SIII Campaign Info

A collection of relevant documents, scedules, links for our campaign!
Please write to Andi ( if you’d like to add (or remove/change) something here.

At the base:

  • daily briefing meetings: at 08:30 in “The Dome”

Arrival info:

  • On arrival, you have to get your room key and your badge at the entrance gate. A guard is there 24/7
  • During night time, the guard is sometimes on a 30’ site-checking round. In this case you can call his mobile phone, then he might interrupt his round and help you to get in faster.
    guard mobile phone number: +46 70 685 3804



  • SSC Security Briefing: If you did not attend the online briefing, you MUST contact Sammi Smith for a private security briefing. This is mandatory before starting to work at the base!
    Respect the “NO-OUTSIDE-PHOTO” policy!
  • NASA Security Briefing: This is also mandatory. If you missed it, you must watch the recording: NASA Security Briefing Recording
  • We have an MPS security briefing at arrival: April-08, 08:30, balloon hall
  • Every MPS employee needs to get security instructions by Dietmar Germerott or Andreas Korpi-Lagg before starting to work in the Dome!
  • wear protective equipment (eg. safety shoes, helmet) when working in certain areas
  • document attendance of security instruction on-site


Over-hours (for MPS employees):

The work load in Kiruna is expected to be high. I filed in an “Antrag auf Überstunden” for all Kiruna travellers. This application was approved by the Betriebsrat. Here the guidelines:

  • The “Überstunden” rules apply for the full time span of the campaign (April 1st - end of flight) for all Kiruna travellers, even if your stay is shorter.
  • Time keeping is done by filling out personal sheets on a daily basis. The work hours must not exceed 10h per day and 60h per week. An 11h break between shifts is mandatory.
  • The sheet with the work hours has to be filed in to the administration at the end of every month.
  • Überstunden-Abbau should happen as soon as possible (during or after the stay in Kiruna). 






Kiruna Documents (2022 Campaign)

Aurora info:

Off-site accomodation suggestions (Molly):