Chatzistergos, T.; Krivova, N. A.; Ermolli, I.: Understanding the secular variability of solar irradiance: the potential of Ca II K observations. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate 14, p. 9 (2024)
Pevtsov, A. A.; Nandy, D.; Usoskin, I.; Pevtsov, A. A.; Corti, C.; Lefèvre, L.; Owens, M.; Li, G.; Krivova, N.; Saha, al.; Perri, B.; Brun, A. S.; Strugarek, A.; Dayeh, M. A.; Nagovitsyn, Y. A.; Erdélyi, R.: Long-term solar variability: ISWAT S1 cluster review for COSPAR space weather roadmap. Advances in Space Research (2023)
Sowmya, K.; Shapiro, A. I.; Rouppe van der Voort, L. H. M.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.: Modeling Stellar Ca II H and K Emission Variations: Spot Contribution to the S-index. The Astrophysical Journal 956, p. L10 (2023)
Chatzistergos, T.; Ermolli, I.; Krivova, N. A.; Barata, T.; Carvalho, S.; Malherbe, J.-M.: Scrutinising the relationship between plage areas and sunspot areas and numbers. Astronomy and Astrophysics 667, p. A167 (2022)
Chatzistergos, T.; Krivova, N.; Ermolli, I.: Full-disc Ca II K observations-A window to past solar magnetism. FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES (2022)
Kaplan-Lipkin, A.; Macintosh, B.; Madurowicz, A.; Sowmya, K.; Shapiro, A. I.; Krivova, N. A.; Solanki, S. K.: Multiwavelength Mitigation of Stellar Activity in Astrometric Planet Detection. The Astronomical Journal 163, p. 205 (2022)
Koldobskiy, S. A.; Kähkönen, R.; Hofer, B.; Krivova, N. A.; Kovaltsov, G. A.; Usoskin, I. G.: Time Lag Between Cosmic-Ray and Solar Variability: Sunspot Numbers and Open Solar Magnetic Flux. Solar Physics 297, 38 (2022)
Usoskin, I. G.; Solanki, S. K.; Krivova, N.; Hofer, B.; Kovaltsov, G. A.; Wacker, L.; Brehm, N.; Kromer, B.: Solar cyclic activity over the last millennium reconstructedfrom annual 14C data (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 664, p. C3 (2022)
Dr. Theodosios Chatzistergos receives award by the European Space Weather and Space Climate Association for his research findings on the historical activity of the Sun.
The Zdenĕk Švetska Senior Prize of the Solar Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) recognizes Solanki’s pioneering contributions to solar research.
Application deadline 1 October 2024. PhD projects in planetary science, solar and stellar physics, solar magnetism, heliophysics, helioseismology, asteroseismology, ...
First Light for Sunrise III: the first tests with real sunlight were successful. The balloon-borne solar observatory should be ready for launch at the end of May.