Journal Article (7837)

Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Lamb waves originating in non-geostrophic perturbations. Nature 260, pp. 32 - 34 (1976)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.; Röttger, J.: Simultaneous geomagnetic and ionospheric oscillations caused by hydromagnetic waves. Planetary and Space Science 24, pp. 1065 - 1071 (1976)
Journal Article
Marsch, E.: Electrical and thermal conductivity of the neutral Hubbard model. Z. Physik B 25, pp. 83 - 90 (1976)
Journal Article
Marsch, E.: Force-force correlation function method for the ideal resistance of the Hubbard model. J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 9, pp. L117 - L120 (1976)
Journal Article
Marsch, E.; Steeb, W.-H.: Electrical conductivity of a doubly-degenerate Hubbard model. Physics Letters 59A, pp. 293 - 294 (1976)
Journal Article
Rinnert, K.; Schlegel, K.; Kramm, R.: A partial reflection experiment using the FM-CW technique. Radio Science 11, pp. 1009 - 1018 (1976)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Influence of spread-F on HF radio systems. AGARD-CP 26, p. 173 (1976)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Travelling-Ionospheric-Disturbances in der Äquatorzone. Kleinheubacher Berichte 19, pp. 443 - 453 (1976)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.; King, J. W.: Einfluss thermosphärischer Winde während magnetisch gestörter Bedingungen auf die Ionosphäre niederer und mittlerer Breiten. Kleinheubacher Berichte 19, pp. 455 - 460 (1976)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.; King, J. W.: Negative ionospheric storms caused by thermospheric winds. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 38, pp. 593 - 598 (1976)
Journal Article
Schwenn, R.; Rosenbauer, H.; Miggenrieder, H.; Meyer, B.: Preliminary results of the Helios plasma experiment. Space Res. 16, p. 671 (1976)
Journal Article
Steeb, W.-H.; Marsch, E.: Thermodynamics of a two-point doubly degenerate Hubbard model in the half-filled case. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 78, pp. K39 - K44 (1976)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: Density dependence of the viscous force in a one-constituent atmosphere. Planetary and Space Science 24, pp. 349 - 353 (1976)
Journal Article
Widdel, H. U.; Rose, G.; Borchers, R.: Experimental results on the variation of electric conductivity an ion mobility in the mesosphere. Journal Geophysical Research 81, pp. 6217 - 6220 (1976)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.; Rüster, R.; Liu, C. H.: Diurnal variations of acoustic-gravity waves in the F-region. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 37, pp. 1593 - 1597 (1975)
Journal Article
Liu, C. H.; Klostermeyer, J.: Excitation of acoustic-gravity waves in a realistic thermosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 37, pp. 1099 - 1108 (1975)
Journal Article
Loidl, A.; Schlegel, K.: Measured and calculated secondary electron energy spectra (20-1500 eV) above 120 km. Journal Geophysical Research 41, pp. 215 - 218 (1975)
Journal Article
Marsch, E.: On the frequency-dependent conductivity and the current operator of the Hubbard model. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 72, pp. K103 - K108 (1975)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Entwicklungsphasen des äquatorialen Spread-F. Kleinheubacher Berichte 18, pp. 355 - 366 (1975)
Journal Article
Schwenn, R.; Rosenbauer, H.; Miggenrieder, H.: Das Plasmaexperiment auf Helios (E1). Raumfahrtforschung 19, pp. 226 - 232 (1975)
Journal Article
Steeb, W.-H.; Marsch, E.: A new upper bound for the free energy of the Hubbard model based on the cluster approach. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 69, pp. K149 - K152 (1975)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: The effect of neutral winds on the seasonal F-region varation. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 37, pp. 675 - 679 (1975)
Journal Article
Carman, E. H.; Heeran, M. P.; Röttger, J.: Simultaneous observation of fading rates on two transequatorial radio paths. Australian J. Phys. 27, pp. 741 - 744 (1974)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.: Movement Processes of Auroral Structures. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 36, pp. 61 - 77 (1974)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.: Doppler Shift of Auroral Backscatter Signals. Journal Geophysical Research 40, pp. 229 - 237 (1974)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.: Rückstreuung von Radio-Wellen an Polarlichtern, Teil 3. cq-DL 10, pp. 601 - 605 (1974)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.: Rückstreuung von Radio-Wellen an Polarlichtern, Teil 4. cq-DL 11, pp. 666 - 669 (1974)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.; Dieminger, W.; Kochan, H.: Backscatter results from Lindau - I. Observations of radio-auroras. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 36, pp. 955 - 966 (1974)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Interpretation of the phase velocity dispersion of observed F-region waves. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 36, pp. 1995 - 2000 (1974)
Journal Article
Marsch, E.; Steeb, W.-H.: Electrical conduction in narrow energy bands. Z. Naturforschung 29a, pp. 1655 - 1659 (1974)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.; Schwentek, H.: A numerical description of the winter anomaly in ionospheric absorption for a sunspot cycle. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 36, pp. 363 - 366 (1974)
Journal Article
Schlegel, K.: Messung niederenergetischer Elektronen (20-1350 eV) in der äquatorialen und polaren Ionosphäre - Vorläufige Ergebnisse. Kleinheubacher Berichte 17, pp. 229 - 235 (1974)
Journal Article
Schlegel, K.: Monte Carlo simulation of a model ionosphere - III. Photoelectron and escape electron spectra. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 36, pp. 183 - 187 (1974)
Journal Article
Steeb, W.-H.; Marsch, E.: Thermodynamics of a two-band Hubbard model. Phys. Stat. Sol. (b) 65, pp. 403 - 410 (1974)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: On deviations from the barametric law in the lower thermosphere. Planetary and Space Science 22, pp. 186 - 189 (1974)
Journal Article
Burge, J. D.; Eccles, D.; King, J. W.; Rüster, R.: The effects of thermospheric winds on the ionosphere at low and middle latitudes during magnetic disturbances. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 35, pp. 617 - 623 (1973)
Journal Article
Eccles, D.; King, J. W.; Rüster, R.; Slater, A.: The maintenance of the ionosphere at high latitudes in winter. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 35, pp. 1285 - 1291 (1973)
Journal Article
Kelleher, R. F.; Röttger, J.: Equatorial spread-F irregularities observed at Nairobi and on the transequatorial path Lindau-Tsumeb. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 35, pp. 1207 - 1211 (1973)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Erwärmung der Thermosphäre durch atmosphärische Schwerewellen. Kleinheubacher Berichte 16, pp. 159 - 165 (1973)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Multilayer Analyses in Application to the Propagation of Acoustic-Gravity Waves. Journal Geophysical Research 78, pp. 1733 - 1734 (1973)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Thermospheric heating by atmospheric gravity waves. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 35, pp. 2267 - 2275 (1973)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Seitenscatter durch polares Spread-F beobachtet auf der Strecke Lindau-Tsumeb. Kleinheubacher Berichte 16, pp. 155 - 157 (1973)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Langperiodisches Fading von Kurzwellensignalen. Kleinheubacher Berichte 16, pp. 167 - 178 (1973)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Wave-like structures of large-scale equatorial spread-F irregularities. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 35, pp. 1195 - 1206 (1973)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Some properties of large-scale equatorial spread-F irregularities interpreted by influences of atmospheric gravity waves. Zeitschrift Geophys. 39, pp. 799 - 818 (1973)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.; King, J. W.: Atmospheric composition changes and the F2-layer seasonal anomaly. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 35, pp. 1317 - 1322 (1973)
Journal Article
Schlegel, K.: Monte Carlo simulation of a model ionosphere - II. Energy flow and energy dissipation. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 35, pp. 415 - 424 (1973)
Journal Article
Schödel, J. P.; Klostermeyer, J.; Röttger, J.: Atmospheric Gravity Wave Observations after the Solar Eclipse of June 30, 1973. Nature 245, pp. 87 - 88 (1973)
Journal Article
Schödel, J. P.; Klostermeyer, J.; Röttger, J.; Stielke, G.: Evidence for Tropospheric-Ionospheric Coupling by Atmospheric Gravity Waves. Zeitschr. Geophys. 39, pp. 1063 - 1066 (1973)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: Atmospheric parameters from ionospheric measurements. Z. Geophys. 39, pp. 1043 - 1054 (1973)
Journal Article
Chandra, S.; Maier, E. J.; Stubbe, P.: The upper atmosphere as a regulator of subauroral red arcs. Planetary and Space Science 20, pp. 461 - 472 (1972)
Journal Article
Chandra, S.; Stubbe, P.: The development of a theoretical model of the atmosphere and ionosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 34, pp. 1627 - 1633 (1972)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.; Kochan, H.; Lange-Hesse, G.; Lauche, H.: Die polare Ionosphäre. Festzeitschrift des Max-Planck-Instituts für Aeronomie (1972)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Numerical calculation of gravity wave propagation in a realistic thermosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 34, pp. 765 - 774 (1972)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Atmosphärische Schwerewellen in der F-Region: Ein Vergleich zwischen experimentellen und theoretischen Ergebnissen. Kleinheubacher Berichte 15, pp. 67 - 73 (1972)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Comparison between observed and numerically calculated atmospheric gravity waves in the F-region. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 34, pp. 1393 - 1401 (1972)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Influence of viscosity, thermal conduction, and ion drag on the propagation of atmospheric gravity waves in the thermosphere. Zeitschr. Geophys. 38, pp. 881 - 890 (1972)
Journal Article
Kramm, R.; Schlegel, K.; Weiß, W.: Partial reflection measurements with FM-CW - A preliminary investigation. Zeitschrift für Geophysik 38, pp. 953 - 957 (1972)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Bestimmung von Parametern des äquatorialen Spread-F aus Schrägübertragungsmessungen auf der Strecke Lindau-Tsumeb. Kleinheubacher Berichte 15, pp. 77 - 96 (1972)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Some effects of atmospheric gravity waves observed on a transequatorial radio path. AGARD-CP 33, p. 115 (1972)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Über die Wechselwirkung zwischen Ionosphärenforschung und Nachrichtenfunkverkehr. Festschrift zum 25-jährigen Bestehen des Instituts für Ionophärenphysik in Lindau/Harz, pp. 84 - 87 (1972)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.; Dudeney, J. R.: The importance of the non-linear term in the equation of motion of the neutral atmosphere. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 34, pp. 1075 - 1083 (1972)
Journal Article
Schlegel, K.: Elektronendichteprofile in der gestörten D-Schicht beim Einfall energiereicher Teilchen. Kleinheubacher Berichte 15, pp. 143 - 149 (1972)
Journal Article
Schlegel, K.: Über die Anwendbarkeit des FM-CW Verfahrens bei der Methode der partiellen Reflexionen. Kleinheubacher Berichte 16, pp. 255 - 263 (1972)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: The influence of neutral winds on the NO+ and O2+ densities in the lower ionosphere at night. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 34, pp. 519 - 523 (1972)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: Vertical neutral gas motions and deviations from the barometric law in the lower thermosphere. Planetary and Space Science 20, pp. 209 - 215 (1972)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.; Varnum, W. S.: Electron energy transfer rates in the ionosphere. Planetary and Space Science 20, pp. 1121 - 1126 (1972)
Journal Article
Borchers, R.; Rose, G.; Widdel, H. U.: Ergebnisse von Ionendichte- und Ionenbeweglichkeitsmessungen mit einer Fallschirmsonde im Höhenbereich von 72 bis 39 km. Kleinheubacher Berichte 14, pp. 255 - 262 (1971)
Journal Article
Bramley, E. N.; Rüster, R.: The effects of electric fields and ion drag in the middle-latitude F-region. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 33, pp. 269 - 274 (1971)
Journal Article
Chandra, S.; Stubbe, P.: Ion and neutral composition changes in the thermospheric region during magnetic storms. Planetary and Space Science 19, pp. 491 - 502 (1971)
Journal Article
Chandra, S.; Stubbe, P.: On explaining the F-region seasonal anomaly in terms of composition changes in the lower atmosphere. Planetary and Space Science 19, pp. 1014 - 1016 (1971)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.: Calculation of an equivalent current system in the polar E-Region. Radio Science 6, pp. 247 - 253 (1971)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.: Berechnung eines äquivalenten Stromsystems aus erdmagnetischen Registrierungen. Kleinheubacher Berichte 14, pp. 209 - 214 (1971)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.; Lange-Hesse, G.: Über einige Zusammenhänge zwischen optischen und Radio-Polarlicht. Kleinheubacher Berichte 14, pp. 291 - 296 (1971)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Der Einfluß von Neutralgaswinden auf die Ausbreitung von atmosphärischen Schwerewellen in der F-Region. Kleinheubacher Berichte 14, pp. 189 - 193 (1971)
Journal Article
Rose, G.; Widdel, H. U.; Borchers, R.: A mesosphere payload to measure the concentration and mobility of positive and negative ions in the height range between 72 and 40 km. J. Brit. Interpl. Soc. 24, pp. 215 - 231 (1971)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: Einflüße des äquatorialen Spread-F auf die Kurzwellenausbreitung. Kleinheubacher Berichte 14, pp. 269 - 278 (1971)
Journal Article
Röttger, J.: An application of the Monte-Carlo-method to remote sensing-systems. AGARD-CP 90 (34), p. 71 (1971)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.: Solution of the coupled ionospheric continuity equations and the equations of motion for the ions, electrons a.n.p. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 33, pp. 137 - 147 (1971)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.: The relative effects of electric fields and atmospheric composition changes on the electron concentration i.m. F-l. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 33, pp. 275 - 280 (1971)
Journal Article
Schlegel, K.: Photoionization yields of O, O2 and N2 for high and low solar activity. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 33, pp. 1923 - 1931 (1971)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: Energy exchange and thermal balance problems. J. Scientific and Industrial Res. 30, pp. 379 - 387 (1971)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit von W. Becker, ``Einige Ergebnisse aus Lindauer Elektronendichteprofil-Berechnungen für die innere und äußere Ionosphäre.''. KLeinheubacher Berichte 14, pp. 155 - 158 (1971)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.; Chandra, S.: Ionospheric warming by neutral winds. Planetary and Space Science 19, pp. 731 - 737 (1971)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.; Chandra, S.: On explaining the magnetic storm phenomena in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere. Ind. J. Pure Appl. Phys. 9, pp. 542 - 545 (1971)
Journal Article
Widdel, H. U.; Rose, G.; Borchers, R.: Results of concentration and mobility measurements of positively and negatively charged particles taken by a rocket-borne parachutet aspiration (Gerdien) probe in the height region from 72 to 39 km. Pageoph 84, pp. 154 - 160 (1971)
Journal Article
Chandra, S.; Stubbe, P.: The diurnal phase anomaly in the upper atmospheric density and temperature. Planetary and Space Science 18, pp. 1021 - 1033 (1970)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.: Berechnung des Stromsystems in der Polaren E-Region. Zeitschrift f. Geophys. 36, pp. 647 - 650 (1970)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.; Kochan, H.; Lange-Hesse, G.; Lauche, H.; Möller, H. G.: Simultane Beobachtungen verschiedener ionosphärischer Phänomene während des erdmagnetischen Sturmes vom 31. Oktober bis 2. November 1968. Zeitschrift für Geophysik 36 (Heft 1), pp. 77 - 103 (1970)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: Simultaneous solution of the time dependent coupled continuity equations, heat conduction equations, and equations of motion for a system consisting of a neutral gas, an electron gas, and a four component ion gas. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 32, pp. 865 - 903 (1970)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.: The F-region during an eclipse - A theoretical study. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 32, pp. 1109 - 1116 (1970)
Journal Article
Stubbe, P.; Chandra, S.: The effect of electric fields on the F regin behaviour as compared with neutral wind effects. Planetary and Space Science 32, pp. 1909 - 1919 (1970)
Journal Article
Czechowsky, P.: Statistische Auswertung von Polarlichtrückstreubeobachtungen und Vergleich mit der Theorie der Plasmainstabilität. Kleinheubacher Berichte 13, pp. 97 - 103 (1969)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Gravity waves in the F-Region. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 31, pp. 25 - 45 (1969)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Interaction between neutral gas and ionization in the F-region during the passage of atmospheric gravity waves. Annales de Geophysique 25, pp. 547 - 550 (1969)
Journal Article
Klostermeyer, J.: Berücksichtigung Ohmscher Verluste bei der Interpretation von beobachteten Schwerewellen in der F-Region. Kleinheubacher Berichte 13, pp. 105 - 108 (1969)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.: Eine theoretische Untersuchung der Abhängigkeit der Elektronendichteverteilung in der Nähe des Maximums der F-Schicht. Kleinheubacher Berichte 13, pp. 115 - 119 (1969)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.: Influence of the atmospheric temperature on the electron density distribution in the midnight F-region. Annales de Geophysique 25, pp. 499 - 503 (1969)
Journal Article
Rüster, R.: Theoretical treatment of the dynamical behaviour of the F-region during geomagnetic bay disturbances. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 31, pp. 765 - 780 (1969)
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