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Kikuchi, T.; Lühr, H.; Kitamura, T.; Saka, O.; Schlegel, K.: Direct penetration of the polar electric field to the equator during a DP 2 event as detected by the auroral and equatorial magnetometer chains and the EISCAT radar. Journal Geophysical Research 101, pp. 17161 - 17173 (1966)
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Baines, K. H.; Flasar, F. M.; Krupp, N.; Stallard, T. (Eds.): Saturn in the 21st Century. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2018), 496 pp.
Balogh, A.; Cliver, E.; Petrie, G.; Solanki, S. K.; Thompson, M.; von Steiger, R. (Eds.): Solar Magnetic Fields: from measurement towards understanding. Springer, Dordrecht (2018), 426 pp.
Lühr, H.; Wicht, J.; Gilder, S. A.; Holschneider, M. (Eds.): Magnetic Fields in the Solar System: Planets, Moons and Solar Wind Interactions. Springer, Cham (2018), 413 pp.
Haaland, S.; Runov, A.; Forsyth, C. (Eds.): Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ (2017), 376 pp.
Hocking, W. K.; Röttger, J.; Palmer, R. D.; Sato, T.; Chilson, P. B.: Atmospheric Radar: Application and Science of MST Radars in the Earth's Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere, and Weakly Ionized Regions. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (2016)
Bhardwaj, A.; Haider, S. A.; Hartogh, P.; Ito, T.; Satake, K. (Eds.): Millimeter Wave Days Proceedings -Sixth ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications ESA 7. World Scientific, Singapore (2011)
Hulot, G.; Balogh, A.; Christensen, U. R.; Constable, C.; Mandea, M.; Olsen, N. (Eds.): Terrestrial Magnetism. Springer, Berlin (2011), 400 pp.
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Christensen, U. R.; Balogh, A.; Breuer, D.; Glaßmeier, K.-H. (Eds.): Planetary Magnetism. Springer, Berlin (2010), 686 pp.
Huber, M. C. E.; Pauluhn, A.; Culhane, J. L.; Timothy, J. G.; Wilhelm, K.; Zehnder, A. (Eds.): Observing Photons in Space. ESA Communications, Noordwijk, The Netherlands (2010), 681 pp.
Bhardwaj, A.; Hartogh, P.; Kasaba, Y.; Wu, R.; Daisuke, I.; Ito, T. (Eds.): Planetary Sciences. World Scientific, Singapore (2009)
Gizon, L.; Cally, P.; Leibacher, J. (Eds.): Helioseismology, Asteroseismology, and MHD Connections. Springer (2009), 638 pp.
Schulz, R.; Alexander, C.; Boehnhardt, H.; Glassmeier, K.-H. (Eds.): Rosetta-ESA's Mission to the Origin of the Solar System. Springer Press, Heidelberg (2009)
Thompson, M. J.; Balogh, A.; Culhane, J. L.; Nordlund, Å.; Solanki, S. K.; Zahn, J.-P. (Eds.): The Origin and Dynamics of Solar Magnetism. Springer, Berlin (2009), 428 pp.
Barucci, M. A.; Boehnhardt, H.; Cruikshank, D. P.; Morbidelli, A. (Eds.): The Solar System Beyond Neptune. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, USA (2008)
Hartogh, P.; Espy, P. J. (Eds.): MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmosphere Sounding): Potential of the experiment, data processing and validation of results. European Geosciences Union (2008)
Paschmann, G.; Daly, P. W. (Eds.): Multi-Spacecraft Analysis Methods Revisited. International Space Science Institute, Bern (2008), 100 pp.
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Büchner, J. (Ed.): Magnetic coupling at sun and stars. Elsevier Ltd., Oxford, Orlando and Tokyo (2007), 118 pp.
Izmodenov, V.; Kallenbach, R. (Eds.): The Physics of the Heliospheric Boundaries. ESA Publ. Div., Noordwijk, Netherlands (2007), 413 pp.
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Williams, D. A.; Nathues, A.; Nathues, A.; Scully, J. E. C.: Geomorphology of Ceres. In: Vesta and Ceres. Insights from the Dawn Mission for the Origin of the Solar System, p. 143 (2022)
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Halekas, J. S.; Luhmann, J. G.; Dubinin, E. M.; Ma, Y.: Induced Magnetospheres: Mars. In: Magnetospheres in the Solar System, pp. 391 - 406 (Eds. Maggiolo, R.; André, N.). Wiley, Hoboken (2021)
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Roussos, E.; Kollmann, P.: The Radiation Belts of Jupiter and Saturn. In: Magnetospheres in the Solar System, Vol. 23 (Eds. Maggiolo, R.; André, N.; Hasegawa, H.; Welling, D. T.; Zhang, Y. et al.). American Geophysical Union (2021)
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Gilder, S. A.; Wack, M. R.; Kronberg, E. A.; Prabhu, A.: Solar Cycle Variations in Differential Intrumental Responses from Ground-Based Geomagnetic Records. In: Geomagnetism, Aeronomy and Space Weather: A Journey from the Earth's Core to the Sun, pp. 71 - 83 (Eds. Mandea, M.; Korte, M.; Yau, A.; Petrovsky, E.). Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge U.K. (2019)
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Markkanen, J.; Ylä-Oijala, P.: New trends in frequency-domain volume integral equations. In: New Trends in Computational Electromagnetics, pp. 161 - 205 (Ed. Ergul, O.). IET (2019)
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Mißbach, H.: Aus Anorganik wird Organik — die Bildung einfacher organischer Verbindungen mittels abiotischer Synthese. In: Jahrbuch 2018 der Braunschweigischen Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft, pp. 97 - 103 (Ed. Braunschweigische Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft). Kramer, Braunschweig (2019)
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Shapiro, A.; Peter, H.; Solanki, S. K.: The Sun's Atmosphere. In: The Sun as a Guide to Stellar Physics, pp. 59 - 85 (Eds. Engvold, O.; Vial, .-C.; Skumanich, A.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2019)
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Wilhelm, K.; Dwivedi, B. N.: Impact Models of Gravitational and Electrostatic Forces. In: Planetology - Future Explorations [Working Title] (2019)
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Büchner, J.; Kilian, P.; Muñoz Sepúlveda, P. A.; Spanier, F.; Widmer, F.; Zhou, X.; Jain, N.: Kinetic Simulations of Electron Acceleration at Mercury. In: Magnetic Fields in the Solar System: Planets, Moons and Solar Wind Interactions, pp. 201 - 240 (Eds. Lühr, H.; Wicht, J.; Gilder, S. A.; Holschneider, M.). Springer, Cham (2018)
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Christensen, U. R.; Cao, H.; Dougherty, M. K.; Khurana, K.: Saturn’s Magnetic Field and Dynamo. In: Saturn in the 21st Century, pp. 69 - 96 (Eds. Baines, K. H.; Flasar, F. M.; Krupp, N.; Stallard, T.). Cambridge UP, Cambridge UK (2018)
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Cooper, J. F.; Johnson, R. E.; Kollmann, P.; Roussos, E.; Sittler, E. C.: Plasma, Neutral Atmosphere, and Energetic Radiation Environments of Planetary Rings. In: Planetary Ring Systems: Properties, Structure, and Evolution, pp. 363 - 398 (Eds. Tiscareno, M. S.; Murray, C. D.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2018)
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Dunlop, M. W.; Haaland, S.; Dong, X.; Middleton, H. R.; Escoubet, C. P.; Yang, Y.‐.; Zhang, Q.‐.; Shi, J.; Russell, C. T.: Multipoint Analysis of Electric Currents in Geospace Using the Curlometer Technique. In: Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond, Vol. 235, pp. 67 - 80 (Eds. Keiling, A.; Marghitu, O.; Wheatland, M.). Wiley, Hoboken (2018)
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Hauber, E.; Mège, D.; Platz, T.; Broz̆, P.: Endogenic Processes. In: Planetary Geology, pp. 147 - 183 (Eds. Pio Rossi, A.; van Gasselt, S.). Springer, Cham (2018)
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Heller, R.: Detecting and Characterizing Exomoons and Exorings. In: Handbook of Exoplanets, pp. 835 - 851 (Eds. Deeg, H. J.; Belmonte, J. A.). Springer, Cham (2018)
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Kleine, T.; Budde, G.; Hellmann, J. L.: Tungsten Isotopes and the Origin of Chondrules and Chondrites. In: Chondrules: Records of Protoplanetary Disk Processes, pp. 276 - 299 (Eds. Russell, S. S.; Connolly, H. C.,. J.; Krot, A. N.) (2018)
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Kruijer, T. S.; Kleine, T.: Origin and Evolution of the Moon: Tungsten Isotopic Constraints. In: Springer (2018)
Book Chapter
Krupp, N.; Kollmann, P.; Mitchell, D. G.; Thomsen, M.; Jia, X.; Masters, A.; Zarka, P.: Global Configuration and Seasonal Variations of Saturn’s Magnetosphere. In: Saturn in the 21st Century, pp. 126 - 165 (Eds. Baines, K. H.; Flasar, F. M.; Krupp, N.; Stallard, T.). Cambridge UP, Cambridge UK (2018)
Book Chapter
Lühr, H.; Wicht, J.; Gilder, S. A.; Holschneider, M.: General Introduction and Scientific Summary of the German Priority Program “PlanetMag”. In: Magnetic Fields in the Solar System: Planets, Moons and Solar Wind Interactions, pp. 1 - 6 (Eds. Lühr, H.; Wicht, J.; Gilder, S. A.; Holschneider, M.). Springer, Cham (2018)
Book Chapter
Nagashima, K.: Local Helioseismology Analyses with Hinode/SOT Datasets. In: First Ten Years of Hinode Solar On-Orbit Observatory, pp. 183 - 198 (Eds. Shimizu, T.; Imada, S.; Kubo, M.). Springer, Singapore (2018)
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Smith, H. T.; Crary, F. J.; Dougherty, M. K.; Perry, M. E.; Roussos, E.; Simon, S.; Tokar, R. L.: Enceladus and Its Influence on Saturn's Magnetosphere. In: Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn, pp. 211 - 234 (Eds. Schenk, P. M.; Howett, C. J. A.; Verbiscer, A. J.; Waite, J. H.; Dotson, R.). University of Arizona Press, Tucson (2018)
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Vago, J. L.; Coates, A. J.; Jaumann, R.; Korablev, O.; Ciarletti, V.; Mitrofanov, I.; Josset, J.-L.; Westall, F.; Sanctis, M. C. D.; Bibring, J.-P. et al.; Rull, F.; Goesmann, F.; Brinckerhoff, W.; Raulin, F.; Sefton-Nash, E.; Svedhem, H.; Kminek, G.; Rodionov, D.; Baglioni, P.: Searching for Traces of Life With the ExoMars Rover. In: From Habitability to Life on Mars, pp. 309 - 347 (Eds. Cabrol, N. A.; Grin, E. A.). Elsevier, Amsterdam (2018)
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Wicht, J.; French, M.; Stellmach, S.; Nettelmann, N.; Gastine, T.; Duarte, L.; Redmer, R.: Modeling the Interior Dynamics of Gas Planets. In: Magnetic Fields in the Solar System: Planets, Moons and Solar Wind Interactions, pp. 7 - 81 (Eds. Lühr, H.; Wicht, J.; Gilder, S. A.; Holschneider, M.). Springer, Cham (2018)
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Carbary, J. F.; Mitchell, D. G.; Rymer, A. M.; Krupp, N.; Hamilton, D.; Krimigis, S. M.; Badman, S. V.: Local Time Asymmetries in Saturn's Magnetosphere. In: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments, pp. 323 - 336 (Eds. Haaland, S.; Runov, A.; Forsyth, C.). Wiley, Hoboken (2017)
Book Chapter
Förster, M.; Doornbos, E.; Haaland, S.: The Role of the Upper Atmosphere for Dawn-Dusk Differences in the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere System. In: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments, pp. 125 - 141 (Eds. Haaland, S.; Runov, A.; Forsyth, C.). Wiley, Hoboken (2017)
Book Chapter
Haaland, S.; Hasegawa, H.; Keyser, J. D.; Maes, L.: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries at the Terrestrial Magnetopause: Observations. In: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments, pp. 73 - 84 (Eds. Haaland, S.; Runov, A.; Forsyth, C.). Wiley, Hoboken (2017)
Book Chapter
Keyser, J. D.; Maes, L.; Maggiolo, R.; Haaland, S.: Magnetopause Thickness at the Dawn and Dusk Flanks. In: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments, pp. 85 - 93 (Eds. Haaland, S.; Runov, A.; Forsyth, C.). Wiley, Hoboken (2017)
Book Chapter
Kleine, T.: Tungsten Isotopes. In: Springer International Publishing. Springer (2017)
Book Chapter
Kleine, T.; Wadhwa, M.: Chronology of Planetesimal Differentiation. In: Planetesimals: Early Differentiation and Consequences for Planets, pp. 224 - 245 (Eds. Elkins-Tanton, L. T.; Weiss, B. P.) (2017)
Book Chapter
Kronberg, E. A.; Li, K.; Grigorenko, E. E.; Maggiolo, R.; Haaland, S.; Daly, P. W.; Luo, H.: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet: Ion Observations. In: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments, pp. 243 - 253 (Eds. Haaland, S.; Runov, A.; Forsyth, C.). American Geophysical Union, Washington (2017)
Book Chapter
Li, K.; Kronberg, E. A.; André, M.; Daly, P. W.; Wei, Y.; Haaland, S.: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries of Ionospheric Outflow. In: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments, pp. 273 - 284 (Eds. Haaland, S.; Runov, A.; Forsyth, C.). American Geophysical Union, Washington (2017)
Book Chapter
Palmaerts, B.; Vogt, M. F.; Krupp, N.; Grodent, D.; Bonfond, B.: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Jupiter's Magnetosphere. In: Dawn-Dusk Asymmetries in Planetary Plasma Environments, pp. 309 - 322 (Eds. Haaland, S.; Runov, A.; Forsyth, C.). Wiley, Hoboken (2017)
Book Chapter
Dubinin, E.; Fraenz, M.: 20 - Ultra-Low Frequency Waves at Venus and Mars. In: Low-Frequency Waves in Space Plasmas, Geophysical Monograph 216, pp. 343 - 364 (Eds. Keiling, A.; Lee, D.-H.; Nakariakov, V.). American Geophysical Union. Published 2016 by John Wiley Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA (2016)
Book Chapter
Dubinin, E. M.; Fränz, M.: Ultra-Low-Frequency Waves at Venus and Mars. In: Low-Frequency Waves in Space Plasmas, pp. 343 - 364 (Eds. Keiling, A.; Lee, D.-H.; Nakariakov, V.). Wiley (2016)
Book Chapter
Engrand, C.; Duprat, J.; Bardin, N.; Dartois, E.; Leroux, H.; Quirico, E.; Benzerara, K.; Remusat, L.; Dobrica, E.; Delauche, L. et al.; Bradley, J.; Ishii, H.; Hilchenbach, M.: The asteroid-comet continuum from laboratory and space analyses of comet samples and micrometeorites. In: Proceedings of the IAU, Vol. 29A, pp. 253 - 256. CUP, Cambridge (2016)
Book Chapter
Gonzalez, W. D.; Parker, E. N.; Mozer, F. S.; Vasyliūnas, V. M.; Pritchett, P. L.; Karimabadi, H.; Cassak, P. A.; Scudder, J. D.; Yamada, M.; Kulsrud, R. M. et al.; Koga, D.: Fundamental Concepts Associated with Magnetic Reconnection. In: Magnetic Reconnection, Vol. 427, pp. 1 - 32 (Eds. W., G.; E., P.). Springer, Switzerland (2016)
Book Chapter
Haaland, S.; André, M.; Eriksson, A.; Li, K.; Nilsson, H.; Baddeley, L.; Johnsen, C.; Maes, L.; Lybekk, B.; Pedersen, A.: Low-energy Ion Outflow Observed by Cluster:Utilizing the Spacecraft Potential. In: Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Solar System, (Eds. Chappell, C. R.; Schunk, R. W.; Banks, P. M.; Burch, J. L.; Thorne, R. M.). Wiley Publishers, Hoboken, USA (2016)
Book Chapter
Hanasoge, S. M.; Gizon, L.; Sreenivasan, K. R.: Convective Transport in the Sun. In: Advances in Computation, Modeling and Control of Transitional and Turbulent Flows, pp. 17 - 34 (Eds. Sengupta, T. K.; Lele, S. K.; Sreenivasan, K. R.; Davidson, P. A.). World Scientific Publishing, Singapore (2016)
Book Chapter
Krupp, N.: 12 - Energetic-particle environments in the solar system. In: Heliophysics, Active Stars, their Astrospheres, and Impacts on Planetary Environments, pp. 270 - 288 (Eds. Schrijver, C. J.; Bagenal, F.; Sojka, J. J.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom (2016)
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