kleinheubacher Berichte 33, pp. 141 - 149 (1990)
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Maul, A.-A.; Rietveld, M. T.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: Excitation of periodic magnetic field oscillations in the ULF range by amplitude modulated HF waves. Annales Geophysicae 8, pp. 765 - 780 (1990)
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McKenna-Lawlor, S. M. P.; Afonin, V. V.; Gringauz, K. I.; Keppler, E.; Kirsch, E.; Richter, A. K.; Witte, M.; O'Sullivan, D.; Thompson, A.; Somogyi, A. J. et al.; Szabo, L.; Varga, A.: The low energy particle detector SLED (∼30 keV-3.2 MeV) and its performance on the PHOBOS Mission and its moons. Nucl. Instr. and Methods in Physics Research A290, pp. 217 - 222 (1990)
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Moorcroft, D. R.; Schlegel, K.: Height and aspect sensitivity of large aspect angle coherent backscatter at 933 MHz. Journal Geophysical Research 95, pp. 19011 - 19021 (1990)
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Pilipp, W. G.; Miggenrieder, H.; Mühlhäuser, K.-H.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.: Large-scale variations of thermal electron parameters in the solar wind between 0.3 and 1 AU. Journal Geophysical Research 95, pp. 6305 - 6329 (1990)
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Rosenbauer, H.; Shutte, N.; Apathy, I.; Verigin, M.; Witte, M.; Galeev, A.; Gringauz, K.; Grünwaldt, H.; Jockers, K.; Kiraly, P. et al.; Kotova, G.; Livi, S.; Marsch, E.; Remizov, A.; Richter, A.; Riedler, W.; Szego, K.; Hemmerich, P.; Schwenn, R.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Steller, M.: First meansurements of ions of Martian origin and observation of a plasma layer in the magnetosphere of Mars: the TAUS experiment on the spacecraft PHOBOS 2. Sov. Astron. Letter 16, pp. 156 - 160 (1990)
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Rosenbauer, H.; Shutte, N.; Apathy, I.; Verigin, M.; Witte, M.; Galeev, A.; Gringauz, K.; Grünwaldt, H.; Jockers, K.; Kiraly, P. et al.; Kotova, G.; Livi, S.; Marsch, E.; Remizov, A.; Richter, A.; Riedler, W.; Szego, K.; Hemmerich, P.; Schwenn, R.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Steller, M.: Evidence of a plasmasheet in the Martian magnetotail based on the TAUS experiment data from the `Phobos-2' spacecraft. Pis'ma v Astronomicheskie Zhurnal 16, pp. 368 - 377 (1990)
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Röttger, J.; La Hoz, C.: Characteristics of polar mesosphere sumer echoes (PMSE) observed with the EISCAT 224 MHz radar and possible explanations of their origin. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52, pp. 893 - 906 (1990)
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Röttger, J.; La Hoz, C.; Franke, S. J.; Liu, C. H.: Steepening of relfectivity structures detected in high-resolution Doppler spectra of polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE) observed with the EISCAT 224 MHz radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 52, pp. 939 - 954 (1990)
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Röttger, J.; Liu, C. H.; Chao, J. K.; Chen, A. J.; Chu, Y. H.; Fu, I.-J.; Huang, C. M.; Kiang, Y. W.; Kuo, F. S.; Lin, C. H. et al.; Pan, C. J.: The Chung-Li VHF-radar: Technical layout and a summary of initial results. Radio Science 25, pp. 487 - 502 (1990)
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Röttger, J.; Liu, C. H.; Chao, J. K.; Chen, A. J.; Pan, C. J.; Fu, I.-J.: Spatial interferometer measurements with the Chung-Li VHF radar. Radio Science 25, pp. 503 - 515 (1990)
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Röttger, J.; Rietveld, M. T.; La Hoz, C.; Hall, T.; Kelley, M. C.; Swartz, W. E.: Polar mesosphere summer echoes observed with the EISCAT 933-MHz radar and the CUPRI 46.9-MHz radar, their similarity to 224-MHz radar echoes and their relation to turbulence and electron density profiles. Radio Science 25, pp. 671 - 687 (1990)
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Rüster, R.: Analysis and Interpretation of VHF-Radar Data. Meteorol. Rundschau 42, pp. 99 - 101 (1990)
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Sauer, K.; Roatsch, T.; Motschmann, U.; Möhlmann, D.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Riedler, W.: Plasma boundaries at Mars discovered by the Phobos-2 magnetometers. Annales Geophysicae 8, p. 661 (1990)
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Schlegel, K.; Turunen, T.; Moorcroft, D. R.: Auroral radar measurements at 16 cm wavelength with high range and time resolution. Journal Geophysical Research 95, pp. 19001 - 19009 (1990)
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Shirochkov, A. V.; Makarova, L. N.; Maurits, S. A.; Schlegel, K.: Response of the auroral ionosphere to solar wind parameter variations. Annales Geophysicae 8, pp. 353 - 356 (1990)
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Stubbe, P.: The concept of a kinetic transport theory. Physics of Fluids B 2, pp. 22 - 33 (1990)
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Thieme, K. M.; Marsch, E.; Schwenn, R.: Spatial structures in high-speed streams as signatures of fine structures in coronal holes. Annales Geophysicae 8 (11), pp. 713 - 724 (1990)
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Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.: Transfer equations for spectral densities of inhomogeneous MHD turbulence. Journal of Plasma Physics 44, pp. 103 - 122 (1990)
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