Pasckert, J. H.; Schmedemann, N.; Nathues, A.; Hiesinger, H.; van der Bogert, C. H.: The young resurfacing events at Ceres' Occator Crater: Seismic shaking or deposition of cryovolcanic material? Icarus 389, p. 115259 (2023)
Pasckert, J. H.; Schmedemann, N.; Nathues, A.; Hiesinger, H.; van der Bogert, C. H.: The young resurfacing events at Ceres' Occator Crater: Seismic shaking or deposition of cryovolcanic material? Icarus 389, p. 115259 (2023)
Castillo-Rogez, J.; Neveu, M.; Vinogradoff, V.; Miller, K. E.; Sori, M. M.; Tosi, F.; Schmidt, B.; Scully, J. E. C.; Melwani Daswani, M.; Hughson, al.; McSween, H.; De Sanctis, C.; Quick, L.; Ermakov, A.; Thangjam, G.; Otto, K.; Krohn, K.; Schenk, P.; Nathues, A.; Raymond, C.: Science Drivers for the Future Exploration of Ceres: From Solar System Evolution to Ocean World Science. The Planetary Science Journal 3, p. 64 (2022)
Hernandez, J. A.; Nathues, A.; Hiesinger, H.; Goetz, W.; Goetz, W.; Hoffmann, M.; Schmedemann, N.; Thangjam, G.; Mengel, K.; Sarkar, R.: Geology and colour of Kupalo crater on Ceres. Planetary and Space Science 220, p. 105538 (2022)
Raymond, C. A.; Ermakov, A. I.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Marchi, S.; Johnson, B. C.; Hesse, M. A.; Scully, J. E. C.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Sizemore, H. G.; Schenk, P. al.; Nathues, A.; Park, R. S.; Prettyman, T. H.; Quick, L. C.; Keane, J. T.; Rayman, M. D.; Russell, C. T.: Impact-driven mobilization of deep crustal brines on dwarf planet Ceres. Nature astronomy 4 (8), pp. 741 - 747 (2020)
Schmidt, B.E.; Sizemore, H.G.; Duarte, K.D.; Romero, V.N.; Scully, J. E. C.; Hughson, K. H. G.; Schenk, P. M.; Buczkowski, D.L.; Williams, D. A.; Nathues, al.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Raymond, C. A.; Russell, C.T.: Hydrological evolution of Occator crater: Implications from pingo and frost heave morphology. (submitted)
Schmidt, B. E.; Sizemore, H. G.; Hughson, K. H. G.; Duarte, K. D.; Romero, V. N.; Scully, J. E. C.; Schenk, P. M.; Buczkowski, D. L.; Williams, D. A.; Nathues, al.; Udell, K.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Raymond, C. A.; Russell, C. T.: Post-impact cryo-hydrologic formation of small mounds and hills in Ceres’s Occator crater. Nature Geoscience 13 (9), pp. 605 - 610 (2020)
Chilton, H. T.; Schmidt, B. E.; Duarte, K.; Ferrier, K. L.; Hughson, K. H. G.; Scully, J. E. C.; Wray, J. J.; Sizemore, H. G.; Nathues, A.; Platz, al.; Schorghofer, N.; Schenk, P. M.; Landis, M. E.; Bland, M.; Byrne, S.; Russell, C. T. R.; Raymond, C. A.: Landslides on Ceres: Inferences Into Ice Content and Layering in the Upper Crust. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124 (6), pp. 1512 - 1524 (2019)
Combe, J.-P.; Raponi, A.; Tosi, F.; De Sanctis, M. C.; Carrozzo, F. G.; Zambon, F.; Ammannito, E.; Hughson, K. H.G.; Nathues, A.; Hoffmann, al.; Platz, T.; Thangjam, G. S.; Schorghofer, N.; Schröder, S.; Byrne, S.; Landis, M. E.; Ruesch, O.; McCord, T. B.; Johnson, K. E.; Magar Singh, S.; Raymond, C. A.; Russell, C. T.: Exposed H2O-rich areas detected on Ceres with the dawn visible and infrared mapping spectrometer. Icarus 318, pp. 22 - 41 (2019)
Duarte, K. D.; Schmidt, B. E.; Chilton, H. T.; Hughson, K. H. G.; Sizemore, H. G.; Ferrier, K. L.; Buffo, J. J.; Scully, J. E. C.; Nathues, A.; Platz, al.; Landis, M.; Byrne, S.; Bland, M.; Russell, C. T.; Raymond, C. A.: Landslides on Ceres: Diversity and Geologic Context. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 124 (12), pp. 3329 - 3343 (2019)
Li, J.-Y.; Schröder, S. E.; Mottola , S.; Nathues, A.; Castillo-Rogez, J. C.; Schorghofer, N.; Williams, D. A.; Ciarniello, M.; Longobardo, A.; Raymond, C. al.; Russellg, C. T.: Spectrophotometric modeling and mapping of Ceres. Icarus 322, pp. 144 - 167 (2019)
Dr. Theodosios Chatzistergos receives award by the European Space Weather and Space Climate Association for his research findings on the historical activity of the Sun.
The Zdenĕk Švetska Senior Prize of the Solar Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) recognizes Solanki’s pioneering contributions to solar research.
Application deadline 1 October 2024. PhD projects in planetary science, solar and stellar physics, solar magnetism, heliophysics, helioseismology, asteroseismology, ...
First Light for Sunrise III: the first tests with real sunlight were successful. The balloon-borne solar observatory should be ready for launch at the end of May.