SLAM Research Group

Publications of M. Schüssler

Journal Article (124)

Journal Article
Weisshaar, E.; Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M.: No evidence for synchronization of the solar cycle by a "clock". Astronomy and Astrophysics 671, p. A87 (2023)
Journal Article
Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M.: Loss of toroidal magnetic flux by emergence of bipolar magnetic regions. Astronomy and Astrophysics 636, A7 (2020)
Journal Article
Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M.: Solar activity: periodicities beyond 11 years are consistent with random forcing. Astronomy and Astrophysics 625, A28 (2019)
Journal Article
Cameron, R. H.; Duvall, T.; Schüssler, M.; Schunker, H.: Observing and modeling the poloidal and toroidal fields of the solar dynamo. Astronomy and Astrophysics 609, A56 (2018)
Journal Article
Schüssler, M.; Cameron, R. H.: Origin of the hemispheric asymmetry of solar activity. Astronomy and Astrophysics 618, A89 (2018)
Journal Article
Borrero, J. M.; Jafarzadeh, S.; Schüssler, M.; Solanki, S. K.: Solar Magnetoconvection and Small-Scale Dynamo Recent Developments in Observation and Simulation. Space Science Reviews 210 (1-4), pp. 275 - 316 (2017)
Journal Article
Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M.: An update of Leightons solar dynamo model. Astronomy and Astrophysics 599, A52 (2017)
Journal Article
Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M.: Understanding Solar Cycle Variability. Astrophysical Journal 843, 111 (2017)
Journal Article
Cameron, R.; Jiang, J.; Schüssler, M.: Solar Cycle 25: Another Moderate Cycle? Astrophysical Journal 823, L22 (2016)
Journal Article
Cameron, R.; Schüssler, M.: The turbulent diffusion of toroidal magnetic flux as inferred from properties of the sunspot butterfly diagram. Astronomy and Astrophysics 591, A46 (2016)
Journal Article
Beeck, B.; Schüssler, M.; Cameron, R. H.; Reiners, A.: Three-dimensional simulations of near-surface convection in main-sequence stars - III. The structure of small-scale magnetic flux concentrations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 581, A42 (2015)
Journal Article
Beeck, B.; Schüssler, M.; Cameron, R. H.; Reiners, A.: Three-dimensional simulations of near-surface convection in main-sequence stars - IV. Effect of small-scale magnetic flux concentrations on centre-to-limb variation and spectral lines. Astronomy and Astrophysics 581, A43 (2015)
Journal Article
Cameron, R.; Schüssler, M.: The crucial role of surface magnetic fields for the solar dynamo. Science 347, 1261470 (2015)
Journal Article
Hanasoge, S.; Miesch, M. S.; Roth, M.; Schou, J.; Schüssler, M.; Thompson, M. J.: Solar Dynamics, rotation, convection and overshoot. Space Science Reviews 196, pp. 79 - 99 (2015)
Journal Article
Jiang, J.; Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M.: The cause of the weak activity cycle 24. Astrophysical Journal 808, L28 (2015)
Journal Article
Cameron, R. H.; Jiang, J.; Schuessler, M.; Gizon, L.: Physical causes of solar cycle amplitude variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119, pp. 680 - 688 (2014)
Journal Article
Jiang, J.; Cameron, R. H.; Schüssler, M.: Effects of the scatter in sunspot group tilt angles on the large‐scale magnetic field at the solar surface. Astrophysical Journal 791, 5 (2014)
Journal Article
Reiners, A.; Schüssler, M.; Passegger, V. M.: Generalized investigation of the rotation‐activity relation: Favoring rotation period instead of Rossby number. Astrophysical Journal 794, 144 (2014)
Journal Article
Riethmüller, T. L.; Solanki, S. K.; Berdyugina, S. V.; Schüssler, M.; Pillet, V. M.; Feller, A.; Gandorfer, A.; Hirzberger, J.: Comparison of solar photospheric bright points between SUNRISE observations and MHD simulations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 568, A13 (2014)
Journal Article
Schüssler, M.: Magnetfelder auf der Sonne. Praxis der Naturwissenschaften - Physik in der Schule 2/63, pp. 26 - 30 (2014)

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