Logo: IMPRS for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen - International Max Planck Research School - Solar System School


Solar system science lecture notes, Solar system science seminar talks, professional skills courses notes, PhD position advertisements, IMPRS posters, PhD dissertation theses in Solar system science.

Solar System Science Lecture Notes

Lectures in astrophysics, solar physics, planetary sciences, planetary geology, space instrumentation. Solar system seminar talks.

IMPRS Retreats

Solar System School Qualification Courses

Solar System School Retreat 2024

Solar System School Retreat 2019

Solar System School Retreat 2016

Solar System School Retreat 2015

Solar System School Retreat 2014

Solar System School Retreat 2013

Solar System School Retreat 2011

Solar System School Retreat 2009

Solar System School Retreat 2008

Solar System School Retreat 2007

Solar System School Retreat 2006

Solar System School Retreat 2005

Solar System School Retreat 2004

PhD dissertations

Doctoral theses in Solar System Science

Solar System School Flyer

Solar System School
Flyer (2016)

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