Max Planck Princeton Center - Workshop
Hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research
20 - 23 January 2020

Detailed programm: 
Young Researchers' Lunch
On Monday we will organise a special lunch event for young researchers. Soup and sandwiches lunch will be combined with a short introduction (max. 1 min). Tell others who you are, what you work on, and what you expect from this workshop. On the registration form you will have the possibility to express your interest in participating in this event.
The reception will take place at MPS around 6 pm on Monday evening. We are proud to announce that the PhD-student Band "Mega Gauss" will play at the reception. In addition, we offer guided tours through the Institute (approx. 1h). Food, drinks, entertainment, and a great chance to interact with your colleagues will be provided.
Conference Dinner
The conference dinner will take place at the Deutsche Theater in the city center. The Theater-Keller will provide space for scientific and non-scientific discussions - on and off the stage. Before the dinner, we will organise a stroll - a one-hour walk along the Göttingen city wall - an opportunity to see some main attractions of Göttingen, while interacting with your colleagues in fresh air.
Guided Tour through Göttingen
This city tour brings to life the places where Carl Friedrich Gauss lived and worked in Göttingen. Already in his childhood Carl Friedrich Gauss attracted attention by his extraordinary mathematical talent. In 1807 he became professor of astronomy and director of the observatory in Göttingen. Here he did pioneering work in mathematics, astronomy, geodesy and physics. Although Gauss received several honorary calls to other universities, he remained in Göttingen until his death.
The city tour is for everyone who is interested and especially for those, who can start their home journey only on Friday.
The tour will start and end in the city center (approx. 2h).