Rocks & Stars
Place: Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen, Germany
Date: Wednesday 13 to Saturday 16 September 2017
Rocks & Stars is a student organised conference aimed at providing exciting insights into the connections within solar-system research and stellar astrophysics. This conference will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science by bringing together senior scientists and young researchers. The conference will encompass all research topics covered at the institute including planetary science, solar and stellar physics and instrumentation.
Follow the links on the left to see the programme, to register for the conference and to find other information.
German Astronomical Society 2017
The annual meeting of the German Astronomical Society is also taking place in Gottingen a week later, from 18-22 September. If you are interested, we encourage you to participate in both conferences and plan your travel accordingly.
Goodbye, Cassini!
After 13 years in the Saturn system Cassini's journey is coming to an end with its final approach towards the giant planet. There will be a special event at MPS on Friday, Sep 15, from 1 pm on, to follow Cassini's final hours. The NASA-livestream will be running and there will also be public talks (in German) giving an overview on the mission. Everyone interested is very welcome to join.