Journal Article (7837)

Journal Article
Reid, I. M.; Rüster, R.; Czechowsky, P.; Schmidt, G.: VHF Radar Measurements of Momentum Flux in the Summer Polar Mesosphere over Andenes (69°N, 16°E), Norway. Geophysical Research Letters 15, pp. 1263 - 1266 (1988)
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Richter, A. K.; Marsch, E.: Helios observational constraints on the development of interplanetary slow shocks. Annales Geophysicae 6, pp. 319 - 324 (1988)
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Rietveld, M. T.; Kopka, H.; Stubbe, P.: Pc1 ionospheric electric field oscillations. Annales Geophysicae 6, pp. 381 - 388 (1988)
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Rishbeth, H.; van Eyken, A. P.; Lanchester, B. S.; Turunen, T.; Röttger, J.; Hall, C.; Hoppe, U.-P.: EISCAT VHF radar observations of periodic mesopause echoes. Planet Space Sci. 36, pp. 423 - 428 (1988)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.; La Hoz, C.; Kelley, M. C.; Hoppe, U.-P.; Hall, C.: The structure and dynamics of polar mesosphere summer echoes observed with the EISCAT 224 MHz radar. Geophysical Research Letters 15, pp. 1353 - 1356 (1988)
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Rüster, R.; Czechowsky, P.; Schmidt, G.: VHF Radar Observations of Tides at Polar Latitudes in the Summer Mesosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 50, pp. 1041 - 1046 (1988)
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Schlegel, K.: Auroral zone E-region conductivities during solar minimum derived from EISCAT data. Annales Geophysicae 6, pp. 129 - 138 (1988)
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Schlegel, K.; Thomas, E. C.: Reply. Journal Geophysical Research 93, p. 5987 (1988)
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Shirochkov, A. V.; Makarova, L. N.; Maurits, S. A.; Schlegel, K.: Struktur der Ionosphäre in der Aurora-Zone während des Magnetosphärischen Teilsturms am 13. Juli 1984. Geomagnetism and Aeronomie XXVIII (1988)
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Singh, O. N.; Borchers, R.; Fabian, P.; Lal, S.; Subbaraya, B. H.: Measurements of atmospheric BrO× radicals in the tropical and mid-latitutde atmosphere. Nature 334, pp. 539 - 542 (1988)
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Williams, P. J. S.; Crowley, G.; Schlegel, K.; Virdi, T. S.; McCrea, I.; Watkins, G.; Wade, N.; Hargreaves, J. K.; Lachlan-Cope, T.; Muller, H. et al.; Baldwin, J. E.; Warner, P.; van Eyken, A. P.; Hapgood, M. A.; Rodger, A. S.: The generation and propagation of atmospheric gravity waves observed during the Worldwide Atmospheric Gravity wave Study (WAGS). Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 50, pp. 323 - 338 (1988)
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Woch, J.; Kremser, G.; Korth, A.; Pokhotelov, O. A.; Pilipenko, V. A.; Nezlina, Y. M.; Amata, E.: Curvature driven drift mirror instability in the magnetosphere. Planetary and Space Science 36, p. 363 (1988)
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Wright, J. W.; Kopka, H.; Stubbe, P.: A large-scale ionospheric depletion by intense radio wave heating. Geophysical Research Letters 15, pp. 1531 - 1533 (1988)
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Allen, M.; Delitsky, M.; Huntress, W.; Yung, Y.; Ip, W.-H.; Schwenn, R.; Rosenbauer, H.; Shelley, E.; Balsiger, H.; Geiss, J.: Evidence for methane and ammonia in the coma of comet P/Halley. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 502 - 512 (1987)
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Balsiger, H.; Altwegg, K.; Benson, J.; Bühler, F.; Fischer, J.; Geiss, J.; Goldstein, B. E.; Goldstein, R.; Hemmerich, P.; Kulzer, G. et al.; Lazarus, A. J.; Meier, A.; Neugebauer, M.; Rettenmund, U.; Rosenbauer, H.; Saeger, K.; Sanders, T.; Schwenn, R.; Shelley, E. G.; Simpson, D.; Young, D. T.: The ion mass spectrometer on Giotto. J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 20, pp. 759 - 767 (1987)
Journal Article
Balsiger, H.; Altwegg, K.; Bühler, F.; Fuselier, S. A.; Geiss, J.; Goldstein, B. E.; Goldstein, R.; Huntress, W. T.; Ip, W.-H.; Lazarus, A. J. et al.; Meier, A.; Neugebauer, M.; Rettenmund, U.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.; Shelley, E. G.; Ungstrup, E.; Young, D. T.: The composition and dynamics of cometary ions in the outer coma of Comet P/Halley. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 163 - 168 (1987)
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Barr, R.; Rietveld, M. T.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: Ionospheric heater beam scanning: A mobile source of ELF radiation. Radio Science 22, pp. 1073 - 1083 (1987)
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Basu, S.; Basu, S.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.; Waarama, J.: Daytime scintillations induced by high-power HF waves at Tromsø, Norway. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 11149 - 11157 (1987)
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Borchers, R.; Fabian, P.; Krüger, B. C.; Lal, S.; Schmidt, U.; Knapska, K.; Penkett, S. A.: CFC-113 (CCl2F-CClF2) in the stratosphere. Planetary and Space Science 35, pp. 657 - 663 (1987)
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Borchers, R.; Fabian, P.; Lal, S.; Subbaraya, B. H.; Acharya, J. A.; Jayaraman, A.: Vertical profiles of source gases at tropical latitudes. Advances in Space Research 7, pp. 133 - 136 (1987)
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Cliver, E. W.; Mihalov, J. D.; Sheeley Jr., N. R.; Howard, R. A.; Koomen, M. J.; Schwenn, R.: Solar activity and heliospheric-wide cosmic ray modulation in mid-1982. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 8487 - 8501 (1987)
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Fabian, P.; Borchers, R.; Krüger, B. C.; Lal, S.: CF4 und C2F6 in the atmosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 9831 - 9835 (1987)
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Goldstein, B. E.; Neugebauer, M.; Balsiger, H.; Drake, J.; Fuselier, S. A.; Goldstein, R.; Ip, W.-H.; Rettenmund, U.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R. et al.; Shelley, E. G.: Giotto-IMS observations of ion flow velocities and temperatures outside the contact surface of comet P/Halley. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 174 - 178 (1987)
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Goldstein, R.; Young, D. T.; Balsiger, H.; Bühler, F.; Goldstein, B. E.; Neugebauer, M.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.; Shelley, E. G.: Hot ions observed by the Giotto ion mass spectrometer at the Comet P/Halley contact surface. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 220 - 224 (1987)
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Grassmann, V.; Kohl, H.; Stubbe, P.: Inkohärente Rückstreuspektren unter Berücksichtigung von Teilchengrößen. Kleinheubacher Berichte 30, pp. 113 - 118 (1987)
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Haldoupis, C.; Nielsen, E.: Doppler spectrum observations of long discrete echoes. Planetary and Space Science 35, p. 153 (1987)
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Hernandez, R.; Livi, S.; Marsch, E.: On the He2+ to H+ temperature ratio in slow solar wind. Journal Geophysical Research 92 (A7), pp. 7723 - 7727 (1987)
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Igarashi, K.; Schlegel, K.: Electron temperature enhancements in the polar E-region measured with EISCAT. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49, pp. 273 - 280 (1987)
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Inhester, B.: The effect of inhomogeneities on the resonant parametric interaction of gravity waves in the atmosphere. Annales Geophysicae 5A, pp. 209 - 218 (1987)
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Ip, W.-H.; Axford, W. I.: The formation of a magnetic field free cavity at comet Halley. Nature 325, pp. 418 - 429 (1987)
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Ip, W.-H.; Schwenn, R.; Rosenbauer, H.; Neugebauer, M.; Shelley, E. G.: An Interpretation of the ion pile-up region outside the ionospheric contact surface. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 132 - 136 (1987)
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Keller, H. U.; Delamere, W. A.; Huebner, W. F.; Reitsema, H. J.; Schmidt, H. U.; Whipple, F. L.; Wilhelm, K.; Curdt, W.; Kramm, R.; Thomas, N. et al.; Arpigny, C.; Barbieri, C.; Bonnet, R. M.; Cazes, S.; Coradini, M.; Cosmovici, C. B.; Hughes, D. W.; Jamar, C.; Malaise, D.; Schmidt, K.; Schmidt, W. K. H.; Seige, P.: Comet P/Halley's nucleus and its activity. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 807 - 823 (1987)
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Keller, H. U.; Kramm, J. R.; Thomas, N.; Craubner, H.; Mikusch, E.; Schwarz, G.: Images of the GIOTTO fly-by of comet Halley. Bulletin of the American Society 19, p. 878 ff. (1987)
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Keller, H. U.; Schmidt, W. K. H.; Wilhelm, K.; Becker, C.; Curdt, W.; Engelhardt, W.; Hartwig, H.; Kramm, J. R.; Schmidt, R.; Gliem, F. et al.; Krahn, E.; Schmidt, H. P.; Schwarz, G.; Turner, J. J.; Bouyries, P.; Cazes, S.; Angrilli, F.; Bianchini, G.; Fanti, G.; Brunello, P.; Delamere, A.; Reitsema, H.; Jamar, C.; Cucchiaro, A.: The Halley multicolour camera. J. Phys. E: Sci. Instrum. 20, pp. 807 - 820 (1987)
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Kelley, M. C.; Farley, D. T.; Röttger, J.: The effect of cluster ions on anomalous VHF backscatter from the summer polar mesosphere. Geophysical Research Letters 14, pp. 1031 - 1034 (1987)
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Kohl, H.; Kopka, H.; La Hoz, C.; Stubbe, P.: Propagation of artificially excited Langmuir waves in the ionosphere. Radio Science 22, pp. 655 - 661 (1987)
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Kramm, J. R.; Möhring, W.; Keller, H. U.: Image restauration using the Point Spread Function of the Halley Multicolour Camera. Geophysical Research Letters 14 (7), pp. 677 - 680 (1987)
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Kuo, F. S.; Chen, C. C.; Liu, S. I.; Röttger, J.; Liu, C. H.: Systematic behavior of signal statistics of MST radar echoes from clear air and their interpretation. Radio Science 22, pp. 1043 - 1052 (1987)
Journal Article
Larsen, M. F.; Röttger, J.: Observations of thunderstorm reflectivities and Doppler velocities measured at VHF and UHF. J. Atmos. Oceanic Techn. 4, pp. 151 - 159 (1987)
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Larsen, M. F.; Röttger, J.; Holden, D. N.: Direct measurements of vertical velocity power spectra with the SOUSY-VHF-Radar wind profiler system. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 44, pp. 3442 - 3448 (1987)
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Livi, S.; Marsch, E.: Generation of solar wind proton tails and double beams by Coulomb collisions. Journal Geophysical Research 92 (A7), pp. 7255 - 7261 (1987)
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Marsch, E.; Livi, S.: Observational evidence for marginal stability of solar wind ion beams. Journal Geophysical Research 92 (A7), pp. 7263 - 7268 (1987)
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Marsch, E.; Mangeney, A.: Ideal MHD equations in terms of compressive Elsässer variables. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 7363 - 7367 (1987)
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Marsch, E.; Richter, A. K.: On the equation of state and collision time for a multicomponent, anisotropic solar wind. Annales Geophysicae 5A, pp. 71 - 82 (1987)
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Mazaudier, C.; Senior, C.; Nielsen, E.: Global convection electric field and current: Comparisons between model's predictions and data from STATE, Saint-Santin, and Magnetometers. Journal Geophysical Research 92, p. 5991 (1987)
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McDiarmid, D. R.; Nielsen, E.: Coherent radar observations of a storm sudden commencement having a preliminary reverse impulse. Journal Geophysical Research 92, p. 159 (1987)
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McDiarmid, D. R.; Nielsen, E.: Stimultaneous observation of monochromatic and variable period geomagnetic pulsations. Journal Geophysical Research 92, p. 4445 (1987)
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Meyer, W.; Philbrick, C. R.; Röttger, J.; Rüster, R.; Widdel, H. U.; Schmidlin, F. J.: Mean winds in the winter middle atmosphere above northern Scandinavia. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49, pp. 675 - 687 (1987)
Journal Article
Meyer, W.; Philbrick, C. R.; Röttger, J.; Rüster, R.; Widdel, H.-U.; Schmidlin, F. J.: Mean state of winds in the winter middle atmosphere above northern Scandinavia. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49, pp. 675 - 687 (1987)
Journal Article
Neugebauer, M.; Lazarus, A. J.; Altwegg, K.; Balsiger, H.; Goldstein, B. E.; Goldstein, R.; Neubauer, F. M.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.; Shelley, E. G. et al.; Unstrup, E.: The pickup of cometary protons by the solar wind. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 21 - 24 (1987)
Journal Article
Neugebauer, M.; Neubauer, F. M.; Balsiger, H.; Fuselier, S. A.; Goldstein, B. E.; Goldstein, R.; Mariani, F.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.; Shelley, E. G.: The variation of protons, alpha particles, and the magnetic field across the bow shock of comet Halley. Geophysical Research Letters 14, pp. 995 - 998 (1987)
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Noble; T., S.; Djuth; T., F.; Jost; J., R.; Gordon; E., W.; Å.Hedberg; Thidé et al.; B.; Derblom; H.; Boström; R.; Nielsen; E.; P.Stubbe; Kopka; H.: Multiple frequency radar observations of high-latitude E region irregularities in the HF modified ionosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 13613 - 13627 (1987)
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Noy, T.; Fabian, P.; Borchers, R.; Janssen, F.; Cramers, C.; Rijks, J.: Trace analysis of halogenated hydrocarbons in gaseous samples by on-line enrichment in an adsorption trap, incolumn cold-trapping and capillary gas chromatography. J. Chromatography 393, pp. 343 - 356 (1987)
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Pilipp, W. G.; Miggenrieder, H.; Montgomery, M. D.; Mühlhäuser, K.-H.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.: Characteristics of Electron Velocity Distribution Functions in the Solar Wind Derived From the Helios Plasma Experiment. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 1075 - 1092 (1987)
Journal Article
Pilipp, W. G.; Miggenrieder, H.; Montgomery, M. D.; Mühlhäuser, K.-H.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.: Unusual Electron Distribution Functions in the Solar Wind Derived From the Helios Plasma Experiment: Double-Strahl Distributions and Distributions With an Extremely Anisotropic Core. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 1093 - 1101 (1987)
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Pilipp, W. G.; Miggenrieder, H.; Mühlhäuser, K.-H.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.; Neubauer, F. M.: Variations of Electron Distribution Functions in the Solar Wind. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 1103 - 1118 (1987)
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Reid, I. M.; Rüster, R.; Schmidt, G.: VHF Radar Observations of Cat's-eye-like Structures at Mesospheric Heights. Nature 327 (6117), pp. 43 - 45 (1987)
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Rietveld, M. T.; Mauelshagen, H.-P.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.; Nielsen, E.: The characteristics of ionospheric heating-produced ELF/VLF waves over 32 hours. Journal Geophysical Research 92, p. 8707 (1987)
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Rietveld, M. T.; Stubbe, P.: Ionospheric demodulation of powerful pulsed radio waves: A potential new diagnostics for radars suggested by Tromsø heater results. Radio Science 22, pp. 1084 - 1090 (1987)
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Röttger, J.: The relation of gravity waves and turbulence in the mesosphere. Advances in Space Research 7, pp. (10)345 - (10)348 (1987)
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Röttger, J.; Meyer, W.: Tidal wind observations with incoherent scatter radar and meteorological rockets during MAP/WINE. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49, pp. 689 - 703 (1987)
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Rüster, R.; Klostermeyer, J.: Propagation of turbulence structures detected by VHF radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49, pp. 743 - 750 (1987)
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Rüster, R.; Klostermeyer, J.: SOUSY-VHF-Radar: Untersuchung atmosphärischer Bewegungsvorgänge zwischen 2 und 90 km. Kleinheubacher Berichte 30, p. 53 (1987)
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Schlegel, K.; Rietveld, M.; Maul, A.: A modification event of the auroral E region as studied with EISCAT and other diagnostics. Radio Science 22, pp. 1063 - 1071 (1987)
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Schlegel, K.; Rietveld, M.; Maul, A.: A modification event of the auroral E region as studied with EISCAT and other diagnostics. Radio Science 22, pp. 1063 - 1072 (1987)
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Schlegel, K.; Röttger, J.: Thermodynamics and electrodynamics of the auroral E-region during the D salvo of the MAP/WINE campaign. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49, pp. 819 - 826 (1987)
Journal Article
Schlegel, K.; Röttger, J.: Thermodynamics and electrodynamics of the auroral E-region during and around the D-salvo of the MAP/WINE campaign. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49, pp. 819 - 826 (1987)
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Schmidt, G.; Czechowsky, P.: Technical Design and Application of the SOUSY Doppler Radars. Kleinheubacher Berichte 30, pp. 43 - 51 (1987)
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Schmidt, U.; Kulessa, G.; Klein, E.; Röth, E. P.; Fabian, P.; Borchers, R.: Intercomparison of balloon borne cryogenic whole air samples during the MAP/GLOBUS '83 campaign. Planetary and Space Science 35, pp. 647 - 656 (1987)
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Schwarz, G.; Craubner, H.; Delamere, A.; Göbel, M.; Gonano, M.; Huebner, W. F.; Keller, H. U.; Kramm, R.; Mikusch, E.; Reitsema, H. et al.; Whipple, F. L.; Wilhelm, K.: Detailed analysis of a surface feature on comet P/Halley. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 847 - 851 (1987)
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Schwenn, R.; Ip, W.-H.; Rosenbauer, H.; Balsiger, H.; Bühler, F.; Goldstein, R.; Meier, A.; Shelley, E. G.: Ion temperature and flow profiles in comet P/Halley's close environment. Astronomy and Astrophysics 187, pp. 160 - 162 (1987)
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Shen, C.-S.; Nielsen, E.: The spatial component of ionospheric electron flow derived from two-dimensional drift measurements. Journal Geophysical Research 92, p. 305 (1987)
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Shen, C. S.; Nielsen, E.: The spatial component of ionospheric electron flow derived from two-dimensional drift measurements. Journal Geophysical Research 92, p. 305 (1987)
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Stubbe, P.: A new collisional relaxation model for small deviations from equilibrium. Journal of Plasma Physics 38, pp. 95 - 116 (1987)
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Tanskanen, P.; Kangas, J.; Block, L.; Kremser, G.; Korth, A.; Woch, J.; Iversen, I. B.; Torkar, K. M.; Riedler, W.; Ullaland, S. et al.; Stadnes, J.; Glassmeier, K.-H.: Different phases of a magnetospheric substorm on June 23, 1979. Journal Geophysical Research 92, p. 7443 (1987)
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Thrane, E. V.; Blix, T. A.; Hall, C.; Hansen, T. L.; von Zahn, U.; Meyer, W.; Czechowsky, P.; Schmidt, G.; Widdel, H.-U.; Neumann, A.: Small Scale Structure and Turbulence in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere at High Latitudes in Winter. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 49, pp. 751 - 762 (1987)
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Vasyliūnas, V. M.: Heat conduction limits on calorimetric effects at Mercury due to solar wind - magnetosphere interaction. Journal Geophysical Research 92, pp. 13658 - 13660 (1987)
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Vasyliūnas, V. M.: Non-existence of gravitationally controlled partial corotation in cosmogonic plasmas. Geophysical Research Letters 14, pp. 171 - 173 (1987)
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Vasyliūnas, V. M.: A method for evaluating the total magnetospheric energy output independently of the ε parameter. Geophysical Research Letters 14, pp. 1183 - 1186 (1987)
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Verigin, M. I.; Axford, W. I.; Gringauz, K. I.; Richter, A. K.: Acceleration of cometary plasma in the vicinity of comet Halley associated with an interplanetary magnetic field polarity change. Geophysical Research Letters 14, pp. 987 - 990 (1987)
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Wilhelm, K.: Rotation and precession of comet Halley. Nature 327, pp. 27 - 30 (1987)
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Axford, W. I.; Ip, W.-H.: The solar wind shock termination. Advances in Space Research 6, pp. 27 - 32 (1986)
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Axford, W. I.; Vasyliūnas, V. M.: The magnetic field of Uranus. Nature 319, pp. 267 - 268 (1986)
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Balsiger, H.; Altwegg, K.; Bühler, F.; Geiss, J.; Ghielmetti, A. G.; Goldstein, B. E.; Goldstein, R.; Huntress, W. T.; Ip, W.-H.; Lazarus, A. J. et al.; Meier, A.; Neugebauer, M.; Rettenmund, U.; Rosenbauer, H.; Schwenn, R.; Sharp, R. D.; Shelley, E. G.; Ungstrup, E.; Young, D. T.: Ion composition and dynamics at Comet Halley. Nature 321, pp. 330 - 334 (1986)
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Barr, R.; Stubbe, P.; Rietveld, M. T.; Kopka, H.: ELF and VLF signals radiated by the ``Polar Electrojet Antenna'': Experimental results. Journal Geophysical Research 91, pp. 4451 - 4459 (1986)
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Barr, R.; Stubbe, P.; Rietveld, M. T.; Kopka, H.: ELF and VLF signals radiated by the "Polar Electrojet Antenna": experimental results. Journal Geophysical Research 91, pp. 4451 - 4459 (1986)
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Basu, S.; Basu, S.; Senior, C.; Weimer, D.; Nielsen, E.; Fougere, P. F.: Velocity shears and sub-km scale irregularities in the nighttime auroral F-region. Geophysical Research Letters 13, p. 101 (1986)
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Bridge, H. S.; Belcher, J. W.; Coppi, B.; Lazarus, A. J.; McNutt Jr., R. L.; Olbert, S.; Richardson, J. D.; Sands, M. R.; Selesnick, R. S.; Sullivan, J. D. et al.; Hartle, R. F.; Ogilvie, K. W.; Sittler Jr., E. C.; Bagenal, F.; Wolff, R. S.; Vasyliūnas, V. M.; Siscoe, G. L.; Goertz, C. K.; Eviatar, A.: Plasma observations near Uranus: Initial results from Voyager 2. Science 233, pp. 89 - 93 (1986)
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Bruno, R.; Villante, U.; Bavassano, B.; Schwenn, R.; Mariani, F.: In-situ observations of the latitudinal gradients of the solar wind parameters during 1976 and 1977. Solar Physics 104, pp. 431 - 445 (1986)
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Burlaga, L. F.; Goldstein, M. L.; McDonald, F. B.; Lazarus, A. J.; Mariani, F.; Neubauer, F. M.; Schwenn, R.: Cosmic ray variations and turbulent flow systems: 0.3 - 1.0 AU; 1977-1980. Journal Geophysical Research 91, pp. 2917 - 2927 (1986)
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Burlaga, L. F.; McDonald, F. B.; Schwenn, R.: Formation of a compound stream between 0.85 AU and 6.2 AU and its effects on solar energetic particles and galactic cosmic rays. Journal Geophysical Research 91, pp. 13331 - 13340 (1986)
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Chao, J. K.; Kuo, F. S.; Chu, Y. S.; Fu, I.-J.; Röttger, J.; Liu, C. H.: The first operation and results of the Chung-Li VHF radar. Handbook for MAP 20, pp. 359 - 363 (1986)
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Dennis, T. S.; Larsen, M. F.; Röttger, J.: Observations of mesoscale vertical velocities around frontal zones. Handbook for MAP 20, pp. 35 - 43 (1986)
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Hanuise, C.; Hedberg, A.; Oksman, J.; Nielsen, E.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: Comparison between the ionospheric plasma drift and the motion of artificially induced irregularities as observed by HF backscatter radars. Annales Geophysicae 4, p. 49 (1986)
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Hedberg, Å.; Derblom, H.; Hamberg, G.; Thidé, B.; Kopka, H.; Stubbe, P.: Measurements of HF backscatter cross section for striations created by ionospheric heating at different power levels. Radio Science 21, pp. 117 - 125 (1986)
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Hernández, R.; Marsch, E.: Collisional transfer of energy and momentum between drifting tri-Maxwellians. Journal of Plasma Physics 35, pp. 473 - 482 (1986)
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Hocking, W. K.; Rüster, R.; Czechowsky, P.: Absolute reflectivities and aspect sensitivities of VHF radio wave scatterers measured with the SOUSY radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 48, pp. 131 - 144 (1986)
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Hoeg, P.; Nielsen, E.; Stubbe, P.; Kopka, H.: Heater-induced 1-meter irregularities. Journal Geophysical Research 91, p. 11309 (1986)
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Holden, D. N.; Ulbrich, C. W.; Larsen, M. F.; Röttger, J.; Ierkic, H. M.; Swartz, W.: UHF and VHF radar observations of thunderstorms. Handbook for MAP 20, pp. 288 - 292 (1986)
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