Böning, V. G. A.; Birch, A.; Gizon, L.; Duvall, T.: Helioseismological determination of the subsurface spatial spectrum of solar convection: Demonstration using numerical simulations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 649, A59 (2021)
Hanson, C. S.; Duvall, T.; Birch, A.; Gizon, L.; Sreenivasan, K. R.: Solar east-west flow correlations that persist for months at low latitudes are dominated by active region inflows. Astronomy and Astrophysics 644, A103 (2020)
Liang, Z.-C.; Gizon, L.; Birch, A.; Duvall, T.; Rajaguru, S. P.: Solar meridional circulation from twenty-one years of SOHO/MDI and SDO/HMI observations: Helioseismic travel times and forward modeling in the ray approximation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 619, A99 (2018)
Liang, Z.-C.; Birch, A. C.; Duvall, T.; Gizon, L.; Schou, J.: Comparison of acoustic travel-time measurements of solar meridional circulation from SDO/HMI and SOHO/MDI. Astronomy and Astrophysics 601, A46 (2017)
Couvidat, S.; Schou, J.; Hoeksema, J. T.; Bogart, R. S.; Bush, R. I.; Duvall, T. L.; Liu, Y.; Norton, A. A.; Scherrer, P. H.: Observables processing for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Solar Physics 291, pp. 1887 - 1938 (2016)
Schad, A.; Jouve, L.; Duvall, T.; Roth, M.; Vorontsov, S.: Recent developments in helioseismic analysis methods and solar data assimilation. Space Science Reviews 196, pp. 221 - 249 (2015)
Duvall, T.: Flows in the convection zone with potential relevance to the sunspot problem. Sunspot formation: theory, simulations and observations, Stockholm, Sweden (2015)
Duvall, T.: Flows in the convection zone with particular relevant to the dynamo. NASA LWS Workshop on Solar Dynamo Frontiers: Helioseismology, 3D Modeling, and Data Assimilation, Boulder, Colorado, USA (2015)
Poulier, P.-L.; Gizon, L.; Fournier, D.; Duvall, T.: On the validity of the frozen-in approximation for acoustic wave propagation through solar granulation. XXXth General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Vienna, Austria (2019)
Nagashima, K.; Duvall, T.; Birch, A. C.; Gizon, L.: Comparison between time-distance and ring-diagram helioseismology measurements of subsurface convective flows. Annual Meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft 2017, Göttingen, Germany (2017)
Dr. Theodosios Chatzistergos receives award by the European Space Weather and Space Climate Association for his research findings on the historical activity of the Sun.
The Zdenĕk Švetska Senior Prize of the Solar Physics Division of the European Physical Society (EPS) recognizes Solanki’s pioneering contributions to solar research.
Application deadline 1 October 2024. PhD projects in planetary science, solar and stellar physics, solar magnetism, heliophysics, helioseismology, asteroseismology, ...
First Light for Sunrise III: the first tests with real sunlight were successful. The balloon-borne solar observatory should be ready for launch at the end of May.