Yeo, K. L.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.: Measurements and models of solar irradiance variability in the satellite-era. Conference on Sun-Climate Connections, Kiel, Germany (2015)
Yeo, K. L.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.: Solar irradiance variability since 1978 Reconciling measurements and models. AOGS 12th Annual Meeting, Singapore (2015)
Yeo, K. L.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.: Discrepancy between the various UV SSI records and reconstructions, and the underlying causes. SOLARIS-HEPPA Working Group Meeting, Boulder, Colorado, USA (2015)
Yeo, K. L.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.: SATIRE-S reconstruction of TSI and SSI since 1974. 2015 Sun-Climate Symposium, Savannah, Georgia, USA (2015)
Yeo, K. L.; Solanki, S. K.; Krivova, N. A.: Solar magnetic activity and solar irradiance variability since 1978. 2nd SOLARNET Meeting, Palermo, Italy (2015)
Ball, W.; Haigh, J.; Krivova, N.; Unruh, Y.; Solanki, S.: The SATIRE-S model and why getting solar cycle spectral irradiance trends correct is so important. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2014)
Ball, W. T.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.; Unruh, Y. C.; Haigh, J. D.; Mortlock, D.; Jaffe, A.; Egerton, J.; Harder, J.: Spectral solar irradiance and the limits in understanding the effect of irradiance on stratospheric ozone. seminar, Cambridge University, UK (2014)
Ball, W. T.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.; Unruh, Y. C.; Haigh, J. D.; Mortlock, D.; Jaffe, A.; Egerton, J.; Harder, J.: Solar irradiance and Stratospheric ozone. Seminar, University of Montreal, Canada (2014)
Ball, W. T.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.; Unruh, Y. C.; Haigh, J. D.; Mortlock, D.; Jaffe, A.; Egerton, J.; Harder, J.: Our current understanding of solar irradiance and its effect on stratospheric ozone. Seminar, Davos, Switzerland (2014)
Ball, W. T.; Yeo, K. L.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.; Unruh, Y. C.; Haigh, J. D.; Mortlock, D.; Egerton, J. S.: Spectral solar irradiance and limits on understanding the effect on stratospheric ozone. seminar, Kiel, Germany (2014)
Dasi-Espuig, M.; Unruh, Y.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.; Jiang, J.: Modeling of spectral irradiance based on modeled proxies. SOLID annual meeting, Bremen, Germany (2014)
Krivova, N.: Spectral And Total IRradiance REconstructions (SATIRE): Update. TOSCA/SOLID Workshop Long-term variations of solar activity and their impacts: From the Maunder Minimum to the 21st century, Corfu, Greece (2014)
Krivova, N.: The solar cycle 24 and predictions of future solar variability. 5th International HEPPA Workshop in conjunction with SPARC/SOLARIS-HEPPA, Baden-Baden, Germany (2014)
Yeo, K. L.; Solanki, S. K.; Krivova, N. A.: Solar irradiance variability and the Earth's climate. SCOSTEP's 13th Quadrennial Solar-Terrestrial Physics Symposium, Xi'an, China (2014)
Wu, C.-J.; Krivova, N.; Solanki, S.; Usoskin, I.: Solar Total and Spectral Irradiance reconstruction over last 9000 years. Space Climate 6, Levi, Finland (2016)
Dr. Theodosios Chatzistergos receives award by the European Space Weather and Space Climate Association for his research findings on the historical activity of the Sun.
The Zdenĕk Švetska Senior Prize of the Solar Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) recognizes Solanki’s pioneering contributions to solar research.
Application deadline 1 October 2024. PhD projects in planetary science, solar and stellar physics, solar magnetism, heliophysics, helioseismology, asteroseismology, ...
First Light for Sunrise III: the first tests with real sunlight were successful. The balloon-borne solar observatory should be ready for launch at the end of May.