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Wang, W.-B.; Chen, P.-R.; Schlegel, K.: Sources of plasma enhancements in the nighttime auroral F-region: Results from EISCAT observations. Annales Geophysicae 8, pp. 589 - 598 (1990)
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Araki, T.; Schlegel, K.; Lühr, H.: Geomagnetic effects of the Hall and Pedersen current flowing in the auroral ionosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 17185 - 17199 (1989)
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Chu, Y.-H.; Hsu, T. S.; Liu, C. H.; Chao, J. K.; Röttger, J.: Characteristics of VHF radar echo power in the Taiwan area. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 115 - 120 (1989)
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Chu, Y.-H.; Woodman, R. F.; Liu, C. H.; Chao, J. K.; Röttger, J.: Using vertically pointing broad beam to measure atmospheric aspect sensitivity of VHF radar echoes. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 89 - 99 (1989)
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Czechowsky, P.; Inhester, B.; Klostermeyer, J.; Reid, I. M.; Rüster, R.; Schmidt, G.: Recent progress with the SOUSY VHF Radars. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 459 - 466 (1989)
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Czechowsky, P.; Reid, I. M.; Rüster, R.; Schmidt, G.: VHF Radar Echoes Observed in the Summer and Winter Polar Mesosphere over Andoya, Norway. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 5199 - 5217 (1989)
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Czechowsky, P.; Reid, I. M.; Rüster, R.; Schmidt, G.: VHF Radar Measurements over Andoya (Northern Norway). Handbook for MAP 27, pp. 365 - 369 (1989)
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Derblom, H.; Thidé, B.; Leyser, T. B.; Nordling, J. A.; Hedberg, Å.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.; Rietveld, M. T.: Tromsø heating experiments: Stimulated emission at HF pump harmonic and subharmonic frequencies. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 10111 - 10120 (1989)
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Ershkovich, A. I.; McKenzie, J. F.; Axford, W. I.: Stability of a cometary ionosphere/ionopause determinated by ion-neutral friction. Astrophysical Journal 344, pp. 932 - 939 (1989)
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Franke, S. J.; La Hoz, C.; Röttger, J.; Liu, C. H.: Frequency domain interferometry of polar mesosphere summer echoes with the EISCAT VHF radar. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 210 - 221 (1989)
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Fu, I.-J.; Chao, J. K.; Liu, C. H.; Röttger, J.: Observation of gravity waves by the Chung-Li VHF radar. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 278 - 281 (1989)
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Fu, I. J.; Liu, C. H.; Röttger, J.; Chao, J. K.: Subtropical middle atmosphere dynamics observed by the Chung Li radar. Handbook for MAP 27, pp. 423 - 426 (1989)
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Goldstein, B. E.; Altwegg, K.; Balsiger, H.; Fuselier, S. A.; Ip, W.-H.; Meier, A.; Neugebauer, M.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.: Observations of a shock and a recombination layer at the contact surface of Comet Halley. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 17251 - 17257 (1989)
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Haldoupis, C.; Nielsen, E.: 140 MHz auroral backscatter: evidence for characteristic phase acoustic speed. Geophysical Research Letters 16, p. 723 (1989)
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Haldoupis, C.; Nielsen, E.: Very large phase velocities of non two-stream, meter scale irregularities in the high latitude E region ionosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 94, p. 13489 (1989)
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Hocking, W. K.; May, P.; Röttger, J.: Interpretation, reliability and accuracies of parameters deduced by the spaced antenna radar method in middle atmosphere applications. Pure Appl. Geophys. (PAGEOPH) 130, pp. 571 - 604 (1989)
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Jones, G. O. L.; Winser, K. J.; Röttger, J.; La Hoz, C.; Franke, S. J.: A statistical review of the EISCAT PMSE 1988 data. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 126 - 130 (1989)
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Klostermeyer, J.: On the role of parametric instability in radar observations of mesospheric gravity waves. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 299 - 308 (1989)
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Klostermeyer, J.: Maximum entropy estimation of Doppler shift and spectral width of VHF radar signals. Radio Science 24, pp. 47 - 63 (1989)
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Klostermeyer, J.: Gravity waves and instabilites in the lower and middle atmosphere. Handbook for MAP 30, pp. 269 - 298 (1989)
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Klostermeyer, J.; Rüster, R.: VHF-Radarmessungen in der Atmosphäre. Ann. Meteorol. 26, pp. 69 - 70 (1989)
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Kofman, W.; Schlegel, K.; Lovhaug, U. P.; Lockwood, M.; Winser, K. J.: Comment on ``The effect of strong velocity shears on incoherent scatter spectra: A new interpretation of unusual high latitude''. Geophysical Research Letters 16, pp. 337 - 338 (1989)
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Krimigis, S. M.; Armstrong, T. P.; Axford, W. I.; Bostrom, C. O.; Cheng, A. F.; Gloeckler, G.; Hamilton, D. C.; Keath, E. P.; Lanzerotti, L. J.; Mauk, B. H. et al.; Van Allen, J. A.: Hot plasma and energetic particles in Neptune's magnetosphere. Science 246, pp. 1483 - 1489 (1989)
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Kustov, A.; Uspensky, M.; Kangas, J.; Huuskonen, A.; Nielsen, E.: On the threshold electric field for a 1-m auroral irregularity kapearance. Journal Geophysical Research 94, p. 12043 (1989)
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La Hoz, C.; Röttger, J.; Franke, S. J.: Spatial interferometry measurements with the EISCAT VHF radar. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 185 - 191 (1989)
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La Hoz, C.; Röttger, J.; Franke, S. J.: Dynamic spectra of PMSE measured by EISCAT at 224 MHz. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 248 - 256 (1989)
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La Hoz, C.; Röttger, J.; Rietveld, M.; Wannberg, G.; Franke, S. J.: The status and planned developments of EISCAT in mesosphere D-region experiments. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 476 - 488 (1989)
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Lal, S.; Borchers, R.; Fabian, P.; Krüger, B. C.: The vertical distribution of CH4, N2O, CFC-12 and CFC-12 in the middle atmosphere at mid-latitudes. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 51, pp. 81 - 90 (1989)
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Larsen, M. F.; Röttger, J.: The spaced antenna technique for radar wind profiling. J. Atmos. Ocean. Techn. 6, pp. 920 - 938 (1989)
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Leyser, T. B.; Thidé, B.; Derblom, H.; Hedberg, Å.; Lundborg, B.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: Stimulated Electromagnetic Emission near Electron Cyclotron Harmonics in the Ionosphere. Physical Review Letters 63, pp. 1145 - 1147 (1989)
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Lieu, R.; Axford, W. I.; Quenby, J. J.: Synchrotron radiation treated by the Weizsäcker-Williams method of virtual quanta. Astronomy and Astrophysics 208, pp. 351 - 356 (1989)
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Ma, R.-P.; Rüster, R.: Results of Mesospheric Measurements with SOUSY-VHF-Radar. Research of Space Physics 12 4 (1,2), pp. 76 - 83 (1989)
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Marsch, E.; Pilipp, W. G.; Thieme, K. M.; Rosenbauer, H.: Cooling of solar wind electrons inside 0.3 AU. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 6893 - 6898 (1989)
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Marsch, E.; Tu, C.-Y.: Dynamics of correlation functions with Elsässer variables for inhomogeneous MHD turbulence. Journal of Plasma Physics 41, pp. 479 - 491 (1989)
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Natorf, L.; Wernik, A. W.; Wodnicka, E. B.; Schlegel, K.: Detecting travelling ionospheric disturbances in incoherent scatter data using the Maximum Entropy Method. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 51, pp. 389 - 400 (1989)
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Neugebauer, M.; Goldstein, B. E.; Balsiger, H.; Neubauer, F. M.; Schwenn, R.; Shelley, E. G.: The Density of Cometary Protons Upstream of comet Halley's Bow Shock. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 1261 - 1269 (1989)
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Opgenoorth, H. J.; Bromage, B.; Fontaine, D.; La Hoz, C.; Huuskonen, A.; Kohl, H.; Lovhaug, U.-P.; Wannberg, G.; Gustafsson, G.; Murphre, J. S. et al.; Eliasson, L.; Marklund, G.; Potemra, T. A.; Kirkowood, S.; Nielsen, E.; Wahlund, J. E.: Coordinated observations with EISCAT and the Viking satellite: The decay of a westward travelling surge. Annales Geophysicae 7, pp. 479 - 500 (1989)
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Reid, I. M.; Czechowsky, P.; Rüster, R.; Schmidt, G.: First VHF Radar Measurements of Mesopause Summer Echoes at Mid-Latitudes. Geophysical Research Letters 16, pp. 135 - 138 (1989)
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Rietveld, M. T.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: On the frequency dependence of ELF/VLF waves produced by modulated ionospheric heating. Radio Science 24, pp. 270 - 278 (1989)
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Rosenbauer, H.; Shutte, N.; Apathy, I.; Galeev, A.; Gringauz, K.; Grünwaldt, H.; Hemmerich, P.; Jockers, K.; Kiraly, P.; Kotova, G. et al.; Livi, S.; Marsch, E.; Richter, A.; Riedler, E.; Remizov, T.; Schwenn, R.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Steller, M.; Szegö, K.; Verigin, M.; Witte, M.: Ions of Martian origin and plasma sheet in the Martian magnetosphere: Initial results of the TAUS experiment. Nature 341, pp. 612 - 614 (1989)
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Röttger, J.: Mean, tidal, and fluctuating winds in the middle atmosphere and lower thermosphere observed during MAP/WINE in northern Scandinavia. Handbook for MAP 27, pp. 251 - 270 (1989)
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Röttger, J.: The interpretation of MST radar echoes: The present knowledge of the scattering/reflection and the irregularity generation mechanisms. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 68 - 82 (1989)
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Röttger, J.: The instrumental principles of MST radars and incoherent scatter radars and the configuration of radar system hardware. Handbook for MAP 30, pp. 54 - 113 (1989)
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Röttger, J.; Hoppe, U.-P.; Hall, C.: EISCAT observations during MAC/SINE and MAC/EPSILON. Handbook for MAP 27, pp. 370 - 376 (1989)
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Röttger, J.; La Hoz, C.: Fine-structure of Doppler spectra of polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE) observed with the EISCAT 224-MHz radar. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 107 - 114 (1989)
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Röttger, J.; La Hoz, C.; Franke, S. J.; Liu, C. H.: Gravity wave steepening and tilting detected in high resolution Doppler spectra of polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE) observed with the EISCAT 224 MHz radar. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 267 - 277 (1989)
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Röttger, J.; Liu, C. H.; Fu, I.-J.; Pan, C. J.: Spatial interferometer measurements with the Chung-Li VHF radar. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 192 - 202 (1989)
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Röttger, J.; Rietveld, M. T.; La Hoz, C.; Hall, T.; Kelley, M. C.; Swartz, W. E.: Polar mesosphere summer echoes observed with the EISCAT 933-MHz radar and the CUPRI 46.9-MHz radar. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 168 - 178 (1989)
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Rüster, R.; Reid, I. M.; Czechowsky, P.; Schmidt, G.: VHF Radar Measurements in the Summer Polar Mesosphere. Handbook for MAP 27, pp. 359 - 364 (1989)
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Schlegel, K.; Moorcroft, D. R.: EISCAT as tristatic auroral radar. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 1430 - 1438 (1989)
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Shen, C.-S.; Luo, Y.; Schlegel, K.: The feature of ionosphere in the auroral zone and the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling. Chinese Journal of Space Science 9, pp. 127 - 135 (1989)
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Shen, C.-S.; Zi, M.-Y.; Schlegel, K.: A case study of the ionospheric morphology at high latitude. Acta Geophysica Sinica 32, pp. 262 - 269 (1989)
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Stubbe, P.: Theory of electrostatic waves in an E region plasma. 1. General formulation. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 5303 - 5315 (1989)
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Thieme, K. M.; Marsch, E.; Rosenbauer, H.: Estimates of alpha particle heating in the solar wind inside 0.3 AU. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 2673 - 2676 (1989)
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Thieme, K. M.; Schwenn, R.; Marsch, E.: Are structures in high-speed streams signatures of coronal fine structures? Advances in Space Research 9, pp. 127 - 130 (1989)
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Tu, C.-Y.; Marsch, E.; Thieme, K. M.: Basic properties of solar wind MHD turbulence near 0.3 AU analysed by means of Elsässer variables. Journal Geophysical Research 94, pp. 11739 - 11759 (1989)
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Uspensky, M. V.; Kustov, A. V.; Williams, P. J. S.; Huuskonen, A.; Kangas, J.; Nielsen, E.: Effects of unresolved electrojet microstructure on measurements of irregularity drift velocity in auroral radar backscatter. Advances in Space Research 9, p. 5119 (1989)
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Vasyliūnas, V. M.: Maximum scales for preserving flux tube content in radial diffusion driven by interchange motions. Geophysical Research Letters 16, pp. 1465 - 1468 (1989)
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Wannberg, G.; Röttger, J.; La Hoz, C.; Williams, P. J. S.: Long range planning for development of full MST capabilities at EISCAT. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 544 - 548 (1989)
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Wannberg, G.; Röttger, J.; Sturk, T.: Gain and phase calibration of the EISCAT receivers in MST applications. Handbook for MAP 28, pp. 549 - 555 (1989)
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Watanabe, T.; Schwenn, R.: Large-scale propagation properties of interplanetary disturbances revealed from IPS and spacecraft observations. Space Science Reviews 51, pp. 147 - 173 (1989)
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Williams, P. J. S.; van Eyken, A. P.; Hall, C.; Röttger, J.: Modulations in the polar mesosphere summer echoes and associated atmospheric gravity waves. Geophysical Research Letters 16, pp. 1437 - 1440 (1989)
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Barr, R.; Rietveld, M. T.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: Ionospheric heater beam scanning: A realistic model of this mobile source of ELF/VLF radiation. Radio Science 23, pp. 379 - 388 (1988)
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Czechowsky, P.; Reid, I. M.; Rüster, R.: VHF Radar Measurements of the Aspect Sensitivity of the Summer Polar Mesopause Echoes over Andenes (69°N, 16°E), Norway. Geophysical Research Letters 15, pp. 1259 - 1262 (1988)
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Franke, S. J.; Liu, C. H.; Fu, I. J.; Rüster, R.; Czechowsky, P.; Schmidt, G.: Multibeam Radar Observations of Winds in the Mesosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 93, pp. 15965 - 15971 (1988)
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Hoppe, U.-P.; Hall, C.; Röttger, J.: First observations of summer polar mesospheric backscatter echoes with a 224 MHz radar. Geophysical Research Letters 15, pp. 28 - 31 (1988)
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Klostermeyer, J.; Czechowsky, P.; Rüster, R.; Schmidt, G.: Die SOUSY-VHF-Radars. Meteorol. Rdsch. 41, pp. 12 - 22 (1988)
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Lal, S.; Subbaraya, B. H.; Borchers, R.; Fabian, P.: Surface measurements of trace gases in the tropical region near Hyderabad. Atmospheric Env. 22, pp. 1501 - 1503 (1988)
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Larsen, M. F.; Röttger, J.; Dennis, T. S.: A comparison of operational analyisis and VHF wind profiler vertical velocities. Mon. Wea. Rev. 116, pp. 48 - 59 (1988)
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Lee, M. A.; Axford, W. I.: Model structure of a cosmic-ray mediated stellar or solar wind. Astronomy and Astrophysics 194, pp. 297 - 303 (1988)
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Marsch, E.: Antiferromagnetism and high-temperature superconductivity. Z. Physik B - Condensed Matter 70, pp. 279 - 290 (1988)
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McDiarmid, D. R.; Nielsen, E.: A monochromatic Pc5 pulsation which exhibits a time-varying doppler-shifted frequency. Journal Geophysical Research 93, p. 1981 (1988)
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Moorcroft, D. R.; Schlegel, K.: Evidence for non-Maxwellian ion velocity distribution in the F-region. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 50, pp. 455 - 465 (1988)
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Moorcroft, D. R.; Schlegel, K.: E region coherent backscatter at short wavelength and large aspect angle. Journal Geophysical Research 93, pp. 2005 - 2010 (1988)
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Nielsen, E.: Aspect angle dependence of backscatter intensity of 1-m auroral plasma waves. Journal Geophysical Research 93, p. 4119 (1988)
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Nielsen, E.; Bamber, J.; Chen, Z.-S.; Brekke, A.; Egeland, A.; Murphree, J. S.; Venkatesan, D.; Axford, W. I.: Substorm expansion into the polar cap. Annales Geophysicae 6, pp. 559 - 572 (1988)
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Nielsen, E.; Senior, C.; Lühr, H.: Ionospheric hall conductivity deduced from ground-based measurements. Journal Geophysical Research 93, p. 4125 (1988)
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Nielsen, E.; Uspensky, M.; Kustov, A.; Huuskonen, A.; Kangas, J.: On the dependence of the Farly-BUneman turbulence level on ionospheric electric field. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 50, p. 601 (1988)
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Nordling, J. A.; Hedberg, Å.; Wannberg, G.; Leyser, T. B.; Derblom, H.; Opgenoorth, H. J.; Kopka, H.; Kohl, H.; Stubbe, P.; Rietveld, M. T. et al.; La Hoz, C.: Simultaneous bi-static European Incoherent Scatter UHF, 145 - MHz radar and stimulated electromagnetic emission observations during HF ionospheric modification. Radio Science 23, pp. 809 - 819 (1988)
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Oyama, K.-I.; Schlegel, K.: Observation of electron temperature anisotropy in the ionosphere: A review. Annales Geophysicae 6, pp. 389 - 400 (1988)
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Oyama, K.-I.; Schlegel, K.; Watanabe, S.: Temperature structure of plasma bubbles in the low latitude ionosphere around 600 km altitude. Planetary and Space Science 36, pp. 553 - 567 (1988)
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Rastogi, P. K.; Mathews, J. D.; Ying, W.-P.; Röttger, J.: Simultaneous VHF and UHF radar observations of the mesosphere at Arecibo during a solar flare: A check on the gradient-mixing hypothesis. Radio Science 23, pp. 97 - 105 (1988)
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